I Have a Trillion Merits

: Can Taoists cut love?

After hearing the words raised his eyebrows, Hong Yun was shocked again.

Originally he thought that the foreign powerhouse had already died when he was at war with the Devouring Clan.

But the raised eyebrows who have lived here for a long time are shocking.

Hong Yun frowned and said: "Does fellow Taoist know who is the sacred foreign powerhouse?"

He didn't doubt the words of raising his eyebrows, after all, at their stage, the words were all as they wished, and they would not lie.

Yang eyebrows shook his head and said: "I only know that the man's sword intent is soaring to the sky, and he has more perfect foreign space laws, but after that battle, he completely disappeared and seems to have left Hongmeng."

"But all the signs left here over the years indicate that the person has not left."

Raising his eyebrows and turning his head to look at the end of the stone room, his eyes blurred.

During the conversation between the two, the small tower jumped out of Hong Yun again. The absorption of the laws of the alien space before seemed to restore a lot of vitality.

At least it looks like it now, but it's much more lively, not better than before.

However, the moment he raised his eyebrows and saw the small tower, the whole person became a little bit wrong, the law of the whole body fluctuated outwards, and the eyes were slightly bright.

In order to seek a breakthrough in cultivation, after perfecting his own space laws in Hongmeng, he searched for extraterritorial space laws in an attempt to bypass the analogy, allowing his cultivation to break through to Hunyuan Wuju Luo Jinxian.

But after so many years of searching, I have only found such a place with extraterritorial laws.

Moreover, it was still a thin layer, and now he only penetrated a little fur, and was directly absorbed by the small tower.

Unexpectedly, I ran into this small tower today, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyebrows.

Xiaota also seemed to have noticed something, and quickly returned to the back of Hongyun, carefully raising his eyebrows with the probe.

Hongyun naturally also noticed something wrong.

Raising his eyebrows seemed to be particularly concerned about the small tower behind him, which made him have to be more vigilant.

He opened his mouth and said: "What? Fellow Taoists are interested in this small tower."

Raising his eyebrows and narrowing his eyes, he looked at Hongyun and said, "Family Daoist sees that, then I don't know if Friends Daoist can cut love, let me give this thing."

As he said, raised his eyebrows one step forward and continued: "I can exchange the corresponding treasures, how do fellow Taoists feel?"

After he finished speaking, the small tower shrank directly into Hongyun's arms, not daring to move.

Hong Yun put away the small tower, knowing the importance of the small tower in his heart, and can travel through the endless space.

Has surpassed the innate treasure.

If he was looking for the other half of the small tower, this would be a great treasure, how could he let it to others.

Hong Yun said solemnly: "That disappointed fellow Daoist. I have no plans to cut love with this thing."

When I raised my eyebrows when Hong Yun spoke like this, he knew in his heart that the other party would not lightly move the small tower out.

But for him, that small tower was the key to his breakthrough.

Even if he stayed here is just an incarnation.

He also tried to take the small tower back.

Yang Mei looked at the red cloud in front of him, and a reflection of the world appeared in his hollow eyes, as if there was endless space sinking into it.

With a smile: "This thing is just an ordinary treasure in your hands, but it is different to the poor Tao."

"Why Daoists refuse to exchange them for the poor Dao, to accept their love."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Family Daoist is surprised at these words, as the so-called 3,000 Dadao, but the same way through different routes, why do you still keep your eyes on the treasure in my hand? Why not find another chance and seek a breakthrough."

After the words, Hong Yun stepped back slightly, his mana surged, and he was ready for everything.

Raising his eyebrows, he said, "In that case, what should I do if I have to be poor."

Hong Yun's sharp spear appeared in his hand and said coldly: "Then I can only do one once."

At the moment the Gunkiller appeared, his raised eyebrows narrowed slightly.

Obviously, he did not expect that Luo Mou's sharp spear would actually fall into the hands of this person.

You know, Mozu Luo Maw's combat power is notoriously powerful among Chaos Gods and Demons.

Rao Yangmei and others can only comprehend by relying on their own laws and deal with them for a while.

And they had already learned about the power of this sharp gun.

Raising his eyebrows with a solemn expression, a bell shadow appeared between his hands, floating directly behind him, and it was the Eastern Emperor Bell that had disappeared in the wild.

After the Lich War that day, the Eastern Bell completely disappeared.

Even if Hongyun knew in advance, he had never expected the location of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and could only let it disappear.

Originally, he thought it was Hongjun who secretly shot and took the Eastern Emperor Bell.

But I didn't expect that the Eastern Emperor Bell could break through the space barrier and come to Hongmeng.

And it also fell into Yang Mei's hands.

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "I didn't expect the Eastern Emperor Bell to appear here."

Raise an eyebrow and smile without saying a word.

Raising his hand and flicking on the clock face, an invisible ripple instantly spreads away, like a ripple in the water.

But wherever it passes, it becomes annihilated and disappears invisible.

There are invisible laws of space surrounding it.

Almost want to break through the space.

At this moment, the red cloud was like a rainbow, and a strong fighting intent rushed out of his body, which came from the fighting intent of the top saints in the wild.

The power of the Five Elements Law of his comprehension surrounds Hongyun.

Both eyes looked awe-inspiring and raised his eyebrows.

Raising his hand and tapping the gun in front of him, he smiled: "Since fellow Dao wants to fight against the poor Dao, the poor Dao will satisfy the fellow Daoist."

"Just let Xiao Dao see how strong this Chaos God and Demon is!"

With the lighter of the Killing Spear, the spreading law ripples began to dissipate, and peace was restored in an instant.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Hongyun, with a hint of caution on his face.

Hong Yun's aura at this time became stronger than before, faintly close to the top level of Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

In the gourd at the waist of Hongyun.

Mosquito people are born with a keen sense of smell, and now they have a sense of wind and rain.

In addition, he had previously known that this place was where the eyebrows were raised, so although he couldn't see the outside scene, he could still guess it in seven or eight points.

The mosquito man lay reclining in the red sand prison, allowing the red sand to wash over.

He whispered: "With that small tower, it is inevitable that the guy raising the eyebrows can't afford to think of anything else."

He knew that among these three thousand gods and demons, almost everyone had an extreme desire for breakthrough.

And they want to return to the wilderness in their hearts.

After all, Honghuang is where they grew up.

The space law of the person raising eyebrows has been comprehended to the extreme, unless there is an external law that allows him to follow the analogy.

Otherwise it is difficult to diligently.

But this gave him a chance for the mosquito man to see if Hong Yun would use the gourd.

If he uses the gourd, he has a chance to escape.

Thinking of this, the mosquito person's heart will inevitably rise with a desire: "Fight! The harder you fight, the better."

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