Hongyun lowered his figure. Falling directly in front of the Promise Palace, looking at the Promise Palace with the gate closed.

With the power of mind, he began to realize the laws surrounding the Promise Palace.

These laws seem to be the rules of this world, flooding the entire Promise Palace, enclosing it.

This is another power of law that is different from other worlds.

Through the barrier of the Promise Palace, Hong Yun had already seen the quasi-sage-level powerhouse who was devoting himself to practicing.

This is the indigenous person with the highest cultivation level he has ever seen in this world.

Because Hong Yun didn't hide his figure this time, the quasi-sage level powerhouse in the Promise Palace seemed to have discovered his arrival.

Immediately snorted and whispered: "If you disrespect the new god, you should be punished!"

As he said, he waved his hand and drove the power of the law of part of the Promise Palace toward the red cloud.

The red cloud, who was comprehending the power of the law of the Promise Palace, sensed that there was a law pressing it.

I didn't care about it at first, but drove my own mind and power to begin to fully realize the law of pressure.

Under Hongyun's suppression, these masterless laws couldn't make any waves under his hands.

Can only be imprisoned in the midair, let Hongyun perceive and analyze deeply.

Even he did not hesitate to mobilize the merits in his body to deepen his speed of comprehension of the law, which made his comprehension of the law of the Promise Palace much faster again.

The quasi-saint-level powerhouse in the Promise Palace became cold after seeing that this trick did not work, only when the opponent blocked his attack with some special means.

After all, Hong Yun used the power of his mind to perceive the law here, but he couldn't see it at all, he only thought that the other party was scorning him, and didn't put it in his eyes.

Immediately shouted: "I'm so daring, let's see what I do."

With that, he directly mobilized all the powers granted to him by the Promise Palace, condensed the power of this part of the law into a big hand that covered the sky, and patted the red cloud.

Red Cloud, who was comprehending the power of the law, only sensed something coming, and immediately raised his hand to the big hand that condensed by the law and lightly tapped it, and saw that the big law hand was directly imprisoned in the void.

The above laws are intertwined and intricate, but they are extremely powerful.

If it were to be replaced by any quasi-saint level existence, it would stand in front of the big hand of the law.

It will only end in a dead end.

But the strength of the Hongyun Saint was here, even if he was suppressed by the rules of this world, he was already a powerful saint.

As Hongyun felt the power of the external laws had reached a critical moment.

So he confined the big hand of the law here, and waited for him to comprehend the power of the outer law.

Then proceed to comprehend the power of this law.

Promise Palace.

The quasi-sage strong only felt that his moves were forcibly suppressed.

Since this is the powerful rule he mobilized the authority granted by the Promise Palace, he must find a way to recover it.

When even mobilizing all minds, put it on the top of the fight for control authority.

Trying to move the big law hand outside the Promise Palace, wanting to draw it back.

He never thought of it.

I just wanted to use the authority granted by the Promise Palace to teach the disrespectful fellow outside.

But I didn't expect to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

He used the power of the law that came out of his authority, but he was forcibly confined in place by the other party, unable to pull it back.

Because this Promise Palace is the key to this world.

Therefore, the power of laws in this Promise Palace is completely different from other places.

If the power of the law outside is the manifestation of the rules of this world.

Then the power of the law in this Promise Palace is the matrix of the rules of this world and the key to the evolution of the rules.

All the laws are unique, how could he allow Hongyun to forcibly seize the laws.

The quasi-sage powerhouse in the Promise Palace shouted angrily, and wanted to use all his authority to bring back the big law hand.

But the big hand of the law is still suspended in the air.

Not a single trace of wanting to return to the Promise Palace means.

It just so happened that Hong Yun had realized the power of the external laws, and turned his head to look at the Promise Palace.

At a glance, he saw the quasi-sage powerhouse who blushed his face in order to compete for authority.

The quasi-sage naturally saw Hong Yun turning his head and looking in his direction.

It's just that now he has exhausted all his strength in order to compete for the authority of the law, and there is no trace of spare energy to do other things.

Hong Yun looked at the other party's somewhat strenuous expression, smiled and shook his head.

Then he raised his hand and called, and pulled the law of the void closer, so that he could feel it more easily.

But it is precisely because of Hongyun's action.

The body of the quasi-sage powerhouse who was fighting for authority was shaken, he immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell backward.

Looking at the top of the Promise Palace with dull eyes.

"I actually failed. The person who clearly controls the authority of the law is me. Why should I fail?"

The quasi-sage who was lying down was ashamed.

He who has been deprived of authority can no longer be called a palace guard.

At this moment, he has become an ordinary quasi-sage powerhouse, although he is still the best in this world.

But in the new god, it is no longer in the flow.

As early as when the new **** chose him thousands of years ago, arranged him to enter the Promise Palace, and successfully passed the test to become a disciple of the new god.

He already controls part of the Promise Palace authority.

The new **** even made a promise to him. After he controls 30% of his authority, the new **** will come and accept him as a true disciple.

At that time, he can follow the new **** and see the outside world.

Ascend to the true superb.

When his authority was taken away, his control authority over the Promise Palace had reached 29.99%.

It only takes three days for him to reach 30% control first.

And he had even reported to the new **** in advance.

Invite new gods to come.

But now his authority was taken away, or taken away by an outsider.

When the new **** descends, what will he do with him?

The quasi-sage majesty looked at the red cloud that seemed to be in a daze, and his complexion gradually became grim: "It's him, it's him who took away my authority and prevented me from dealing with the new god."

"Damn thing, no matter which clan you are from, I will let you die."

The quasi-sage power was cross-legged for a while in the Promise Palace to restore the previously disorganized spirits due to the seizure of authority.

Immediately after taking a long breath, he looked at Hongyun with piercing eyes.

Although he knew in his heart that the person outside was not some kind of idle person, but in order to be able to call the new disciple of the gods, he had to take back the authority.

Immediately, the quasi-sage screamed angrily and rushed toward the outside of the palace.

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