I Have a Trillion Merits

: End of inheritance

At the time when Quasi-Senvia spread, the entire Daze's creatures had finally been relieved from the previous battle.

Now the coercion spread to the entire Daze, making them nervous again.

There have not been any creatures in the quasi-sage stage in this Daze for many years.

Now a quasi-sage emerged suddenly, and had to make the rest of the creatures in Daze panic.

However, when they realized that the source of Avia's proliferation was the endless abyss, they all felt relieved.

After all, the previous game was confined to the endless abyss, so in their hearts they didn't think that the power of the two battles would hurt the innocent, but what made them more puzzling.

The aura of the two powerful battles has far surpassed the quasi-saint level, why is there a quasi-saint aura erupting here?


A dense land in the middle of Hongmeng.

Raising eyebrows slowly opened his eyes, with divine light bursting out of them, seeming to have passed through the ten thousand zhang cave in front of him, through the endless space, and pointed directly at the endless abyss where the red cloud was.

He could clearly feel that the avatar he had left in the endless abyss that was used to perceive the laws of external space had disappeared. If nothing else, the avatar would have died.

Before the avatar died, raising his eyebrows could clearly feel that the avatar had gone through a fierce battle.

The person fighting with him was probably at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even a little weaker than his own avatar. This made him a little puzzled. It was clear that his strength was not as good as his own avatar, so why he was killed by him.

If it weren't for the space law that he had understood before the incarnation was passed to the body, I am afraid that his ten thousand years plan would be ruined.

Through the sporadic news from the avatar, he also learned that the space treasure of another world appeared in the endless abyss, which made him a little excited.

The divine light in the raised eyebrows penetrated the endless space, and his body trembled slightly, as if he wanted to stand up, but after a while, the mountains shook and the endless purple gas violent like a sandstorm.

Yang Mei took a deep breath and whispered: "It seems that it will take some time to get out, so you can live for a while."

He originally thought that the energy here was exhausted, but he didn't expect that he could still be confined here, which surprised him a bit.

Since leaving an incarnation in the endless abyss thousands of years ago, he has been wandering all the way in the cosmos, trying to find some special opportunities to make him go further.

Until I came here, it was located on the northernmost border of Hongmeng, and the space barrier was the weakest, which also allowed a lot of outside air to penetrate into Hongmeng.

That's why the raised eyebrows stay here, trying to break the barriers of this space and reach the outside world.

After all, since Pangu opened the sky, he has already come to this world, and he has long understood the laws of space in this world, so he simply wanted to go outside the world to find his own breakthrough opportunity.

However, he never thought that when he just wanted to use a means to break the space barriers here, he was imprisoned by the laws of this world.

He has been imprisoned for thousands of years now. For thousands of years, he has been here to receive the laws of space from the incarnation, and he has concentrated on practicing to try to go further.

I have to say that the laws of space from other worlds really inspired him a lot.

At least, given him a while, he can break free from the shackles here.

He also understood in his heart that this world barrier needs at least one step further before he can barely open it, at least half a step Hunyuan endless big Luo Jinxian can do.

After he breaks free from the shackles of this place, he can go to avenge his avatar and take the treasure of space from the outside world by the way.

Take this to the next level...

The bottom of the endless abyss.

After Hong Yun felt the holy breath from above, a smile appeared on his face.

He knew in his heart that at this moment the little whale had completely accepted the inheritance.

So with a move in his heart, he floated directly upwards, and came directly to the place where the whale was swallowed.

I only saw today's devouring giant whale transforming into a hundred meters in size, floating in the air, watching the ancestor remains in front of me, slowly sliding down like fine sand, drifting away...

The remains of this devouring giant whale has now completed his mission.

It has survived here for at least ten thousand years, and has been tortured daily by the means left behind by the power of the outside world, and now it can be regarded as liberated.

The devouring whale made a long cry in the air, and the huge remains disappeared instantly.

Hong Yun's figure flashed, and he landed directly on the head of the Devouring Whale, patted it gently, soothing his emotions.

He can feel that the devouring giant whale today has a more powerful foundation than before, and the fundamental potential has reached a level. Although he is still a quasi-sage, if he tries his best, he can be said to be able to enter The sage broke his wrist.

Hong Yun couldn't help but sigh secretly, this swallowing giant whale clan is indeed a blessed clan among the great.

Afterwards, he patted the Devouring Giant Whale under him. The matter was over here, and it was time for him to leave Daze here to find a way to explore the guarding formation of Chaos City.

After returning to the wilderness, you can improve the formation on the island.

Before entering Hongmeng, he informed the Five Elements to monitor the progress of this calamity. There are five elements guarding, Hong Yun is also relieved a lot.

When he was on the edge of Hongmeng before, he could still faintly perceive the existence of the five elements, but then the more deeply he went into Hongmeng, the connection between his three corpses and the body became weaker.

Even when he fought with the avatar of Yangbrow before, the connection between the three corpses and the body was completely cut off.

It wasn't until he understood the spatial laws of the two worlds that the connection between the three corpses and the body was restored, and it was much clearer than before. Although it was still a bit vague, it could at least convey joy.

With the news transmitted through the five elements, he also roughly knew the process of measuring the robbery at this time.

So now it is not so impatient.

Hong Yun sat on top of the Devouring Whale's head, slowly rising, leaving the endless abyss, and directly out of Daze.

After leaving Daze, he saw that at the head of Chaos City, the power of the city was floating in the air, looking towards Daze.

The previous earth-shattering battle in the endless abyss put everyone in the Chaos City at risk. If they could not feel the source of the battle fluctuations, these mighty people might think that the gods and demons would attack the city.

Now that the battle fluctuations have disappeared, and the great defense formation has restored its former calm, everyone knows that the battle is over.

Simply stand at the head of the city and see it clearly.

After all, judging from the aftermath of the previous battle, no matter which powerful person wins, they have no way to escape from his men. They can only look at luck and whether the person who wins is kind.

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