I Have a Trillion Merits

: The mosquito person makes merit

The speed of the gods and demons of good fortune was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye they had come to Hong Yun's body, and the sharpness of the long sword in his hand had faintly split the nothingness.

Hong Yun's complexion changed. Although he also possessed the power of good fortune, he was still somewhat inadequate compared to this cage of good fortune. After all, 90% and Consummation, although he did not seem to be much.

But in comparison, the gap is quite different, and it's not at the same level.

Hongyun looked at the **** of good fortune who was about to rush in front of him, his complexion changed, and then he quickly activated the formations arranged around him.

Immediately, the endless red sand swept across the purple gas and slowly condensed, and the gods of good fortune only felt that the red cloud in front of him disappeared in an instant, completely disappearing in front of him.

The **** of good fortune roared, and the long sword in his hand suddenly cut down, directly tore the void and cut through the space.

The red sand in front of him, including the purple qi, split instantly.

But after the red sand and purple gas disappeared, before the gods and demons of good fortune, they were already empty.

The **** demon of good fortune was surprised and doubtful, looking at the purple energy in front of him, he didn't know what to do.

It is obvious that the situation must be killed. Why did this happen? He couldn't even feel the position of his good fortune cage.

And the red cloud at this moment has long been hidden in the depths of the formation.

The location of Qiankun Promise Gourd is also the very center of this array.

It's just that the good fortune cage around him has not been able to be opened up to now, and this level of firmness is incredible.

The Universe Promise Gourd is floating beside him, perhaps because of the relationship between the eyes, the mosquito person in it is not too deeply suppressed, but it allows him to more or less explore some external affairs.

The mosquitoes said with a smile: "Boy, you can provoke this kind of power every time you go, I am afraid it is a natural beating."

Hong Yun's face turned dark when he heard it, and silently increased the red sand prisoner world to another level, making the red sand power a lot more powerful.

Suddenly, there was a sound of jumping in the gourd.

The mosquitoes said: "You kid, I'm just talking, why take it seriously."


The mosquito person said again: "I look at the outside atmosphere, it is mostly the power of good fortune, you will not provoke the old immortal of the good fortune god!"

"This old boy somehow got an heir, and he loved it so much."

"He usually just hides in the forbidden area to practice. You shouldn't be able to provoke him. Could it be that you beat his son?"

Hong Yun sighed when he heard the teasing words from the gourd. If he didn't answer, this guy would probably keep talking.

So he nodded and said, "Yes, I killed his son."

There was a burst of laughter from the gourd: "That kid, I think he is not pleasing to my eyes, but I can't beat good luck, you can teach me a lesson..."

Half-talking, suddenly stopped.

Then, the mosquito man screamed: "What did you say? You killed his son?"

Hong Yun said: "Exactly."

The mosquito man was horrified, and he had to feel a little admiration for Hongyun. He had no time to hide from that old boy of good fortune. How dare he just slaughter his son like Hongyun.

In the predicament, the appearance of such fierce people is really terrifying.

Suddenly, the mosquito person seemed to think of something, and said with a strange smile: "By the way, listening to your current tone, are you caught by that kid's destiny cage? Are you unable to get out."

Hong Yun's face became darker, indeed, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break this prison of good fortune.

The mosquito person continued: "Why don't I have a discussion with the two of you, you let me out, and I help you break the good fortune cage?"

Hong Yun chuckled and said, "Mosquito person, you still have to die!"

The mosquitoes said with a smile: "Pan Dao is not nonsense. Except for the two old guys Yangmei and Shichen, you can never find a fourth person who can pick up the prison of good luck in this great world."

Hong Yun frowned slightly, could it be that this prison of good fortune was really so terrifying.

Immediately asked: "You said you can take this prison of good fortune, how can you make Poor Dao believe?"

The mosquito person laughed and said: "This seat is in control of the source of devouring, and naturally you can swallow this good fortune cage. Then you don't need to worry, you should release this seat quickly. If you are killed, this seat is also troublesome. "


After Hong Yun heard the words of the mosquito man, he couldn't help but brighten up, why he didn't have such a way.

If the mosquito man can use his swallowing rules to completely swallow this good fortune cage, then why can't he use good fortune wand to completely absorb this good fortune cage.

In this way, not only can he break through the cage of good fortune, but also make his own good fortune rod to a higher level.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help but laughed: "Thank you fellow Taoist for your reminder, it's really impossible to think of a way to solve this problem instead of poor Tao."

With that said, he turned his hand and took out the fairy rod of good fortune, touched the cage, and then began to mobilize the fairy rod of good fortune to continuously devour the cage, although the speed was slow, it had to be said that it had a miraculous effect.

As for the mosquito person in the Universe Promise Gourd, after hearing Hongyun's words, a sense of badness arose in his heart for the first time, and he immediately said loudly, "Boy, don't mess around!"

"If you die here, this gourd will be enjoyed by that old boy, and this seat will be over."

He was really worried in his heart that Hong Yun would do something stupid, and then he would kill himself.

At that time, the gourd was taken by the gods of good fortune, and he was completely finished.

Hong Yun laughed loudly and said, "You don't have to worry about fellow Daoists. After a while, the poor Dao can get out of it. After this battle, you still have to thank fellow Daoists for your reminders."

Hearing this, the mosquito person's face turned black in an instant.

Although Hongyun's idea of ​​absorbing the good fortune power of the cage with the good fortune rod is correct, in terms of speed, it is much slower, and it takes at least half a day.

This point made Hong Yun sigh a little. He didn't check this way for a while, and then fight with others in the future, but be careful.

Just as Hongyun was constantly absorbing the power of good fortune from the cage with the rod of good fortune, the **** of good fortune who was in the formation at the moment was using his magical powers to see what happened.

He had repeatedly bombarded the formation here before, but all failed without exception.

The gods and demons of good fortune wondered what kind of formation this was. It was so powerful that he couldn't break it for a while, and it could even be said that he didn't even have a clue.

After many tentative attacks, the gods of good fortune finally got angry, and the gods of good fortune, under the anger, began to use the fairy crown on their heads and threw them directly into the air, once again using their gods as their eyes.

Controlling the fairy crown of good fortune kept growing, and then suddenly smashed at the edge of the formation he could see.

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