I Have a Trillion Merits

: Please enlighten me

As long as Hongyun hits this eyebrow harder, the more chance he has to escape from this **** gourd.

The mosquito person looked up at the gourd wall above.

Waiting quietly.

outside world.

After Hong Yun raised his hand to touch the ripples of Dao Ze raised by the bell, the bottom of the endless abyss returned to peace again.

In the field, raised his eyebrows and smiled and threw the Eastern Emperor Bell upwards.

Said: "This treasure really came from a predicament, no matter what, let me see how powerful the predatory creatures are today."

In the midair, the Donghuang Bell suddenly grew bigger.

The raised eyebrows flickered and appeared directly beside the Donghuang Bell, and he patted it directly with a palm up.

In an instant, the bell sounded vigorously and spread out.

The powerful breath instantly filled the bottom of the endless abyss, and the stone room here turned into dust directly under the impact.

Dissipated in the water of Daze here.

The ripples were like blades, waving all over the sky, but after a while, they all shot towards the red cloud.

The complexion of the red cloud changed slightly.

In the bells and ripples, he not only noticed that there was a saint's mana mixed in.

More complete space and Taoism are integrated into it.

In mid-air.

The endless ripples submerged in the space, and instantly disappeared in front of the two of them, directly hiding their breath.

Hong Yun stood on the spot with a sharp gun in his hand and looked around warily.

Directly confine the surrounding space by means of saints.

But the next moment, I saw the originally imprisoned space, which was directly torn apart by the blade.

Endless ripples swarmed out of it.

It was almost instantaneous.

He appeared in front of Hong Yun instantly, approaching him directly, trying to take advantage of the time when Hong Yun couldn't react.

Attack directly.

Hong Yun snorted coldly, and the sharp spear in his hand swept out, in the void that was originally a restricted area.

All the ripples of Dao flying in the sky were blocked.

But forcing the current blow, Hong Yun couldn't help but step back a few steps, with a horrified expression on his face.

He originally thought that raising eyebrows was just an incarnation falling here, and his strength should be limited.

But after this fight, he found out.

Even an incarnation of raised eyebrows actually has such strength, it seems to faintly surpass him.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the somewhat horrified red cloud in front of him, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

This time he will fight with Hongyun and will naturally use his best.

What's more, he was an incarnation here again, if he didn't do his best, it would be difficult to win the red cloud.

Originally, he thought that Hongyun was just a saint under the heavenly path in the wild world.

The strength is limited.

But after this fight, he realized that his judgment on Hongyun seemed to be a little wrong.

The strength of this red cloud is not much weaker than his own incarnation.

Raising eyebrows and his heart moved slightly, it seems that if I want to get that baby this time, it may be a little difficult to handle.

After Hongyun blocked this offensive.

He laughed loudly and said, "Pan Dao has a way of shooting, so please ask Dao friends for advice."


Hong Yun raised his arm slightly, and the infinite evil spirit and Dao Ze lingered above the Gunslinger in his hand, pointing straight to raise his eyebrows.

In an instant, the red cloud moved, and the gunshot in his hand seemed to cut through the void.

Endless evil spirits permeated.

The water of Daze evaporates instantly, forming a vacuum zone here.

The endless spirit of life swept along with Hongyun's movements.

The Killing Spear was like a dragon jumping, directly crossing the endless space, and sent it to Yang Mei.

The face of the raised eyebrow changed slightly.

He naturally understood the power of the Gunkiller.

Ordinary gods and demons have almost no enemy of Luo Maw. Apart from the suppression of strength, the most important thing is this sharp gun.

How dare he insist on Hongyun's move.

Immediately with the Donghuang Bell in front of him, he suddenly slapped the face of the clock with both palms, and the law of the whole body surged and injected into the Donghuang Bell.

In an instant, a mighty bell rang.

Turning into the power of the law of space, it condenses ripples, spreads around, and points straight to the red cloud.

However, Hong Yun's smashing spear was inexhaustible, and the force was like a broken bamboo, which directly broke the eyebrows.

The gun was unparalleled, and went straight to raise his eyebrows.

He raised his eyebrows and held the bell in his hand, and filled his body with mana, trying to resist this terrible blow with the Eastern Emperor Bell.

When the two touched fiercely, they made a huge roar.

The entire bottom of the endless abyss was shaking.

The sound of the bell spread thousands of miles, and all the creatures in Daze shivered.

Even the defensive formation of Chaos City outside was trembling.

The change of the defensive formation instantly caused everyone in the city to put themselves at risk.

All thought that there were gods and demons attacking the city.

There are a lot of great powers in the city, wanting to find out why.

But in the end nothing was found.

The water of Daze churned for a while, and then gradually subsided, as if nothing had happened.

The bottom of the endless abyss is directly evaporated into a vacuum zone.

Even the cliffs on both sides trembled slightly.

It took a long time to return to calm.

Hong Yun's face was stern, and as he raised his eyebrows while holding the Donghuang Bell in his hand, his vigilance rose to a new level.

After raising eyebrows blocked the blow, he rushed towards Hongyun directly.

This smashing spear was originally the ultimate treasure of the attack. Although the defense of the East Emperor Bell was extremely strong, it could not be blindly defended.

Must take the initiative.

Looking at the incarnation of raised eyebrows that hit him, Hong Yun sneered.

Although this avatar of raising eyebrows is very strong and even has the level of a top saint, what is his fear.

You know, today's Hongyun is also a top saint.

If even an avatar with raised eyebrows can't stop it, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud.

He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes slightly, and pointed one finger at the void with one hand, instantly revealing the breath of endless space.

As if the space collapsed.

Around Hong Yun's body, the space collapsed and the barriers shattered, like a ferocious beast, trying to swallow it.

Raised his eyebrows and shouted, instantly the space here is like this.

In the void, more space debris was condensed, and the endless laws above appeared, suppressing the red cloud.

If this kind of attack is against other saints in the battle, even if the opponent is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

But if this style is faced with Hongyun, it would be reluctant to make a contribution.

Watching the two-pronged approach, Hong Yun raised her eyebrows at her, and the good luck fairy rod in her other hand appeared.

Face the raised eyebrow directly with the power of good fortune.

Endless life, life and destiny emerged in an instant, and the mutual attraction between Taoism.

The vital energy that had accumulated in the body for so many years immediately caused the speed of raising eyebrows to suddenly stagnate.

A look of shock appeared on the raised eyebrow's face.

In the previous battle, he thought that the opponent was just good at the Five Elements Rule, and used this to break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But he didn't expect that the other party's laws of good fortune were also so powerful.

Hongyun's method has successfully delayed the pace of raising his eyebrows.

His other hand held up the Gunkiller, endless evil spirits rose into the sky, turning into a dragon and rushing out.

Go straight to the space debris in the void.

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