I Have a Trillion Merits

: Hongyun's strongest blow

The ferocious dragon roared out and directly hit the space in the void.

boom! ! !

The sound of explosions came one after another, and the sound was endless and roaring.

The ferocious dragon infiltrated by evil spirits shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into endless pieces of evil energy.

However, after experiencing the long collision of evil spirits, the large grind pattern at high altitude remained motionless.

It was only a slight decrease in speed, but it quickly returned to normal.

The constant pressure of the great grinding of space made the surrounding space crumble every inch, and the water of Daze continued to evaporate and disappear.

A trace of madness flashed in the raised eyebrows.

He then raised his hand and called, and under the red cloud, a huge space fragment suddenly appeared.

Supporting the red cloud, he went up towards the great space.

The two began to merge, trying to sandwich the red cloud in it and crush it completely.

And accompanied by the advent of space grinding.

The supernatural powers of the space spread out from the surface of the big mill, entwining the red clouds away.

Endless magical powers fall.

Hong Yun had to be distracted and resisted, and the sharp spear in his hand kept sweeping, breaking all these magical powers.

But the speed between the two is constantly increasing.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the two will completely merge together, crushing the red cloud into dust.

And facing the two gradually closing.

Hong Yun frowned, then shattered the few magical powers that had fallen.

Two divine lights burst out from the eyes.

Directly towards the space that is gradually depressing upwards, it lasses.

The pupil technique here combines the power of all the laws in the red cloud body, including the powerful destructive power of endless evil spirits.

Directly punched two holes in the space above the mill.

It's just that the hole above the Great Grinding Space appeared in less than one breath, and it healed again.

As if it was just an illusion before.

Raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Fellow Daoist is wasting his energy. It is also a blessing for Daoist to die under this situation.

With that said, the endless law reappeared, and the speed of the two surged again.

Around Hong Yun's body, where the space is, bursts of imprisoning power continue to come, trying to suppress Hong Yun here.

Hong Yun knew his situation in his heart.

If it is really caught between these two, even Hongyun has the top combat power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it will be difficult to escape.

Even if you are not dying this time, I am afraid that the foundation will be destroyed.

Hongyun raised his hand and waved the sharp spear to smash several magical powers again, and the twelve-grade good fortune green lotus appeared on his head.

It completely covers its body and turns into the strongest defense.

Hong Yun looked at the space above her head and felt the terrifying threat here, and the thought in her heart became more and more serious.

He had already thought about the ultimate of supernatural powers.

Now, besides the five elements, what he controls is good fortune and evil spirits, if these are integrated.

Will cause great destructive power.

It's just that the realm of the wasteland is not stable, if it is really used by others, it will not destroy most of it.

But in Hongmeng, he has no such concerns.

"This is also the first time I have made a full shot after becoming a saint. I don't know if it is your luck."

Hongyun muttered to himself.

Around his body, the Five Elements Law is lingering, turning into a roulette and spinning continuously in the void.

Seeing this, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Friends don't have to do a dying struggle."

Hongyun turned a deaf ear.

There are endless forces of good fortune and evil spirits outside, rushing directly to the five-element roulette in the air.

It seems to be integrated into it.

However, the three seemed to restrain each other, and the constant friction burst, and they could not merge.

Hong Yun looked at the space in the sky.

Thoughts flew in the heart.

The power of meritorious deeds is transferred from it, turned into silk thread, wound on it, and merged into it.

The three began to merge slowly.

At this moment, the power of the five elements gathers, and all within a radius of ten thousand meters is the ocean of the law of the five elements.

In this vast ocean.

More powerful fortune and the innate evil spirit carried by the Killing Spear, the power is terrifying.

The constant circulation here exudes fierce terror fluctuations.

Above the space mill, raising his eyebrows to see this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he felt a strong heart palpitations.

It seems that the moves Hongyun is brewing here are very dangerous for him.

Even he has absolute confidence in the space mill.

Did he raise his eyebrows or retreat thousands of feet, manipulating his supernatural powers from a distance, so that he would accelerate to crush the red cloud.

Just before the space mill is about to come.

Hong Yun's eyes burst out with a divine light, and his hand was lifted slightly.

The endless five elements here, the power of good fortune, the innate evil spirit...

Contains endless laws.

All of them were fused on the tip of the Killing Spear, condensed into a terrifying sunspot, exuding strong and terrifying fluctuations.


Hong Yun yelled, and the sharp spear in his hand suddenly pierced out.

The sunspot above the tip of the gun burst out with a dazzling light, and in this light, horrible fluctuations were constantly brewing.

The endless law after the fusion burst out with a powerful force at this moment.

A sunspot, although small, is almost invisible.

But the coercion in it was shocking, causing the surrounding space to continue to crumble and turn into dust.

The sunspot burst open and instantly turned into a ferocious black dragon, his body expanded, reaching a length of a thousand feet.

Where the black dragon passed, the space violently cracked and fragments flew across.

Even the deep void was shattered at this moment, and black holes continued to appear around him.

In the Daze here, countless time and space turbulent tunnels have been opened.

boom! ! !

The black dragon roared up and hit the space mill directly.

Suddenly, the endless energy was released at this moment, and it turned into a dazzling law of light covering a hundred thousand miles.

The great battle array of Chaos City shattered.

Can't condense again for a long time.

The power of the city is exhausted, hovering in the sky of Chaos City, looking at the great defense formation that has not been able to condense for a long time, in fear.

Could it be the gods and demons siege the city?

Everyone looked around in horror, but found no abnormalities, but in Daze's direction.

There is endless light bursting out.

The powerful people rushed towards Daze, but before they got close, they were carried away by air waves.

In the city, Li Yuan looked at Daze's direction, and looked at the flying power.

In his eyes, these were all high and unattainable existences, and now they were flew out without getting close to Daze.

Is this the strength of seniors?

Li Yuan's heart was like a stormy sea. Originally, he thought Senior was only as strong as the city's might.

Now it seems that my original idea is really ridiculous!

In the Daze.

All the creatures were trembling in their cave, and they didn't dare to come out at all.

This battle was terrifying.

The crab essence gifted by Hong Yun barely raised his head and looked at the direction of the endless abyss, his eyes were full of horror.

Did that senior fight against the gods and demons in the endless abyss?

This kind of power is too terrifying.

Just the aftermath made the entire Daze tremble, and countless creatures were panicked.

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