I Have a Trillion Merits

: Red cloud means

Hong Yun said faintly, as if life and death were nothing but an insignificant thing in his eyes.

Li Yuan was shocked, and his expression was a little confused.

Although his current life is not good, he suffers endless ridicule and humiliation every day, but with the name of the Li family, there has never been a threat between life and death.

Although the senior in front of him does not seem malicious.

But who can guarantee that he can survive the opportunity in his mouth, if it really fails to survive, wouldn't it be dead.

Li Yuan frowned and began to think in his heart whether he would accept this opportunity.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "The junior is willing to accept this opportunity, and ask senior to help me."

Hong Yun couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face when he heard the words.

Naturally, he knew in his heart that this person was determined to escape the temptation of this opportunity.

Having stagnated in this realm for such a long time, being a Hongmeng person is not normal, and he is still a child of a big family.

This person can be regarded as tenacious to live up to now.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Well, if that's the case, then I will give you this opportunity, and see if you can catch it."

Upon hearing this, Li Yuan's face suddenly became resolute.

He should not be bullied and nicknamed **** as usual. He has to prove it to the family.

He is not a trash, he wants to take back what should be taken.

Li Yuan closed his eyes slightly.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun once again mobilized a force of merit and directly submerged into Li Yuan's body, protecting his soul.

Li Yuan just felt like he was in his mother's body, warm and comfortable.

next moment.

Hong Yun's hand has the principle of the Great Dao manifested, directly covering the entire palm of his hand, and stretched out towards Li Yuan's chest.

The palm of the hand that covers the law of the great road seems to have passed through nothingness.

Li Yuan stretched directly into his body without any damage to his chest.

The goal is directed at the power of space that is about to break through the power of merit and merge into its soul.

That group of space power is now trying its best to break through the barrier that protects Li Yuan, the barrier formed by the power of merit.

It just covered Li Yuan's soul, like a strong protective film.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "I want to hide, come out for this seat."

The words fall.

Without stopping his hand, he stretched directly to the power of the space, firmly grasped the power of the space, held it in his hand, and pulled it out.

At this moment, his eyes were closed tightly, as if Li Yuan was in the mother's womb.

He opened his eyes suddenly, the blue veins between his neck were exposed, his complexion was savage, and he felt the pain as if he had cut his soul.


Li Yuan's face was savage, and he roared in an instant, only feeling that his soul was about to be divided into two halves, and the intense pain almost made him faint completely.

In his body, the force of space stubbornly grabbed Li Yuan's soul, letting Hongyun do whatever he wanted, just like a mad dog, he would not let go.

Hong Yun said in a low voice: "Hold it...If you can't hold it, you will be shattered now, and you will die. After you pass it, you will be able to step on the sky and the sword will point to the fairyland of Daluo."

Hong Yun's voice directly affected Li Yuan's soul. Even though he was about to faint at the moment, he still heard Hong Yun's words.

Li Yuan roared, and then gritted his teeth. For hundreds of years, he has had enough of his eyes and humiliation. He doesn't want to live in such a wasteful way. The greatest opportunity is by his side at this moment and he must seize it. .

"Seniors can do whatever they want, but juniors can still hold them."

Li Yuanqiang gritted his teeth, then gritted his teeth, desperately resisting the pain from his soul.

Upon seeing the red cloud, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

He was very aware of the pain Li Yuan was suffering at the moment, even the perseverance of some big Luo Jinxian could not resist, and could not bear such pain.

However, this Li Yuan is not enough to support the cultivation base of the gods.

This surprised him a bit.

After this time, if Li Yuan could survive, his future achievements would not be much weaker than that of Sima Xuan.

The red cloud divine consciousness covers the inside and outside of Li Yuan's body, always feeling the existence of the power of that space.

He could clearly see that the power of merit enveloping Li Yuan’s soul at this moment was about to dissipate. If the barrier that the power of merit turned into disappeared completely, even if Li Yuan’s willpower was strong, it would not be possible to tear it in the soul. Survive in the case of cracking.

With a gloomy expression, Hong Yun once again mobilized a mass of merit from his body to cover Li Yuan's soul to prevent his soul from tearing apart.

At the same time, the power of the law in his hand became more concentrated, spreading from the palm of the hand toward the power of the space, trying to completely separate it from Li Yuan's soul with the power of the law.

After a while, the power of the law slowly entered between the power of space and Li Yuan's spirit like water passing through a light gap, completely wrapping the power of space.

As a result, the expression on Li Yuan's face was a lot more relaxed, and the pain from the soul was reduced by more than half.

Eyebrows beating wildly.

He already had some speculations in his heart, maybe he could survive, the chance that he received from the senior survived.

Just when he thought of it in his heart.

Hong Yun suddenly exerted force on his hand, and directly pulled out the power of the enclosed space from Li Yuan's body.

The outflow of the power of space made Li Yuan's soul unstable and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, Hong Yun made his move in time to consolidate his soul, otherwise he would dissipate directly in the void, completely disappearing.

Li Yuan opened his eyes slightly, only to feel a blur in front of him.

After that force of space was caught by Hongyun, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

The speed of practice that had been suppressed by the power of space was completely liberated.

Including the mana that was plundered by the power of space before, and the backlog of mana in his body burst out at this instant.

Instant time.

Li Yuan's cultivation is rising steadily.



Late Tianxian.


Mid-Golden Fairy.


Li Yuan, who had not yet reached the Celestial Immortal, was directly promoted to the mid-term Golden Immortal cultivation base at this instant.

He can feel it clearly, and give himself a hundred years.

He can reach the Golden Immortal Consummation and directly break through to the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, even in his own family, he is also a leader.

At this time, Li Yuan just came back to his senses and looked around.

It was discovered that Hong Yun had long since disappeared.

Li Yuan sighed slightly in his heart. Even the city lord had seen his own problems earlier, but the city lord could not solve them, but now they were solved by this senior.

Even in less than half a day, he directly broke through to the cultivation base of the middle Golden Immortal, which spanned several stages.

It's a pity that Senior left too fast, otherwise if he could be defeated by Senior, he would not be able to reach the level of City Lord.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan sighed secretly, but when he calmed down, a wave of pride grew in his heart, since his physical problems had been completely resolved.

In the future, who would dare to look down upon himself, thinking of this, he turned around and galloped towards the city gate.

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