I Have a Trillion Merits

: Dao friends go well!

The fairy crown of good fortune directly hit the edge of the formation.

boom! ! !

The formation of red sand and purple qi condensed trembling, and the surrounding void collapsed.

Purple energy swept across, rushing like a violent wind.

The whole formation was flooded in an instant.

Mixed with red sand, it directly isolates the spirits of all parties, so that the gods of good fortune cannot see the edge.

Can only feel strong energy fluctuations.

The formation was constantly trembling, and the surrounding void shattered inch by inch.

After a long time, the abnormality here disappeared, and the purple energy began to slowly return to calm.

Just when the gods of good fortune thought that the formation was broken by them.

Shenguang scanned the surroundings, but found that this formation was still solid and still exists here.

The gods and demons of good fortune were immediately furious, and successively displayed terrifying supernatural powers, and they wrecked in the formation.

With the fairy crown of good fortune, he directly slapped the void, and the void was torn in an instant, a crack appeared, and the purple air flowing in the sky.

It looked as if the formation was smashed by a big hole.

But this is just Hongyun seeing the gods of good fortune go crazy, fearing that his magical powers will continue to bombard and break the formation.

After all, this battle was he used the Universe Promise Gourd to hold the battle.

If the formation is broken and he is unable to support it at the moment, Qiankun Promise Gourd is likely to be completely shattered.

That's not worth it.

At the moment that crack appeared, the gods and demon of good fortune were overjoyed, even when he stepped into it, he wanted to quickly kill the red cloud in his heart, and then search for how he entered the cosmos.

From this, he could infer the way to return to the prehistoric times, and the treasures on Hong Yun's body moved him.

In addition, Hong Yun's comprehension of the five elements' origin of good fortune has reached the perfect level, and when he kills it by himself, he can accept the opponent's law and understanding.

You can take it to the next level.

Just when the gods and demons of good fortune were happy and wanted to find Hongyun to kill him.

At this moment, Hong Yun had absorbed the cage to a very weak level with the fairy rod of good fortune.

Seeing the change in the prison of good fortune, a touch of joy was revealed on the surface of the red cloud, and he flipped his hand to take out the Killing Spear and swept away directly.

boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, and the cage of good fortune broke into pieces.

Turned into a sky full of good fortune origin, floating here.

Hong Yun laughed, put away the Gunslinger, and accepted the origin of good fortune in the field with the good fortune rod in his hand.

The fairy rod of good fortune is like a whale absorbing water, completely absorbing the energy of good fortune bursting here.

Hongyun explored the fairy rod of good fortune with his divine sense, carefully observed and explored the changes of the rod of good fortune.

Sure enough, as he had previously expected, after absorbing the energy of good fortune here, the Immortal Staff of Good Fortune did take a step further, heading towards the Chaos Supreme Treasure level.

It's just that there is still a long way to go from the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

On the other side, the God of Good Fortune stepped into the crack in one step, which was equivalent to stepping directly out of the formation under the red clouds.

After realizing that he had left the formation, the **** of good fortune even shouted: "The thief Taoist is not quick to come out, obediently die under this seat."

Hongyun put away the good luck fairy rod and held the Gunslinger in his hand again.

Although today's Good Fortune Scepter is of a higher grade than the Killing Spear, Hongyun is still a lot worse than the Good Fortune God and Demon in applying the laws of good fortune.

If the good fortune scepter is against the enemy, it is better to use the sharp spear.

Hong Yun looked at the Qiankun Promise Gourd beside him, with a mocking smile on his face.

Immediately, he raised his hand and patted the Qiankun Promise Gourd, and the object was hidden in the purple qi, and began to form slowly again.

After seeing the formation disappeared, the gods of good fortune became vigilant, and the divine light broke out in his eyes, vigilantly looking at the surrounding scenes.

Just as he looked towards a direction in the northeast corner, the gods of good fortune seemed to see the figure of Hongyun vaguely, and immediately raised his hand to hit that place.

It directly shattered the void here, and a huge roar erupted.

However, after the attack of the gods of good fortune, there was no sound of red clouds, the gods of good fortune was furious, and immediately rushed towards that place.

He directly tore the endless purple energy, and came to the place where he saw Hongyun before, but when he came here, he found that there was no Hongyun there.

Except for the strong purple qi, there was no other movement.

In the next moment, Hongyun appeared in front of the good fortune gods and demon. The cage for good fortune that originally restrained him had long been broken, and it also brought a lot of benefits to his good fortune wand.

In the surrounding area, the endless red sand again quietly began to lay out the formation, with a red cloud in front attracting the attention of the gods and demons of good fortune, the other party had no idea that there was a formation.

The **** demon of good fortune looked at the red cloud that suddenly appeared in front of him, and after seeing the cage of good fortune had disappeared, his face was taken aback, and his heart fell cold.

He faintly guessed that this thief and Taoist seemed to be calculating him, and for a while, the gods and demons of good fortune had a bad premonition.

From the beginning, the red cloud avoided fighting, leading him all the way to the border of Hongmeng, and then disappeared after being trapped in his cage of good fortune.

There was also a delay in the formation behind, and he seemed to be walking step by step following the opponent's rhythm.

The **** of good fortune looked bad, he knew that if Hong Yun calculated his words, it is very likely that Hong Yun's true strength is not as simple as the surface.

However, the gods of good fortune also have the confidence to be the gods of chaos, even if this red cloud is unparalleled in combat strength, it will not be his opponent.

You know, even if they are both Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, their combat power is likely to be different.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "I also thanked fellow Daoist for his supernatural powers before, but it has made the lower treasure items to a higher level!"

The **** of good fortune looked at Hongyun with a bad expression. Although he didn't know how Hongyun broke through his own good fortune cage, he seemed to have helped him by listening to the other party.

The gods of good fortune looked ugly and said: "Shamelessly thief, are you finally not running away this time?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Why should a fellow Taoist be so angry, how can he still be like a young man after so many years of cultivation."

When the gods of good fortune heard this, they almost vomited blood with anger, and their children were killed. Shouldn't they be angry?

Why did he get into the mouth of the other party, but he was ignorant.

The **** demon of good fortune snorted coldly, and directly placed the crown of good fortune on his head, with an innate treasure sword in his hand, and rushed toward Hongyun.

Hong Yun didn't speak any more, but greeted him with a sharp gun.

The great sword in the hands of the gods and demons of good fortune slashed away, tore the void directly, turned into an endless edge, and slashed away at the red cloud.

Cut it down with a single knife, but it has infinite power, and the perfect understanding of the law of good fortune, like a violent storm, swept toward the red cloud, and the strong law of the atmosphere filled the battlefield here.

The expression on the surface of the red cloud remained unchanged, the sharp gun in his hand pierced straight, and the Five Elements Rule of Consummation level rotated, coupled with the endless evil spirits in it, directly greeted him.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Between the two collisions, an endless roar erupted.

The gods of good fortune were directly shaken out.


The gods of good fortune were shocked, although he had guessed in his heart before, the opponent had hidden his strength.

But the full burst of power in front of him really shocked him.

However, Hong Yun didn't leave him time to be shocked. The sharp-killing spear in his hand swept away, and the endless edge attacked.

Behind the endless edge.

The tip of the spear that was condensed with vigorous evil spirits, on which the Five Elements Rule flowed, pierced towards the gods of good fortune.

When the gods of good fortune saw this, they naturally didn't dare to be careless, and quickly raised the long knife in their hands to resist.

But the two collided.

The majestic evil spirit broke the aura on the long knife, and the spear tip wrapped around the Five Elements Rule directly smashed the long knife.

The Killing Spear stabs towards the gods of good fortune unabated.

Before it could react, it had already pierced the opponent's chest.

The blood of gods and demons spilled over the border.

The **** demon of good fortune looked at the sharp spear on his chest, and said grimly: "You hide your cultivation base and calculate me?"

Hongyun wanted to laugh when he heard it. It was obviously you who chased him, but now he has become a calculation for him. It is really funny.

The gods of good fortune sensed the evil spirit in their chests, and they were constantly destroying their own gods and monsters. They immediately shouted: "Friends Dao, this time I am wrong. Please also please spare my life."

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, a touch of disdain in his eyes.

The gods and demons at this time do not need to be ancient, even the hostility and arrogance in their hearts are much less.

Hong Yun whispered: "Fellow Daoist go well!"

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