I Have a Trillion Merits

: City Lord Mansion

Moreover, this red cloud did not hide his figure, and left Daze directly sitting on top of the devouring whale.

At the Chaos City, everyone only saw the water of Daze surging continuously, a behemoth slowly emerging from the water, and the endless lake water continued to drip, until the swallowing giant whale completely revealed its figure.

Everyone saw the red robe sitting on the head of the giant whale at a glance, and they were shocked.

Especially the headed Sima Xuan and others, the moment they saw Hongyun, their eyes were full of shock, but there was a thought that really happened in their hearts.

Before Hong Yun had come to Chaos City, this Daze had never seen a situation.

Now that Hongyun had just arrived in Chaos City, Daze broke out in this fluctuating battle, and it was difficult for them not to link Hongyun with this battle.

Sima Xuan and the others watched Red Cloud sitting on the devouring whale emerging from the water, and one by one directly bent over in mid-air and respectfully said: "I'll wait until I have seen the seniors, and welcome seniors into the city."

Hong Yun looked at the uncharacteristic people, feeling a little puzzled, but still ordered the Devouring Whale to step forward and enter the city.

Sima Xuan followed and said respectfully: "Senior must be one of the ambassadors of my human race!"


There was a hint of doubt on the red cloud, and then he nodded slightly in his heart.

Sima Xuan smiled and said: "If this is the case, my human ambassador will travel the world every thousand years, and each tour is to protect the safety of the human race and remove some potential threats."

Having said this, Sima Xuan couldn't help but nodded secretly, expressing his deep agreement with his judgment.

He hadn't thought in the direction of the human envoy before. At first, he thought the Red Cloud Society was some kind of casual cultivation power, or a **** and demon hidden in it.

But when Daze's battle fluctuated before, he dispelled this idea.

Although Daze has been sealed by an unknown power for a long time, there are still people in the city who constantly want to enter it to find opportunities, but whenever outsiders enter Daze.

They can all feel the strong fluctuations erupting from Daze.

And from ancient times to the present, none of those who ventured into Daze to find opportunities have survived.

If it wasn't for the one made by Daze who never took the initiative to appear in front of people, I'm afraid they would have reported it long ago and asked Human Race to solve the matter.

Now it coincides with the inspection by the Hongmeng envoy once in a thousand years. This actually confirmed Hongyun's identity in the hearts of Sima Xuan and others.

Hong Yun slowly walked down from the head that swallowed the giant whale, floated in front of everyone, casually waved his hand and said, "Go and play by yourself first!"

The devouring giant whale screamed cheerfully, and its body shrank to several feet in size, and wandered directly in the city.

Seeing this, Sima Xuan quickly cast a wink at the subordinates, and immediately followed by a human monk from the early days of Da Luo Jinxian.

With the strength of devouring the giant whale, and after accepting the inheritance this time, it can be said unceremoniously that even Situ Xuan may not be its opponent.

But not everyone in the city knows these creatures, whether it is to prevent some unopened eyes from causing trouble in the city.

Or to please the "Hongmeng Envoy" in front of him, they must all arrange properly.

Hong Yun naturally discovered the departure of the Great Luo Jinxian, but did not speak. It would be good if someone followed "Xiaoyou".

After the Devouring Whale accepted the inheritance, Hong Yun gave it a name.

After all, the Xiaoyou who gave the name is more important in his heart than a mount grabbed at will.

Sima Xuan looked at Xiaoyou who was going away, then turned to look at Hongyun, and said, "I don't know how long the adults can stay here during this trip?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun thought about it carefully. Now that he has replaced the "Hongmeng Envoy" as an impostor, he might as well go to the city mansion.

Take a moment to study the location of the eye.

At this point, Hong Yun said: "I have come to Chaos City this time to solve the hidden gods and demons in Daze outside the city. Now that things are done, we can do it for three days."

Sima Xuan and others were shocked when they heard this. Although they had guessed, when they heard from Hongyun that there were gods and demons in Daze outside the city, they were still a little afraid.

Judging from the aftermath of today's battle, even if everyone in the city adds up, it is probably not the opponent of the gods and demons in the Daze.

Moreover, Daze itself is a spot of the Chaos City, and the gods and demons lurking in Daze can easily enter the city.

The consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Sima Xuan bowed deeply: "Thank you, sir, for solving my problems in Chaos City."

The rest of the people also opened their mouths and said, "Thank you, sir, for solving my problems in Chaos City."

Hongyun smiled silently.

After a while, everyone came to the city lord's mansion. This city lord's mansion is located in the very center of the Chaos City, and is the control hub of the great defense formation.

Among them, the pavilions, pavilions and pavilions are all guarded by the formation, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth to absorb the thin purple gas in the air to supply the operation of the large formation.

Hongyun, who had left the border, only knew now that ordinary people could not get close to the border.

Only gods and demons or human powers can approach, at least a saint-level cultivation base, and a deep understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

This Chaos City can also be regarded as the city closest to the border. Although its aura is thin, it also has a thin purple aura.

This also makes the monks here, with sturdy folk customs, and leaders of the same rank in combat power.

This drink and peck, it is the truth of heaven and earth.

Under the leadership of Sima Xuan, the group came to the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Sima Xuan stretched out his hand and said, "Senior, please sit down."

Hong Yun raised his eyes and glanced at Sima Xuan, then sat down unceremoniously.

When everyone saw it, they all looked like this should be.

In their eyes, Hongyun is one of the mighty ambassadors of the human race, whether in terms of strength or the merits of the human race.

No matter which city the Hongmeng envoy is in, he should be treated with courtesy.

Sima Xuan glanced towards the outside, and when even someone walked into the hall with tea, for a while, a faint fragrance instantly filled the hall.

Everyone in the field is bright, looking at the teacup in the hand of the maid.

They are both big forces in Chaos City, so they can be regarded as knowing each other deeply, and they even have a deep friendship in private.

But for them, no matter which time they came to Chaos City as a guest, they had never received such a courtesy.

If few people guessed wrong, this tea is a treasure that Sima Xuan has treasured for thousands of years, but he did not expect this old thing to hide quite deep.

A group of people turned to look at Sima Xuan together.

Sima Xuan sat in the vice seat, with his head high and his chest high, facing the unkind eyes of several people, pretending to be nonchalant.

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