Looking at the giant whale roaring at Daze, Hong Yun's eyes flashed with surprise.

Since he had subdued the giant whale, the giant whale has been his mount, and he showed no abnormality during this period.

But at this moment, after Xiaota repaired the cracks, he began to scream at Daze in front of him.

This made Hong Yun's heart a little doubtful, could it be that there was something under this Daze that could not be achieved?

Thinking of this, Hong Yun covered his eyes with mana and cast his magical powers to look towards the bottom of Daze.

I saw Daze in the range of tens of thousands of miles, with thick silt at the bottom, and everything in the water, but there was no abnormality, as if the ordinary Daze was no different.

Hong Yun raised his hand and patted the head of the giant whale, trying to comfort the other party and calm the giant whale.

But the next moment, the giant whale roared more wildly, and the invisible sound waves spread out instantly, drifting directly on the surface of Daze, setting off layers of waves and surging, and it seemed that it would not stop.

And while roaring, the giant whale looked at the red cloud, seeming to want to express something.

Looking at the appearance of the giant whale now, Hong Yun seemed to have noticed something wrong.

After all, this giant whale is a native creature in the Harmony, and its heels and feet are the strongest of the Harmony. At this time, it will naturally not aimlessly, and roar at a great zeal that has nothing.

Under this great zeal, something must exist in the world, whether it is a creature or something else.

Hong Yun once again focused his attention on the bottom of Daze. This time, he covered his eyes with the power of law and looked towards the bottom of Daze. Suddenly, a strong force of law spread out in an instant and spread downward.

Beside him, the small tower appeared out of thin air, and around Hong Yun's side, the power of space was radiating non-stop, and it was completely integrated with the means previously used by Hong Yun.

The power that turned into a peculiar law spreads toward Daze. Wherever the power of this law passes, there is a sense of illusion broken, and layers of invisible barriers are broken.

In the final dissipated and void, everything seems to be nothingness.

Hong Yun chuckled and said: "That's how it turns out, the means that someone has deployed here can actually block the saint's investigation. It's really amazing."

He had previously used magical powers to investigate Daze here, but he found nothing. Without the help of the small tower, I am afraid that this investigation will still find nothing.

When the giant whale saw that the formation above Daze shattered, it made a happy neigh, and then its head rubbed against Hongyun's chest, like a baby acting like a baby.

Hong Yun knew in his heart that he wanted to enter Daze to find out, Dang Even nodded.

After seeing Hong Yun nodding, the giant whale flashed a burst of light above its body, which directly increased to about one hundred meters, stopped in front of Hong Yun, floating quietly in the air.

Hong Yun picked his toes slightly and landed directly on the head of the giant whale and sat down, and then tapped his finger on the head of the giant whale.

The giant whale screamed happily again, and sprinted directly toward the bottom of Daze. The speed was extremely fast, and the water flow was directly opened. Many turbulent splashes evaporate directly in the air.

It turned into water vapor and began to spread over Daze, and finally condensed into a thick water mist, guarding the place like a natural formation.

After the giant whale entered the water, the creatures in Daze seemed to know, and began to flee around, and a panic began to gradually spread among the creatures of Daze.

Although Daze has a certain miracle here, a creature like a giant whale has never been born.

It can be said that the strongest creatures in Daze here are some golden celestial level underwater generals, and because of this, there are no mortals on the edge of Daze here.

Generally, practitioners will rest here for a while.

Among the caves at the bottom of Daze, some water monster nests with a golden immortal level were trembling in their caves.

They didn't expect that there would be creatures with such a terrifying cultivation level here, almost like gods and demons, as if they could dominate their life and death with a single thought.

In the Crab Spirit Cave Mansion that had been practicing for thousands of years, a little demon walked in tremblingly below.

Seeing the same frightened crab spirit, he opened his mouth and said: "General, there is a man who came by a giant whale and is rushing towards the endless abyss."

Hearing the words, the crab spirit couldn't help but his complexion changed, and he hurriedly said: "Are you sure you are watching carefully, is that person really rushing towards the endless abyss?"

This endless abyss is the forbidden area in Daze here. Located at the bottom of the southeast of Daze, it is a bottomless gully. It is rumored to be traces of the battle between gods and demons here.

And there is a more important reason why this endless abyss is classified as Daze's forbidden land.

That is, every time in this endless abyss, a strong suction will be emitted. All the creatures located in a hundred miles near the endless abyss can not escape the pull of this suction and fall into the endless abyss.

There used to be great spirits in Daze who did not believe in evil, and relied on his own Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, wanted to enter it, and threatened to obtain great opportunities from it.

As a result, when the forbidden area erupted, he was completely sucked into it by the suction of the endless abyss, and never appeared again.

It can be said that throughout the tens of thousands of years in Daze, none of the creatures that have entered the endless abyss has yet to be able to escape from it alive.

Therefore, all the creatures in Daze classify it as a forbidden place.

The little demon who came to report the news repeatedly nodded, indicating that he did not look at the dazzling eyes, that the man was indeed rushing to the endless abyss.

The Crab Spirit's eyes lit up, and after such a long time, someone still caught the attention of the endless abyss.

Although that person is not Daze creature...

According to their knowledge, they have seen practitioners come to the edge of Daze for a long time, but they have never seen a practitioner enter the Daze.

After all, there are formations in this Daze, and ordinary practitioners cannot enter the Daze.

Thinking of this, Crab was meticulously puzzled. Since practitioners cannot enter the Daze, how did the Taoist with such a scary existence enter the Daze.

After the breath of the giant whale was gone, the crab spirit wanted to surface to see if the original formation above Daze still existed.

He first instructed the little demon below to come to the surface to test whether it was dangerous.

However, after the little demon surfaced, it took a long time to report.

The crab essence surfaced directly after being unable to bear it.

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