Hong Yun looked at the tea in the cup, and the rules flowed through the light smell. It was a rare treasure.

Hong Yun whispered: "The city lord is interested."

Sima Xuan immediately straightened his chest, and said with a smile: "Senior is satisfied. This is the eight-treasure tea brought by the younger generation from Xiyuan City. Among them, there are eight superficial rules flowing through it, and the taste is good."

The other people looked at Sima Xuan's attitude like this, and they felt nauseous.

I really saw that Da Neng didn't even want the dough, and this attitude made the juniors feel a little disgusted.

Afterwards, the few people looked at each other and said, "If seniors like tea, I still have two leaves of Tiandao tea for seniors to quote."

"There are some alien species from the forbidden area in the lower area, and the taste is also excellent."

A group of people had different opinions in the lobby.

Sima Xuan's face turned black, and he turned his head and looked at the hearts of a few people, and secretly cursed a few people for not being cheesy.

When Hongyun heard the words of several people, he smiled and shook his head, and talked with a few people in the lobby in a low voice, mainly to understand the situation in the Great Meng.

However, when talking, a trace of spiritual consciousness went directly into the center of the city lord's mansion, looking for the eye of the city guard.

Before entering the endless abyss, Hong Yun had already figured out the rest of the grid points in Chaos City, only this one in the City Lord's Mansion was missing.

Now entering the city mansion, you can just find the location.

The Red Cloud Spiritual Consciousness kept wandering in the city mansion, during which no one found him, but the suppression of the formation in the city made him a little uncomfortable.

The subordinates in the city lord's mansion all perform their duties, but it is inevitable that there will be some comments when they get together.

The city owner asked Hongmeng to come in with such a huge pomp, how would these servants know that, besides, this is not a shameful thing.

Soon, it spread ten to ten, and everyone in the entire City Lord’s Mansion knew about it.

However, when they were discussing matters in the mansion, the housekeeper in the mansion was moved by the news, and was immediately anxious to prohibit the disclosure of this matter.

Soon, the things the people talked about shifted from Hongyun to the fun things in the city.

"Eh! Have you heard that the young master of the Li family in the city broke through to the late Jinxian stage when watching the aftermath of the battle outside the city today."

"You are talking about Li Yuan, didn't he even reach the heavenly immortal? How could he break through to the late heavenly immortal."

"I heard that it was an opportunity to add oneself, but I don't know if this matter is true or false."

The matter of the young master of the Li family in the city is well known throughout the city. After all, he is in a big family, but his talent is so **** that his notoriety has spread throughout the city.

It can be said that Li Yuan was a well-known figure in the city before meeting Hongyun.

It's just something that people didn't expect. After meeting Hongyun, Li Yuan became famous again, but this time he became famous because of his breakthrough.

In fact, even in the late Jinxian period, this is not something to be proud of for the children of the big family.

Nowadays, there are almost no children of any family who have not broken through the Taiyi Golden Immortal level by the age of 30.

There is only Li Yuan, who is not a **** in his thirties.

Just imagine, how can such a person with cultivating aptitude break through to the late Golden Immortal stage overnight, how can he not be shocked?

Hongyun nodded slightly as he listened to the people below. After all, this Li Yuan was created by him alone, and he could clearly see the future achievements of that kid.

Now that I heard the other party's news again, it was somewhat normal.

After a long time, Hong Yun finally found the last spot of the Chaos City array in the deepest part of the City Lord's Mansion under the obstruction of the layered array.

The Red Cloud Spiritual Consciousness floated in the air and began to feel it carefully.

And his body is still in the lobby at the moment, talking with Sima Xuan and others. Through this little time of communication, he has roughly figured out the details of Hongmeng.

In addition to the human race and the gods and demons, this world is left with various talented monsters.

Those monster beasts have unique talents, and they are almost born with a cultivation base of the heavenly immortal level, and some can almost reach the quasi-sage level when they reach adulthood.

For example, this swallowing giant whale clan has the cultivation base of celestial beings in childhood, and even possesses the cultivation base of Da Luo.

And Xiaoyou, like the red cloud regained, is the most precious "ancestor-level" bloodline in the swallowing giant whale clan, and has a quasi-sage cultivation level when he approaches adulthood.

At this moment, he even accepted the legacy of the ancestors. Although the cultivation base has not increased, the combat power and potential have more than doubled.

Moreover, as early as the birth of the Hongmeng human race, they were faced with various dilemmas, from the difficult survival of hiding in Tibet at the beginning, to the constant struggle with the demons and gods and demons.

After thousands of years, finally got a place in Hongmeng.

Many great abilities have joined forces to build 108 big cities, and there are other human races scattered around the big city.

Among these 108 big cities, eight are located on the fringe of Hongmeng. They are in the most dangerous situation, facing various monster races from the fringe of Hongmeng.

Survival is also more difficult. Although there is a faint purple qi, but the aura is the thinnest.

However, this Chaos City is still a relatively good one, at least aura is stronger than the other seven big cities on the edge of Hongmeng.

Precisely because of this situation, the defense formations of these eight big cities are also among the top ones, otherwise they will not be able to stop foreign gods and demons and murderous monsters.

The Hongmeng envoy in Sima Xuan's mouth is the patron saint of the human race composed of the fighting power of the oiler sage.

Nowadays, there are only 78 saints on the surface of the human race, and these envoys will inspect the world every millennium.

To prevent potential threats from harming the survival of the human race.

Therefore, after Sima Xuan and the others sensed only the aura from the gods and demons from the fluctuations of the Hongyun battle, they recognized Hongyun's identity in their hearts.

Hong Yun sat in the lobby, letting his scattered spiritual knowledge study the defense formation.

While communicating with Sima Xuan and others.

After a while, Sima Xuan said: "Since the predecessors have come to my Chaos City, then Sima Xuan, as the lord of the Chaos City, will naturally do some of the friendship of a landlord."

Hong Yun looked at Sima Xuan with a smile, full of admiration.

Seemingly aware of Hong Yun's appreciation, Sima Xuan became more vigorous, and directly ordered his servants to prepare a dinner party and entertain Hong Yun with the mighties in the city.

Sima Xuan smiled and said: "Senior doesn't know something. Some time ago, I just captured an Optimus rhinoceros outside the city. This kind of ethnic group is cautious on weekdays and hides when there is wind and grass. It is very difficult to catch."

"But this kind of meat also has the best taste. I have asked the Fuchu chef to prepare it. It will be eaten later."

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