After Li Yuan returned to the city, the place returned to silence again.

Hong Yun hid in the void, looked at Li Yuan who had entered the city, nodded slightly.

This son's willpower is far beyond his imagination.

When the force of that space was tearing his soul, Hong Yun was already ready to assume cause and effect.

But he didn't expect that this person actually carried it abruptly.

You know, even Da Luo Jinxian would not necessarily resist the tearing of the soul.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and stopped paying attention to Li Yuan.


He looked down at the power of space he held in his hand, which was different from the power of Hongmeng and Honghuang.

Mysterious, mysterious...

Inside his body, a roar sounded, and the excited little tower jumped out directly, turning around him.

Attention was all focused on the power of space in Hongyun's hand.

Hong Yun had already seen the extraordinary of this small tower before, and being able to make the small tower show such an excited posture at this moment was enough to prove the extraordinary power of this space.

It is even very possible that the power of this space and the small tower come from the same source and come from the same place.

Hong Yun thought to himself in his heart, raised his hand and gently, so that some of the jumping towers were quiet, floating beside him, still looking at the power of the foreign space in his palm.

After a while, Hong Yun threw the power of the space in his hand upward, and the small tower flew up by itself, directly swallowing the power of the space in the air.

Hong Yun quietly watched the little tower's performance after devouring the power of space.

I saw that the small tower floating in the air completely swallowed the power of the space, and the cracks on it were clearly recovering.

Hong Yun had previously concluded that the crack on the small tower should have been hit by someone when he was about to break.

It was the unknown battle that separated the spire and the tower body, leaving a trace of cracks on the small tower today.

It's just that he didn't expect that the power of space found in Hongmeng's native creatures could actually repair the cracks on the small tower, which surprised him a bit.

After the small tower swallowed the power of the space, the whole suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

Hong Yun waved his hand slightly, raised his hand and placed a formation to cover the light of this place, so that the light emitted from the small tower did not leak at all.

Then, with the integration of the power of this space, the cracks on the small tower began to slowly repair.

In that crack, there is a group of space power circulating in it, seeming to mending the cracked small tower.

It's just that the amount of power in this space still seems to be a little insufficient, but when the crack has just been repaired halfway, it is almost exhausted.

Upon seeing this situation, Hong Yun moved in his heart and raised a bold idea.

From the long dragon of merit in his mind, he drew out millions of merits and slowly merged it into the cracks of the small tower with mana.

Then I saw the small tower after the integration of the power of merit.

The power of the space that had been used to repair the cracks in the small tower also had golden light flowing, melting and continuing to flow.

It's like adding supplementary energy, so that the originally lacking space power, with the help of these millions of merits, began to extend without limit.

Hong Yun began to control the energy in this with the power of his mind to continuously supplement into the cracks.

After a long time, the fully integrated space power and millions of merits directly repaired the cracks in the small tower.

The body of the small tower shook suddenly, emitting a dazzling golden light, and there was a special spatial law flowing on it, looming in the void.

Hongyun raised his hand and held the small tower in his hand, and explored whether Shentong had changed.

It was precisely because of this investigation that it gave Hongyun a big surprise.

The original small tower's ability to travel through space has been greatly enhanced by the integration of the power of space.

Not only that, but now he can use the small tower to freely shuttle between Hongmeng and the Primordial Realm, and no longer need to travel to the edge of the world to find places with weak spaces to shuttle around the world.

And inside the small tower, there seems to be a strange space.

It's just that now he can't open it, perhaps because the small tower is not complete enough, he can only watch the leopard.

Just knowing that there is this special world in it, but not getting into it.

Hong Yun looked at the small tower in his hand, his eyes filled with rich satisfaction.

Now he has one more treasure in his hand, even if he encounters some extremely powerful Chaos Gods and Demons in the future, he will have the power to protect himself.

Although the mosquito road man who was collected by him in the Cosmos Promise Gourd is in the middle stage of the Chaos Gods and Demons.

However, in the previous battle, if it was not for the carelessness of the mosquitoes to give Hongyun an opportunity, relying on Hongyun's strength to be at most 50-50 with the mosquitoes.

It is still far from the strength to include it in the Universe Gourd.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun felt a secret joy in his heart. These chaotic gods and demons didn't seem to have reacted from the ancient times.

Although the current saints are not necessarily the opponents of the Chaos Gods and Demons, one can still fight if one has the intention and the other is unintentional.

Speaking of this, the mosquito man was also unlucky. He finally encountered a creature from the prehistoric, but he was caught by a miss.

The Red Cloud Spiritual Sense sank into the Universe Promise Gourd, wanting to see the current situation of the mosquitoes.

As soon as his spiritual sense entered the gourd, he saw the mosquito man holding a black mouthpart, and he was now concentrating on cracking his red sand prison world.

However, this Red Sand Prisoner was made by Red Cloud using a large amount of merits and combining this innate spiritual nature.

Among the powerful functions, how can the mosquito man, the trapped beast, be able to crack it.

I saw in the red sand prison world, no matter how the mosquito person moves or uses any magical spells, he can't break the barrier that traps him.

Today's mosquito person's figure is already a bit embarrassed, and the long-term mana consumption, coupled with resisting the invasion of the red sand prisoner, began to slowly consume.

Comparing the inside of the gourd can't help him replenish mana, in the case of no entry.

According to the current mana consumption of the mosquito man, it will be completely consumed in less than a hundred years.

At that time, Hong Yun could find a way to make him worship under his command, and return to the wilderness with the mosquito man.

Hong Yun glanced down at the mosquito man who was still struggling, and a smile couldn't help showing on his face.

Just as he slowly recovered, he saw the giant whale shrunk to the size of a grain of rice, roaring at Daze in front of him.

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