After hearing the voice coming from behind, the young man hurriedly crushed the last piece of jade pendant in his hand.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Even if Hongyun tried to confine the space, he was a little late.

Hong Yun looked at the empty dense forest in front of him with a funny smile on his face. I have to say that these methods are a bit interesting.

Combine space tearing magical powers and shuttle magical powers into one medium.

It can also protect the safety of people with low cultivation base.

This means of good fortune gods and demons is good, but it is a pity that I met him.

Originally, there was no deep hatred between them, but the fault was that this kid hit his idea on him.

After Hong Yun used his methods to determine the position of the kid again, he directly tore the void and chased after him.

A place above Daze.

The void was shattered, and a blood-stained figure fell from it and directly fell into the Daze below.

It is the heirs of the gods of good fortune who came through with the help of secret treasures.

In an instant, Daze was stained red by blood, if it weren't for the youth with a ray of light around him.

I'm afraid he is now.

The monster beasts that had been attracted by the Da Luo Dao in the blood had already swallowed them cleanly.

The young man barely opened his eyes, he was already floating on the surface of Daze.

The void shattered again.

A red cloud in a red robe stepped out of it, looking down at the young man floating on the water below, smiling and saying, "Why don't you run away this time."

The young man reluctantly said: "This senior, it was the junior's fault before. Please also look at my father's face and let me go."

Hongyun smiled and shook his head.

The red cloud at this moment is like a demon in the eyes of this young man.

The young man was in a daze when he saw Hongyun raising his hand.

In an instant, my heart was ashamed.

There is endless regret in my heart, why should I provoke such a madman.

In the past, no matter what he did wrong or who provoked anyone, as long as that person was not as strong as his father.

Just by relying on his father's face, he can turn danger into a breeze.

But this time it was a miscalculation.

In his eyes, Hongyun is a lunatic through and through, who didn't even care about his father's face.

Insist on beheading him.

After Hongyun pointed it out, a magical force shot towards the youth.

When it is about to hit young people.

A glorious moment appeared.

I saw the figure of the **** of good fortune suddenly appeared, and directly raised his hand to disperse Hongyun's attack.

Hong Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he could see that what appeared in front of him this time was not a real **** of good fortune.

But an incarnation.

It should be the last means for good fortune gods and demons to stay on their children.

The **** of good fortune looked at the red cloud in front of him, frowning slightly.

He can say that he basically recognizes all the sages in the cosmos, but he only does not know this person.

The **** of good fortune said: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know where the child provokes fellow Taoists, can I just stop doing it because of my face."

At this moment, the seriously injured youth from below said: "Father, this person came from the prehistoric times."

When the **** of good fortune heard this, a glint flashed in his eyes, looking at the red cloud in front of him, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hong Yun frowned slightly.

It seems that the two gods and demons, the mosquito man and the raised eyebrow, want to return to the wilderness, and the rest of the gods and demons also seem to want to return to the wilderness.

What attracts them in this predicament?

Hongyun is a little puzzled. As for the comparison between the two worlds, the Hongmeng world is naturally better.

Why these chaos gods and demons always want to return to the prehistoric.

He is a little confused.

Seeing that Hong Yun hadn't spoken, the **** demon of good fortune wanted to delay for a while, after all, the dharmakaya he left behind didn't last long.

Moreover, this can only deal with some two corpse gods and demons, and if it is higher, it will depend on the face of the other party.

The gods of good fortune are about to continue speaking.

I saw Hong Yun directly raised his hand and slapped it over, ruthlessly, directly smashed this incarnation of the **** of good fortune.

After the red cloud smashed the body of the good fortune **** and demon.

The gods and demons of good fortune who were tearing the space were taken aback for a moment, and suddenly became furious, and roared: "I'm going to kill you."

He has been domineering in Hongmeng for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

This person's behavior is equivalent to hitting him in the face.

Although few people know about it, after the death of his heir, it will inevitably be passed down in the Harmony.

This person deserves to die!

At this point, the gods and demons of good fortune angrily tore the void again, stepping directly into it, spanning thousands of miles away.

The young man on the water surface of Daze was taken aback when he saw this.

How dare this person...

Is he really not afraid of my father's revenge?

Just when this young man thought of it, he saw the red cloud looking down below, and two divine lights shot out from his eyes.

Directly let the youth fly away.

After killing the youth, a lot of things exploded from the youth, floating in the void.

Hong Yun raised his hand and took it away, then put it away.

But before he could look carefully, he heard an angry shout coming from the void.

"The thief dared to insult me, this seat will kill you."

I saw the furious **** of good fortune directly tore the void and stepped out of it to chase and kill.

When Hongyun saw it, there was not the slightest difference in color, and there was no worry.

When even using the technique of rainbow light, he flew away.

Suddenly, it appeared in the tens of millions of miles.

In fact, in battles at the saint level, it is the least cost-effective to use the magical power of tearing space transfer.

After all, both can tear the void, unless one's spatial dao is higher.

But the good fortune gods and demons had accumulated so long cultivation bases and methods, so Hong Yun had to be careful.

Give up the high-speed and fast space shuttle, and instead use the rainbow magical power.

The gods of good fortune were chasing afterwards.

Originally, if Hongyun hadn't killed his heirs, the gods and demons of good fortune would not have been so angry.

After all, the sage level is already in a state of immortality.

Few can be divided into birth and death.

It was like a battle between him and the ancestor who devoured the giant whale clan, at best it would hurt both sides.

In this way, other people may take advantage of it.

However, Hongyun's subordinates were merciless and directly beheaded his sons, and the hatred they only saw could no longer be connected.

What's more, after he learned that Hongyun had arrived from the precipice.

It is impossible to let the other party go.

Although this world is good, what can make him go further is the prehistoric world, after all, the gradually evolving way of heaven.

This is where he can break through.

If that's the case, how could he allow Hongyun to leave.

Seeing Hong Yun's figure getting further and further away, the gods of good fortune couldn't help but snorted, and the perfect laws of good fortune emerged around his body.

It directly caused nothingness, causing his speed to surge instantly.

Go straight after Hongyun.

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