Raising his eyebrows reluctantly turned his head and looked towards Hongyun, only to see that beside Hongyun, the small tower was wandering around mischievously.

It is precisely because of this seemingly harmless little tower that actually became the key to the death of this incarnation of the eyebrow.

It's ridiculous that he still wanted to find a small tower before, to further consummate his own space law, so that his cultivation can go further.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use this incarnation to fight Hongyun, but he did not expect that he would die on Xiaota's body.

Hong Yun's wrist flicked, and the endless evil spirit on the Great Killer shot directly exploded, bursting the incarnation of Yang Eyebrow instantly.

Dissipated directly into dust in the sky.

A space storm suddenly blew up at the bottom of the endless abyss, and the endless space road swept here like a huge vortex, which was a vortex belonging to the road.

If it weren't for Hong Yun's strength, he would have been torn to pieces by this endless space.

In the endless space storm, the small tower wandered excitedly, devouring the surrounding space laws with big mouths.

Although the raised eyebrow who died here is just an incarnation, the body of this transformed body is integrated with the three-world spatial laws that have been felt for so many years.

From the time when the prehistoric world was undivided, to today's Magnificence, and then to the space law left by the outside world, all of them converged and died in the incarnation here.

Although the Tao has sent the body through the incarnation, it takes a lot of time to raise the eyebrows if you want to fully integrate.

This time, he lost his wife and broke down.

Hongyun looked at the small tower that was eating the laws of the surrounding space with big mouths. With a move in his heart, he immediately began to feel the power of the laws around him.

After the Five Elements Law he had previously understood, he also incorporated many laws of good fortune, and only then did he prove Dao Hunyuan and become a saint now.

This is a person with great perseverance, great fortune, and great merit, so there is only a glimmer of hope to prove the truth.

At the time of the human race, he had even more comprehended the way of salvation. After thousands of years of cultivation and the great purple energy given by the teacher, he only succeeded. Now he has killed the incarnation of Yangbrow.

The law of endless space swept into a storm, and it kept turning here, how could Hongyun not be moved.

Under the storm of the laws here, Hong Yun sat cross-legged on the spot, protecting himself with the twelve-grade green lotus on top of his head, and began to absorb the laws of space here.

Around Hongyun's body, the Five Elements Law manifests itself, the law of gold, the law of wood, the law of water, the law of fire, and the law of earth, condensing and circling in the air.

In the end, it condenses into the same shape as the spatial grinding disc used to raise the eyebrows. In the mid-air, based on the laws of good fortune, it begins to absorb the laws of the surrounding space for insight.

These spatial laws were pulverized a little by the five elements grinding disc, and then sucked into them by the red cloud, and felt the power of the laws.

The first thing Hongyun felt was similar to the law of space in the prehistoric. If nothing else, it was the law of the great avenue possessed by Yang Brow itself. Although it was somewhat different from the prehistoric, it had the same origin.

This made Hong Yun couldn't help but feel more excited, the speed of the power of the soul of the soul was slow, and he directly mobilized the understanding of merit.

Millions of merits turned into dragons and merged into the red cloud soul.

The guardian Hongyun Yuanshen further touched and felt the laws of space around him, first of all the laws of space in the Primordial Continent.

Under the blessing of the power of merit, it appears as if it is a squeaky cocoon.






Hong Yun sat cross-legged on the ground, comprehending the spatial laws of the prehistoric continent, and didn't stop until the 90% stage.

He could clearly feel that his comprehension of the laws of the prehistoric space had come to an end. If he wanted to take a step closer and comprehend the laws of perfect space, it would only be feasible after he returned to the prehistoric space.

After Hongyun felt the law of the prehistoric space, the law storm at the bottom of the endless abyss was reduced by about 40%.

Ninety-nine percent of the aura that belonged to the law of prehistoric space had disappeared, leaving only a faint aura still hovering in place.

In the end, it was sucked by the small tower. At this time, Hongyun discovered that the small tower had always been feeding on the laws of space, whether it was in the prehistoric, in the Harmony, or suspected of being of the same origin as the small tower.

All of them could not escape the absorption of the small tower, and all were absorbed by the small tower.

Hong Yun took a deep breath, looked at the remaining 60% of the space law, and absorbed it again.

Now that he is in the Harmony, it is relatively easier to absorb the Law of Harmony.

After a full half a month or so, the space storm at the bottom of the endless abyss has almost subsided, and only some space laws from the outside world are still circling.

Around those laws of space, the small tower kept circling around, like a shepherd dog who was dedicated to his duties, contrary to the appearance of the previous wolf, he began to guard these laws to prevent them from dispersing.

Seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but put a smile on his face, and raised his hand to summon the small tower.

The small tower immediately broke away from those spatial laws, came to Hong Yun's body, rubbed against Hong Yun, and then fell into Hong Yun's arms, lying down quietly, as if he was sleeping.

Obviously, after absorbing a lot of the two-world space law before, the capacity of the small tower has reached its limit.

All he can do now is to lie quietly in Hong Yun's arms and start to slowly digest the spatial laws that he had previously absorbed.

After the red cloud calmed down the small tower, he began to look at the few space laws that were left at the bottom of the endless abyss. These things were different from the space laws of the two realms of Honghuang and Hongmeng.

And from the previous signs, these spatial laws are likely to come from the same place as the small tower.

When Hong Yun raised his hand, the spatial laws of the Hongmeng and the Primordial Realms were fully revealed. Now he has comprehended 90% of the spatial laws of the two realms, and he can reach Consummation by just a little bit.

Now it is quite comfortable to use.

Hong Yun pointed towards the space laws in the mid-air, and suddenly appeared in the mid-air by the space barrier, directly enveloping the only remaining space laws above, and began to slowly merge.

Today, he holds the law of two realms of space in his hand. If he talks about space together, only the raised eyebrow body can stabilize him.

Now this place only has this space law from the outside world, but it can be incorporated into the space law he has comprehended, and it can be gradually improved with the help of the small tower in the future.

After Hongyun completely absorbed the spatial law in the midair, the cliffs on both sides began to tremble constantly.

In a trance, a loud roar sounded, and a quasi-sage breath instantly spread.

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