I Have a Trillion Merits

: Yang Mei incarnate, die!

When everyone trembled.

In the endless abyss, the Law of Ten Thousand Ways shines brightly, and the black dragon against the sky carries the potential to destroy all things.

Directly hit the space grinding disc with raised eyebrows.

The black dragon collided with the huge spatial grinding disc, and the angry dragon roared and penetrated directly through it.

Nuoda's spatial grinding disc broke a huge hole directly from the center.

The space collapsed, and the black dragon soared into the sky, roaring and rushing towards the distant raised eyebrows.

In the mid-air, the black dragon's fast-flying figure changed again, instantly turning into one hundred thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, compared to the narrow body before, it turned into a giant at this moment, and shocked the entire body at this moment. Ze.

Residents in Chaos City only saw a black figure of Nuo Da protruding from the Daze, breaking through the thick mist and appearing in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

Chaos City was built for thousands of years, or even longer, but this situation has never happened before.

Some powerful powers all saw that the black dragon was not a real thing, but a manifestation of a certain magical power, but this discovery made the horror in everyone's hearts a little heavier.

This is the case with a magical power alone, it is difficult for them to imagine how powerful the person who displays magical powers is.

Not only them, even raising eyebrows and seeing this scene in his eyes couldn’t believe it. The black dragon broke his space from the middle. Although it was not completely annihilated, it was knocked out abruptly by the black dragon. A big hole, what kind of attack can this be done.

Rumble! ! !

The radius of a radius is trapped in an endless black hole, and the space within a million feet is completely shattered.

If it hadn't been for the Chaos City array to be overloaded and condensed again, I am afraid that even the Chaos City would not escape.

The huge black dragon rushed to raise his eyebrows.

Yang Eyebrow had to temporarily give up his manipulation of the space mill, and the Eastern Emperor Bell he held in his hand rose in the wind instantly, as the black dragon began to grow bigger, as if covering the sky.

Facing the huge black dragon, he shrouded and left.

Before breaking the space millstone, he had already used 80% of the strength of the black dragon. Although the space millstone had not been completely broken, a huge hole was knocked out of it, which was enough for the red cloud to escape.

The castrated black dragon ran into the Eastern Emperor Bell controlled by Yang Mei.

The endless roar sounded here. Although the black dragon was huge at this time, its energy was more than a little bit less than before.

Under the oppression of the East Emperor Bell, it began to shrink continuously.

Then it was completely annihilated under the Eastern Emperor Bell.

And the red cloud on the other side also took this opportunity to escape from the space mill.

"Want to come out! Hmph, daydreaming, space fusion." Yang eyebrows saw Hong Yun want to escape from the hole in the middle of the space mill, and he immediately shouted coldly and displayed his magical powers.

The space that had collapsed in a hole began to shrink crazily.

At the same time, the law of the tray shape below the space mill is also accelerating upwards in an attempt to further close.

The law of endless space squeezed in all directions instantly.

The speed at which the space grinding disc closed began to surge continuously. With such a great opportunity, how could raising eyebrows allow Hong Yun to escape from his supernatural powers.

Especially after seeing the power of Hong Yun's move, raised his eyebrows even more dared not to neglect, and his heart became more determined to keep Hong Yun in the space mill.

Originally, he thought that with his own strength, although it was a bit laborious, he should still be able to kill.

But until now, he has dispelled this idea, and changed from wanting to kill Hongyun to suppressing it, suppressing it in his own space mill.

The face of the raised eyebrow changed slightly, and the law of controlling the space grinding disc became more and more effortless.

Looking at the spatial grinding disc that gradually closed between the heaven and the earth, a sneer appeared on the surface of the red cloud. The complete spatial grinding disc could not stop him. How could it leave him with the magical power that broke a big hole.

Without any hesitation, Hong Yun held the Gunslinger and pierced directly towards the spatial grinding disc.

Endless evil spirits condensed in the void and turned into a long dragon, rushing straight to the space millstone above.

boom! ! !

With continuous roaring sound, the long dragon directly slammed into the spatial grinding disc above, almost as if it were decayed, and then shattered the spatial grinding disc.

Raising his eyebrows looked at the space grinding disc that had been smashed into pieces, and felt a pain in his heart. Although this space grinding disc was only his supernatural powers, it was already comparable to a treasure at this moment.

But even so, this spatial millstone was still shattered under the attack of Hongyun.

But at this time, Yang Mei knew in his heart that it was no longer the time to care about this, that his strongest supernatural power had already been defeated in this battle, and he was no longer Hongyun's opponent.

Hong Yun's strength was beyond his imagination, and his role as an incarnation had not yet been fully achieved.

At least I have to keep this incarnation no matter what.

Just as the retreat in Yang Mei's heart, Hong Yun had already moved, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of Yang Mei, raising his hand and piercing directly toward Yang Mei.

Yang Eyebrow tried his best to avoid Hong Yun's blow, but the speed of the Killing Spear was too fast. Even though he had tried his best to avoid, he was still cut off by Hong Yun.

The mana flow in the raised eyebrows, he wanted to grow his arms again, but in the wound, the endless evil energy was constantly eroding, making his arms unable to grow.

The expression on his eyebrows changed, and he never thought that the strength of this Hongyun would be so powerful.

Dang Even condensed the endless space with supernatural powers and shot directly towards the red cloud.

Seeing this, Hongyun quickly retreated towards the back. He knew in his heart that raising his eyebrows at the moment was a dog jumping the wall, and he was naturally unwilling to hurt both sides. What's more, the raised eyebrows nowadays are a turtle in the urn and it is impossible to escape.

After evading the blow of raising eyebrows, Hong Yun's figure disappeared again, this time directly using the power of the small tower to come directly to the back of raising eyebrows.

The sharp gun in his hand was sent directly, and went straight to the raised eyebrow head.

Raising the eyebrows momentarily, the hairs burst, only to feel that a big horror is coming, when even I want to use the law of space to transfer out.

But when he used the law of space, the small tower also moved.

Directly relying on his powerful spatial ability, he forcibly blocked the surrounding space, making Yang Brow nowhere to escape.

boom! ! !

The Gunslinger passed directly through the chest, opening a huge hole in the raised eyebrow/

Endless evil spirits constantly corroded the wounds of the raised eyebrows, making his physical body unable to heal, and even his spirits were constantly dying out.

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