I Have a Trillion Merits

: Give you a chance

Li Yuan looked at the weird person in front of him silently, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more in his eyes.

Although this person didn't know the rumored Langshan Pirate from his appearance, he had to be careful about guarding others.

As Li Yuan moved to the side, he respectfully said, "Since the senior is fine, the junior will leave first."

As he said, he used his magical powers and rushed towards the city. The speed was so fast that he had already broken through his own limit and reached the level of a fairy.

Looking at the city gate close at hand, a flash of joy flashed in Li Yuan's heart, and the mysterious person didn't stop him.

Once he entered the city, he was completely safe.

There is the city lord’s mansion to monitor the city, and it is forbidden to fight in private.

Of course, if the younger generation is fighting, as long as there is no problem, they will not ignore it, because only healthy competition can speed up the practice of those younger generations.

Seeing that he was about to enter the city, Li Yuan felt that the city gate was getting farther and farther away from him before his joy spread.

At the edge of Daze, Hong Yun looked up prestigiously and glanced at Li Yuan who was about to run to the city gate.

Then Li Yuan felt as if he was floating in the air, unable to speak or move, and even the mana in his body was instantly stagnant, and there was no possibility of any movement.

Li Yuan secretly said that it was not good, he could still do this under the suppression of the Chaos City formation, at least at the level of a big Luo Jinxian, when did he provoke such great power.

Almost when he just felt unable to move, he saw the red cloud standing in front of him when he raised his head.

Li Yuan was shocked, but realized that at this time he seemed to have recovered his ability to move. He stepped back again and again, saying, "What did the younger generation do wrong, which provokes the seniors. Please see the seniors forgive me because of the face of my Li family. Good."

Hong Yun looked at Li Yuan, who was retreating in front of him, with a nervous expression on his face, a little weird.

This child...could it be that he is stupid.

I am so terrible.

However, Li Yuan's approach is correct. Cultivation is actually going against the sky. Under the suppression of strength, he still has to be counseled.

Hong Yun coughed slightly, and Li Yuan felt that his figure was imprisoned again, and he moved directly to the predecessor in front of him, only three feet away.

Looking at the power of law that Li Yuan tried to hide from his body, Hong Yun's eyebrows moved slightly, and his heart cried out for fun. This power of law seemed to sense his own existence, and actually wanted to hide himself.

Hong Yun said, "Have you touched anything strange before?"

Hearing Hongyun speaking, Li Yuan's face was strange, and he didn't know how to answer.

Then he said: "Junior doesn't know what the strange thing the senior said...what is it?"

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and continued: "Then you can see why your cultivation is stagnant here."

After hearing what Hongyun said, Li Yuan sighed deeply, a look of pain appeared on his face.

Whispered: "Senior came to see me joke too?"

Hong Yun was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't understand what this person was talking about.

Li Yun sighed in his heart. Born among the giants like the Li family in Chaos City, after hundreds of years, some people have already achieved the Golden Fairy realm, even the Taiyi Golden Fairy level.

But he hasn't even reached the heavenly immortal, but he is a waste of the famous big family in Chaos City.

Whether it is the ordinary people in the city or the children of the major families, none of them look down upon him.

The only one who looks down on him is his mother.

However, decades ago, his mother wanted to enter Langya Mountain to find him a treasure that could allow him to break through, but she fell into the mountain.

Since then, no one in this Chaos City can afford him.

Now this strange power who has never met before, is it possible to look down on him?

Listening to Li Yuan's words, Hong Yun shook his head slightly, raised his hand to face Li Yuan's body a little, and the power of an invisible law spread out, hiding the space in the void.

Subsequently, the power of the law extended to Li Yuan's body, trying to strip away the law of space in his body.

However, the law of space is so deep that it will even invade Li Yuan's soul to continue to hide. At this time, if Hongyun wants to completely peel it off, it is tantamount to tearing Li Yuan's soul.

Such stripping methods are almost impossible for Li Yuan to bear.

Above the two of them, there was thunder in the void, and the red cloud faintly saw a line of cause and effect hidden in it.

If this person's soul is forcibly torn apart at this time, I am afraid that there will be a big cause and effect.

Perhaps this person is not that important to Hongmeng, but the power of space in his body seems to have some origin.

Just when Hong Yun could clearly feel the power of space in Li Yuan's body.

The originally quiet little tower was a little excited, jumped out directly, and began to circle around Li Yuan continuously.

It seemed that there was something he wanted in Li Yuan's body.

Hong Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and at this moment, he knew a little bit why in the emptiness before, there would be a line of cause and effect hidden in Heaven.

The power of space in this person should come from the same place as the small tower.

Neither is a great thing.

In this way, the power of this space exists in the Hongmeng, which means that the rest of the small tower is likely to also exist in the Hongmeng.

Hong Yun's heart moved, perhaps he could take advantage of this time and try to find the other missing parts of the small tower.

The small tower that is not yet complete has such magical powers. If the small tower after the completion will bring him any surprises, this can be a try.

However, for the immediate matter, it is still necessary to find a way to completely take out the power of the space within the human body, otherwise, it seems that the small tower looks like it will not stop.

As soon as he thought of this, Hong Yun raised his hand to mobilize a force of merit and directly penetrated into Li Yuan's body to protect the other's spirit.

He opened his mouth and said, "Boy, how about the chance that this seat will give you today? If you succeed in resisting the past, it will be smooth sailing for you to point to Da Luo Jinxian in your future practice."

Li Yuan was overjoyed when he heard Hongyun speak. He naturally knew that some might like to travel the world, but he never thought of being touched by himself.

If this senior really solves the problem of his inability to advance in cultivation, he will no longer have to be scorned by others in the future, and he can even fulfill his mother's wishes and achieve the position of Da Luo Jinxian.

But he could also hear that the senior in front of him hadn't finished speaking, what would happen if he couldn't make it through.

Li Yuan said, "What if the younger generation can't make it through?"


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