I Have a Trillion Merits

: Chase and escape

Wherever the gods and demons of good fortune passed, there was a torrent of weather, and countless creatures trembled and hid in their own cave.

The death of his heir made his heart burn with anger, which is equivalent to a slap in the face of this great creature.

If you don't talk about the killing of Hongyun, what is the majesty of his chaos **** and demon!

What's more, the red cloud came from the predicament. If he wanted to go further, he would return to the predicament, devour the current laws of nature, and seek opportunities under heaven.

In any case, Hong Yun cannot be allowed to escape, not to mention the five elements of good fortune on Hong Yun's body are also very good for him.

If you have this kind of origin, let him swallow it, and it can also make him go further.

In front of it, Hongyun quickly flew out of Daze's category, and then galloped away. Now there are many living things here, and it is not when he stops, at least to go to a barren land.

Although he doesn't care about these tiny causes and effects, he still can't see the scene of being smashed.

Hong Yun flew quickly towards a barren border, he wanted to draw the gods and demons of good fortune to the border of Hongmeng.

This is where it is best to fight. As long as it reaches the border of Hongmeng and Mongolia, Hongyun will not worry that there will be others watching, and at most some local creatures that can survive in the border.

With the small tower in his possession, he can shuttle at will and return to the wilderness.

Hong Yun's speed is extremely fast. Even if the gods and demons of good fortune have exhausted their means, they still can't catch up. They can only hang far behind. This makes the gods and demons of good fortune annoyed and curses in secret.

A strong person at the same level as a saint, he didn't want to fight against the court, but just wanted to run away all the way, really losing face.

Arriving in a desolate and uninhabited place, there are not many creatures, but this chase and escape can not escape the eyes of the saint level. Some of them are local creatures, and those with extraordinary talents have also seen this strange scene.

But they were silent. This matter had nothing to do with them. It's better not to get involved in battles at the saint level.

When he was about to reach the boundary, Hong Yun's speed increased by one point again, causing the gods of good fortune to mistakenly think that Hong Yun wanted to speed up and escape from here, and he couldn't help but feel a little alert.

By directly using the means, he increased his speed by more than one level, and chased the red cloud ahead,

The red cloud turned into a rainbow light and quickly flew into the edge of Hongmeng, and directly entered a place with extremely rich purple energy, making itself completely hidden in it.

After hiding and entering the rich purple gas, Hong Yun took out the Universe Promise Gourd and placed it here, while absorbing the surrounding purple gas, it began to spew red sand in the sky.

He subtly merged into the purple qi, and began to arrange the formation, which Hong Yun understood from the chaotic city formation.

This formation can trap the enemy, kill the enemy, and also has the power of guarding.

It can be said to be one of the most comprehensive formations that Hong Yun has ever seen. In addition, he uses the red sand cloth formation and the Qiankun Promise Gourd as the pressure of the formation, and his manipulation can be regarded as leaving a back hand.

After a while, the gods of good fortune came to the place where the red cloud disappeared, and stood in the void to look around.

He could see clearly from behind, after Hong Yun came here, he completely disappeared, and there were no void fluctuations left here, so he wanted to come this time and still haven't escaped.

The **** demon of good fortune looked at the rich purple qi around him, and said angrily: "Thief Taoist, even if you escape into the purple qi, the deity can kill you."

The mighty voice spread across the border of Hongmeng.

Many creatures living here, after hearing the voice of the gods and demons, invariably retracted where they were.

Did not dare to show up.

They have become accustomed to how to better hide and protect themselves when fighting against each other.

After all, the creatures that can survive on the border of Hongmeng and Mongolia are nothing ordinary.

The **** of good fortune roared loudly, and the long chase and escape had already exhausted his patience. At this moment, the red cloud was hidden in the purple air, and he had completely abandoned his face as a saint.

In the eyes of the gods of good fortune, this is an insult to him, and also an insult to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The gods of good fortune stood in the void, and the divine light burst out from his eyes, directly penetrating the clouds here, trying to find out where the red clouds were hidden.

But the purple air here has already mixed with the red sand, which not only cuts off the visit of the gods of good fortune, but also makes him unable to detect any abnormalities, as if this place should have been so normal.

This caused the anger in the heart of the gods and demons of good fortune to burn vigorously, standing in the void and roaring again and again, the space here that was shocked faintly trembled.

Hong Yun hid in the purple air, with a sneer on his face, he had already squeezed the Gunkiller in his hand, and the battle was full, just waiting for the final shot.

In the void, only the changes in the hands of the gods of good fortune were seen. Suddenly a certain hair crown entwined with the aura of good fortune appeared. It surfaced on its head and slowly fell. crown.

In this fairy crown, the perfect level of good fortune that has condensed the comprehension of the gods of good fortune, the power of supernatural power is powerful.

After the good fortune **** and demon took the good fortune immortal crown, his body was surging, and a divine light shot out from the immortal crown, blasting towards the hidden place of the red cloud.

In an instant, the space here split instantly, turning into countless space fragments.

The red cloud hidden behind Zi Qi gave a sneer, and then lifted the Gunslinger in his hand lightly, and directly dispelled the light of good fortune from the lasing.

But at the same time, he also exposed himself to the eyes of the gods of good fortune.

The **** demon of good fortune sneered and said: "What? I finally gave it up. You thief and Daoist killed my heirs. It should be captured by me. After I capture you, I will put your soul in the fairy crown and tortured for thousands of years. To vent my hatred."

Hong Yun sneered and said: "The Taoist godson has nowhere to go. He focused on the mount underneath, and he said rudely. This kind of rebellious son will only bring disaster to the Taoist friend. It is better to let the poor Taoist help you handle it."

Upon hearing the words, the gods of good fortune turned red, and said angrily: "The thief is deceiving people too much.

After saying this, a qi of good fortune between the raised hands was condensed in his body, turned into a huge and incomparable long sword, and slashed straight down against the red cloud.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun raised the Gunkiller in his hand, standing still on the spot, only a slight raise of his hand shattered the long sword condensed by the energy of good fortune.

Then he looked at the **** of good fortune in front of him with a smile.

Both of them are tentative attacks, in order to test the other's strength.

Seeing Hongyun so easily, the demon of good fortune broke his method, and his face couldn't help showing a solemn look.

Although he didn't use his full strength before, but the blow just now, even the human envoys of the human race could not take it so easily, but he was easily destroyed by the thief in front of him.

I have to say that this thief and Daoist is still quite capable.

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