I Have a Trillion Merits

: Xeon Space Magic

Endless evil spirits condensed the spear power, and went directly toward the space debris in the void.

Like a dragon going out to sea, it soars into the sky.

Carrying horrible energy fluctuations and laws, directly and forcibly hit the space debris that raised the eyebrows.

The endless roar sounded.

The cliffs on both sides couldn't help trembling, and the entire bottom of Daze was trembling.

If it weren't for the sturdiness of the Hongmeng world, it is far beyond the prehistoric.

I am afraid that the collision between the two will be enough to crack the wild land and make the space collapse difficult to repair.

This is also the reason why the saint-level battles are all thirty-three days away, and the decisive battle is in chaos.

After successfully breaking the eyebrows.

Raising the eyebrows on the other side also completely solved the entanglement of the power of good fortune, and forcibly suppressed the restless spirit energy in the body.

Hong Yun stretched out his hand and pointed, a divine sword converging on the five-element rule appeared, raised his eyebrows at the attack and cut it.


The bottom of the endless abyss trembled again, and there was an endless roar.

The cliffs on both sides are constantly routing.

In the place where the whale was swallowed, a mana escaped from the remains to stabilize the environment.

Make the inheritance continue smoothly.

He raised his eyebrows and held the Donghuang Bell, and directly blocked Hongyun's strike of the Five Elements Excalibur.

The bells spread.

The raised eyebrows afterwards also received a big shock, and the whole person stopped.

Then the law of the hands lingered.

In the void, the space collapsed again, and the place where the red cloud was, all turned into fragments.

The space of one hundred thousand feet abruptly burst.

Endless space debris burst out, flying everywhere, and the entire Daze sank several feet.

Hong Yun only felt that his body was divided.

I think that raising eyebrows directly affects the body and soul of the enemy.

Rao was a bit painful in his flesh at the level of Hongyun Saint.

Had to use Taoism and mana to resist, to contend with the Taoism that is torn in this space.

Steady body shape, not broken with space.

Seeing raised eyebrows rushed.

Hong Yun's hand swept the smashing spear, immediately swept the entire void, and the endless spear spread out.

Going straight to raise an eyebrow.

Bang! ! !

The raised eyebrow figure involuntarily retreated a great deal, broke through the endless cliff, and shuttled away.

The endless evil spirit invaded, leaving a deep scar on his body.

It seemed that he was about to be cut in half by Hongyun's blow.

If it weren't for the exquisite spatial law of raising eyebrows, most of the power of this force was sent into the void in time, I am afraid it would have been broken in half.

Raising his eyebrows glanced at the red cloud, his eyes were shocked.

He never expected that in the predicament today, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would have such strength.

Even if he is just an incarnation.

But this incarnation of oneself received the Donghuang Bell thousands of years ago, and it is even more comprehension of the law of space.

Coupled with the fulfillment of the two-world space law.

Now he already has the strength of half-step Hunyuan Wuji, but he didn't expect that even so...

He almost spoke in front of Hongyun who was holding a sharp gun.

At this moment, Hong Yun no longer meant to contempt in the raised eyebrows.

Raising his eyebrows and waving his hand, the Law of Endless Space re-stabilized the place and once again came to the position of Hongyun Qianzhang.

Looking at Hongyun, he said, "Friend Daoist, I would like to ask Pang Dao one more question, can you cut love?"

Yang Mei knew in his heart that Hong Yun holding the Gunkiller was extremely difficult, and it was even possible that his incarnation would have to pay a great price.

If it can be done without hands, it is naturally excellent.

I want to come this time, I have already displayed a lot of strength, this red Taoist can also see some.

It depends on how the other party decides.

Before Hong Yun could speak, he raised his eyebrows and said: "I think you are quite curious about the Donghuang Bell, can I wait for one thing for another."

Hong Yun looked at the Eastern Emperor Bell in Yang Mei's hand.

It is true that the Eastern Emperor Bell is a rare treasure, but compared to the ability that the small tower now shows.

There is still some gap between Donghuangzhong.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly and said: "The matter is over, why don't you need to say more, I will wait and decide the winner."

Raising eyebrows and laughing loudly: "Good good."


The laws of the space within his body circulated, forcibly expelling the endless evil spirit left in his body by the Gunkiller.

Then I won't say more, Dang Even shot.

Since the other party felt that there was no need to talk, he couldn't wait to get the small tower in Hongyun's hands.

When even he yelled: "Space flows, everything is gone."

In an instant, the space here began to undergo subtle changes, like a mirror with flowers, water and moon, on the verge of a broken mirror.

From mid-air, space debris rained down.

Hong Yun clearly felt that the laws here had been greatly affected, as if they had turned into nothingness.

In the void.

The endless space debris gathered, condensed into a huge space mill and appeared in front of Hongyun.

This is a collection of endless space debris, claiming to be able to crush all things.

I don't know how big it is, but above his head, there is a black sheet, and Daze is covered by shadows here.

A radius of tens of thousands of miles became a darkness.

This move is one of the strongest magical powers that can be used to raise eyebrows, and it condenses the two worlds' perfect space law.

There are also some space laws of the rest of the world.

Feeling the coercion brought by the great grinding of space, Hong Yun's face was solemn, and the sharp gun in his hand groaned.

Hong Yun clenched the sharp-killing spear tightly, and the spear shot out like a dragon.

Suddenly, a long dragon with condensed foul aura appeared out of thin air, roaring ferociously, and rushing to the space above.

Raising his eyebrows saw the sharpshooter in Hongyun's hand, and then looked at the small tower hiding in his arms, a trace of greed could not help showing in his eyes.

Originally, he only wanted to get the small tower.

But now Hong Yun has an endless stream of treasures, such as Killing Spear, Good Fortune Scepter, Small Tower...

And the long sword he could draw out in the future.

Rao raised the eyebrows and the mentality of the chaotic **** and demon, at this moment could not help but ripples.

In his opinion, Hong Yun is simply a treasure-giving boy.

Even if Hong Yun relied on the benefits of the sharp gun, raised his eyebrows without the slightest fear, after all, his incarnation was already the top strength of Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

In addition, he devotes himself to practice and integrates the extraordinary supernatural powers created by the laws of the Three Realms.

This battle will win! ! !

The Great Grinding of Space has the runes of the Three Realms Space Law, even if the red cloud is strong, it can't break the Great Grinding of Space.

This is the confidence of raising eyebrows.


Countless huge roars were heard, and the space here was almost distorted and shattered, like a mirror flower.

The backwater of Daze water transpired again.

The water surface of the entire Daze dropped by more than three feet.

The ferocious evil spirit dragon in mid-air rushed directly to the space mill, making a terrifying roar.

In the void, the divine light was shining, and the endless space collapsed.

The endless path is twisted.


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