I Have a Trillion Merits

: Heirs of Gods and Demons

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words, and said, "The city lord is interested."

Sima Xuan smiled and said, "Senior has done his best for the human race. I'm only waiting for the friendship of a landlord, so why not talk about it."

Just as a group of people were talking in the lobby, Hong Yun suddenly frowned, turned his head to look somewhere in the city, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

After Sima Xuan saw Hong Yun's abnormality, he couldn't help but asked aloud: "What did the predecessor find?"

Hong Yun nodded slightly, and said, "I won't participate in the banquet anymore. Just wait for yourself, I have something else."

As soon as the voice fell, it instantly disappeared in the lobby.

Sima Xuan frowned as he looked at the empty seat in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

The others laughed one after another: "You old man will be very courteous, but it's a pity that seniors ignored them."

Sima Xuan listened to the chats and laughs of several old friends, he couldn't help but smiled and arched his hands, and said: "Although the predecessor is gone, I can't wait to waste good things, no, today I am asking everyone."


After the red cloud disappeared, the next moment it appeared in a hidden area in the city, where no one was around, and there was a special formation covering it so that no one could explore the situation.

Hong Yun concealed his figure, sneered and tore open his feet directly, the fluctuation was fleeting and no one noticed.

"I want to see if anyone dares to hit my attention."

In the formation, Daluo Jinxian, who had been sent by Sima Xuan to follow Xiaoyou, was weakly leaned aside at this moment, obviously severely injured.

In the field, Xiaoyou dodged the powerful attacks of several celebrities.

These attacking methods, after bombarding the law here, disappeared strangely, and even began to continuously strengthen the power of the formation here.

When the formation was fluctuating, Hong Yun could clearly feel the excitement from the fairy rod of good fortune, but he was soon suppressed by him.

Obviously, good luck fairy rod is very interested in the formation here.

Behind those people, there was a young man in a white robe, who was filled with a strong energy of good fortune, and at this moment, he was directing those people to attack Xiaoyou with a look of excitement.

The youth looked at Xiaoyou who was constantly avoiding attacks in the field, and a look of greed flashed in his eyes.

He had already heard of the power of devouring giant whales.

He wanted to capture a mount for a long time, but his father and the contemporary patriarch who devoured the whale clan once fought a battle, and the result was naturally a match.

But his father knew what his son was thinking, and after that battle, he warned him not to go and devour the attention of the whale clan.

The young man had already given up on this idea, but now he saw a man-made devouring whale in Chaos City, and the flame in his heart burned again.

The young man said loudly: "Hurry up, after capturing this thing, I will leave this city quickly, and I will have many nights and dreams."

The Daluo Jinxian who had been injured by him before said that this thing was a mount of a ambassador, and that was a character like his father, but the ambassador also ranked high and low.

If you really want to find a ambassador who is as powerful as his father, I am afraid that you will have to be at the top.

So in this regard, the only thing young people care about is to be discovered in advance.

Hong Yun looked at Xiaoyou who was being attacked, and nodded slightly. He was attacked by three powerful men comparable to the two corpse quasi-sages, and he could last for so long, and his body talent was still suppressed.

I have to say that the inheritance method of devouring the giant whale clan is really terrifying.

She seemed to have noticed the arrival of Hongyun, Xiaoyou screamed aggrievedly, and then began to evade in a panic.

Seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but smiled, revealing his figure directly.

Several people in the field spotted him in an instant, and immediately gave up on attacking Xiaoyou and returned to the youth for protection.

Hong Yun lifted his fingers and shot out a force of merit, directly submerged into the dying Da Luo Jinxian.

Da Luo Jinxian, who was in a coma on the ground, only felt an extremely pure energy enter his body, and began to constantly repair the injuries on his body and soul.

In a short moment, I saw that Da Luo Jinxian recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he also jumped to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and he could beheaded and become a holy in just one step.

It's just that under Hongyun's means, it will take a while for that person to wake up.

At the moment when he saw the power of merit, the originally shameless youth suddenly changed his complexion, staring at Hongyun with wide eyes, and said in surprise: "It is the force of merit from the wild, you are not a great envoy?"

He pointed to Hongyun, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, and the whole person shuddered with excitement.

Hong Yun frowned and said: "Who are you, dare to hurt my mount."

The young man laughed and said: "This Dao brother is no wonder, speaking of it, I can be regarded as from the same origin. My father was originally one of the three thousand gods and demons in the prehistoric land. Escape into Hongmeng."

"That's why I existed, but my father wanted to return to the prehistoric times for thousands of years. I don't know how this Dao brother entered Hongmeng?"

After hearing what the young man said, Hong Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, but he did not expect that this young man was actually behind the gods and demons.

He searched for his spiritual sense and carefully observed the young man. After seeing the strong aura of good fortune in the other party, he felt a little clear in his heart, confirming the young man's identity.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Are you changing the subject?"

Xiaoyou hid behind Hong Yun, carefully outcropping and looking at the three guys on the opposite side, obviously shocked this time.

When the young man heard Hongyun's answer, he couldn't help being taken aback.

As the heir of the gods and demons, when did he have been so stunned by others, but the person in front of him was also at the level of a saint, so he could only be patient.

Continue to speak: "The previous matter was a misunderstanding. The younger generation is here to make up for it. Please also ask the senior to look at the face of my father's creation, forgive me and wait?"

As soon as the young man said this, he straightened up again with a smile on his face. He was more confident about his origin.

As the heir of gods and demons, when has he been so low-pitched?

Although he thought in his heart that the man in front of him was not his father's opponent, he was still willing to bow his head because of his father's many years of wishing to return to the predicament.

In front of him, the three two-corpse quasi-sage-level powers, after the young man said this, also slightly relaxed.

They haven't encountered this kind of thing before, but every time they broke their name on the Lord, the opposite will give some face more or less. After all, their young master is the second generation of Hongmeng's famous gods and demons.

If it wasn't for the young master to see if he could poach a devouring giant whale with impure blood, he wouldn't come to this place where the bird doesn't shit.

Hong Yun looked at the four people with confident faces, and felt a funny feeling in his heart for an unprecedented time. Speaking of which, it was the first time he met someone who felt so good about himself!

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