At this moment, Hong Yun did not pay attention to the psychological activities of the quasi-saint mighty.

Now when he had just captured this rule, something involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Among them is the existence of this Promise Palace.

The memory shows that this Promise Palace is not a thing in the Great Meng, but a personal treasure of the outside world.

It's just that when the great power discovered Hongmeng, it was already in the stage of suffering from serious injuries and dying.

In order to prevent the enemy from getting his own treasure, he promptly threw the Promise Palace directly into the Harmony.

Immediately, holding his remnant body, he wanted to die with the enemy who came after him.

After being thrown into Hongmeng by him, the Promise Palace has always existed in a dense place, and it can only be obtained by chance.

And the ordinary saint phase cannot enter the Promise Palace.

Only the creatures under the saints can enter the Wuji Palace, find this hub, and pass the test before they can control the Wuji Palace.

As early as when the new **** appeared before, he also tried to forcefully enter the Wuji Palace, seize the hub, and use the Wuji Palace for his own use.

However, although the Promise Palace is a thing of no owner, its failure is not to be underestimated.

Even if the new **** is very powerful, he is in control and the law of time, but there is no way to enter the Promise Palace.

I don't know how long it took, that new **** caught some human races from somewhere, and put them into the Promise Palace in batches through certain secrets.

Because of the limitations of the Promise Palace, the new **** simply caught some people who had never practiced before, and then sealed some memories in his body.

Following the blood and killing, the human race who struggled to survive awakened the memory.

In his impression, there is the memory of the new way of teaching the body cultivation by the new gods.

And now the guards in the Wuji Palace are the human races that have passed the test of the Wuji Palace.

Although it only passed less than one-third, it was able to contact the outside world, and was able to open up part of its authority to allow creatures not exceeding the level of saints to enter.

It is precisely because of this incident that Hongyun, coupled with the forbidden land he encountered, was left behind when the Promise Palace first entered Hongmeng.

By chance, this saint also allowed him to enter the Promise Palace.

Hong Yun couldn't help but touched his chin. It seemed that he had obtained something remarkable.

These permissions can allow him to enter the Promise Palace, carry out the next test, and completely control this space defense treasure.

It's just that now he cares more about who the new **** is?

A powerful man who controls time...

Suddenly there was a possibility in Hong Yun's mind. The mighty power that controlled the time was the time in the chaotic **** and demon.

After all, the second **** demon who controls the space can survive by raising his eyebrows.

There is no reason to die in that day-opening calamity when you control the way of the strongest!

Thinking of this, Hong Yun felt even more certain.

Although he didn't know much about Hongmeng, he knew about Hongmeng even before the catastrophe through the environment of Chaos City before.

Its top combat power is also limited.

How could it be possible to achieve this ten thousand years of layout.

Just as Hong Yun was thinking about it, he saw the quasi-sage powerhouse in the Promise Palace roaring out of the palace gate and heading straight for Hong Yun.

Looking at his expression, it seemed that he had suffered great grievance and shame.

Hong Yun felt a bit of authority from the Promise Palace, and suddenly he wanted to try it.

Immediately mobilize the authority to condense the power of some laws into one big hand.

The quasi-sage who had just rushed out of the palace gate was directly arrested.

Under the control of the law's big hand, the quasi-sage power looked at Hongyun with humiliation.

With the same method, he couldn't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes.

But the opponent just took control of the power of the law, and he could be handled like a little chicken.

Although I knew in my heart that there must be some gap between the two, I didn't expect the gap to be so big.

The quasi-sage strong who was held in the hands of the law almost cried.

Hong Yun glanced at him. At this time, he had understood these laws thoroughly, and the only difference was the rest of the laws in the Promise Palace.

So for the use of authority, he is naturally much stronger than the little quasi-sage in front of him.

Hongyun Shishiran walked into the Promise Palace.

Behind him is a giant hand holding the law of quasi-saint power.

After entering the Wuji Palace, Hong Yun had to look at the whole picture of the Wuji Palace.

This feeling is like the furnishings of his Fire Cloud Palace.

It's just the materials used to build this Promise Palace, but he has never seen it.

Just relying on these materials to build the Promise Palace, you can resist the attacks of the saints, let alone add some formations and rules.

If there is a powerful saint in it, I am afraid it will be difficult for even Hongyun to break the outermost defense.

When I perceive all this.

Hong Yun's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, it seemed that this was a mobile dojo with a small world of its own.

This is much better than his Huoyun Palace.

Moreover, if he controls the complete Promise Palace, even Hongjun will not necessarily be able to break Fang Yu.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, this time it was a big profit.

Behind him, the quasi-sage power saw Hong Yun grabbing him, but he didn't even want to pay attention.

My heart was instantly raged, and he shouted: "You Dao, don't use your skills to do evil here, and quickly return the authority of the Promise Palace to me, otherwise, when the new **** descends, you must be beautiful."

Although he didn't know how Hong Yun reached this level of cultivation, but the new **** had once shone, even he could not enter this world with his true body, let alone an outsider.

In this world, he, the palace guard, is invincible.

Therefore, he never thought that the Red Cloud Society would be the power to enter the world of the Promise Palace from the outside, only when the other party didn't know what method was used, concealing the information of himself and the new god, and cultivated to such a state.

Could it be that this person found something wrong?

Thinking of this, the palace guard's complexion became more gloomy. In order to please the new god, he killed the power of this realm to the quasi-sage level, or the power that was expected to reach the quasi-sage level.

How could there be such an accident.

After hearing the palace guard's roar, Hong Yun sighed, and then there was a smile on his face. He turned to look at the palace guard who was clenched by the mana.

He said: "Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this, is it the so-called new **** in your mouth?"

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