After Hong Yun pushed open the stone gate, he found that there was an invisible law supporting it, and there was no water flowing into it at all.

Everywhere in the eye are some treasures of heaven and earth that have lost their aura, scattered messily along the entire passage.

Hong Yun looked at everything on the ground with some doubts in his heart. It seemed that the things here were completely different from what he had imagined. Could it be that he had guessed something wrong.

Hong Yun stepped forward slowly, trying to find the key.

But after he walked for nearly a hundred miles, he saw a sealed stone gate, which was still engraved with the terrifying atmosphere that filled the space.

Hong Yun took a deep breath and was about to open the door when he heard a voice coming from a distance.

"This fellow Taoist, is he here to find a poor way?"

Hong Yun turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a plain-clothed Taoist standing not far away, looking at him.

The Taoist is eight feet tall and looks kind, like an ordinary person.

But because of this, I just saw the horror of the other party, how ordinary people can appear at the source of the endless abyss.

Hong Yun thought about it in his heart, combining with the spatial principles that were all over here before.

With a move in his heart, he also recognized the person who came. This person was the Chaos Space Demon Yang Mei who had escaped from the Great Tribulation.

At its peak, his cultivation level reached the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.

You know, the realm above the sage is in the same realm as Pangu Great God, just like Hongjun who fits the Heavenly Dao now.

However, the great **** Pangu is responsible for opening the sky, and his fate is determined.

Therefore, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were killed, and those who fled to escape, and those who fled basically came to the Hongmeng.

This raised eyebrow is naturally no exception.

Is it possible that this raised eyebrow is the source of the endless abyss here, but what is the law of space that is different from the two realms.

Hong Yun frowned and had some doubts in his heart. If this was really raising his eyebrows, then he would have to be careful.

After all, there were rumors in his previous life that the strength of raising eyebrows even surpassed Hongjun in ancient myths.

Appearing here this time made him a little surprised.

According to his previous thoughts when he met the mosquito person, this person should not appear here.

And also sealed Daze here with a formation.

So that the creatures in Daze cannot go out, nor can the creatures outside Daze enter.

What does he want to do?

Hong Yun frowned slightly, but still arched his hands and said, "I have seen Taoist friend Yang Mei, Hong Yun is polite."

Raising his eyebrows and looking at Hongyun, there was a gleam in his eyes.

Suddenly asked aloud: "You came from a predicament."

Hong Yun nodded.

When Yang Eyebrows and the original mosquito person saw him, they asked the same question.

It seems that they really have no way to return to the prehistoric times.

Raising his eyebrows once again said: "Like the nearby prehistoric, the gods and demons have disappeared, I think it should be the collapse of the creatures, and the glory of the past will not be the same."

Hong Yun shook his head and said: "Today's predicament is full of life, humanity is prosperous, and heaven is clear, far beyond the original chaotic period."

Raising his eyebrows and hearing the words, he was a little surprised, and the laws outside his body fluctuated.

Obviously, what Hongyun said had a certain impact on him.

He originally thought that Pangu's opening of the sky was a farce.

At that time, three thousand gods and demons went to stop one after another for their own safety, trying to make Pangu Kaitian fail.

However, Pangu was too powerful and killed many gods and demons.

Most of the remaining surviving gods and demons also escaped into the Hongmeng, and some fled elsewhere.

He originally thought that the great famine after the opening of the sky should be a depression.

But the news from this population also surprised him, and some questioned the thinking of himself and others at that time.

Hongyun didn't prohibit this, and it naturally spread into the gourd.

After the mosquitoes heard what Hong Yun said, they were also horrified, but they did not expect that the predicament today was such a situation.

But this time when raising eyebrows, the Qi machine leaked.

Hong Yun also felt that the ancestor Yang Mei here in front of him was just a Dharmakaya, not the deity.

But the feeling of raising his eyebrows at this moment is extremely dangerous.

This made Hongyun had to be vigilant for 120,000 points.

Raising eyebrows seemed to notice his gaffe, and said, "Really? This is a little bit beyond my expectation."

"Originally I thought that after he opened the sky, the world would change, the aura would be lost, and the whole world would collapse."

"But I didn't expect that he actually succeeded."

After listening to raising his eyebrows, Hong Yun was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the secret truth of ancient times would be so.

Hong Yun looked at the raised eyebrows in front of him, and said, "This endless abyss is something that your Excellency created!"

"Endless Abyss?"

Raising his eyebrows was a little confused at first, and then he smiled and said, "Is this the title given by Daze Life? It sounds pretty good."


Raising his eyebrows, he looked at the red cloud and said with a smile: "Yes, this endless abyss was created by me. I originally wanted to use the power of living creatures to explore the laws of other worlds, but I didn't expect to be disrupted by you."

With a move in Hong Yun's heart, he used the power of living beings to explore the laws of another world. What he said was the laws of space he discovered before?

According to rumors, the space avenue controlled by Yang Brow.

If he wants to use the laws of otherworldly space to further fulfill his own laws, this is also possible.

And raising eyebrows, it should be that the cultivation base has stagnated for a long time.

He was originally a great power at the same time as Pangu Great God, and he has already entered the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and until today...

Hongyun Guanqi was just standing on top of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Now, with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao, Hongjun can barely be regarded as the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.

But the person with raised eyebrows who has been shackled for so long, must be a little unwilling in his heart, not to mention that he has discovered other laws in this world.

Hong Yun tentatively said: "Sterling the situation? Then the Great Devouring Whale outside was also killed by your Excellency."

As he said, he took out the long sword that he had previously removed from the head of the giant whale, and looked warily at raising his eyebrows.

Raising his eyebrows, he said with a smile: "That's not the case, here I existed before I came, and it should have come from the hand of the powerhouse in another world."

"And this endless abyss is nothing more than a mark left by a strong stranger and a local power."

Hong Yun was shocked when he heard this.

Sure enough, there are great powers in other worlds in Hongmeng, but I don't know if it comes from the same world as Xiaota.

Is Taki in the hands of a strong man in another world?

Hong Yun asked: "Then your excellency, do you know if there are other powerhouses from other worlds in this great monstrous world?"

Yang eyebrows shook his head and said: "I don't know this, but it's the strong man in the outside world who created the endless abyss here."

"I know, that person is not dead yet."

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