I Have a Trillion Merits

: Control the Promise Palace

Even Shi Chen himself, it is difficult to break through this unstoppable formation, at least it can trap him for ten thousand years.

If someone with a cultivation level like Hongyun presided over him, this battle could trap him for tens of thousands of years, or even thousands of years.

Looking at the large formation that has already been laid, Shichen sneered: "I see how you come out this time. When you control the Promise Palace, it is also the time when this seat will destroy you."

When the voice fell, Shi Chen waved his hand suddenly, the power of time around his body was fully displayed, and all of it was poured into the great formation here.

In an instant, the power of the entire Unstoppable Array reached a new level.


Promise Palace.

Hong Yun sat cross-legged on the main hall. This battle has benefited him a lot, and it has also allowed him to see the power of the gods and demons above the throne.

This time and thousands of years of planning was ruined in his own hands, and he would definitely be very unwilling in his heart.

At this time, I am afraid that a net of heaven and earth has already been laid outside, and only after he has completely controlled the Promise Palace, he will completely show his ultimate move.

Hong Yun moved slightly in his heart, and he had naturally seen Shi Chen's method. A magical power alone had such a great power. If it was his turn to play, I am afraid that his strength would be even stronger.

He must completely control the Promise Palace in his hands before he can have the power to fight Shichen.

Otherwise, just relying on him now, there is only one to escape.

When Hong Yun was worried, the Devouring Giant Whale that he had put away neighed, as if to indicate his own existence.

Since entering the emptiness of Chaos City, Hong Yun has put away the Devouring Giant Whale to prevent accidents.

Now the Devouring Whale has been a little bored in the space built into the red cloud, and it has begun to roar uneasy.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then the Devouring Giant Whale was released, allowing him to guard the gate of the Promise Palace.

Although he knew the previous energy fluctuations and had already shocked the native creatures of this world, no one would come here at all at this time.

But just in case, Hong Yun still released the devouring giant whale to protect the law.

Even the mysterious little tower ran out at this moment, floating around Hongyun constantly, as if acting like a baby.

In the Universe Promise Gourd at his waist.

The mosquito man had already given up his resistance at this moment, and was lying in the red sand prisoner, allowing the terrifying red sand to pass over him.

The previous battle faintly revealed.

But now his heart has long been calm, although he doesn't know what the situation is with this guy.

Since entering Hongmeng, there have been constant battles, big and small battles.

Fight with him at the border of Hongmeng.

A battle with the gods of good fortune.

There is also a battle with the space gods.

Including the fight that I didn't know before.

This person is like a broom star, basically hitting wherever he goes.

Even if it is the time now, the mosquito person is not surprised.

But that being said, if the mosquitoes know that Hong Yun was fighting Shichen before, I am afraid that Hong Yun will be directly cursed to death in his heart.

The Great Hall of the Promise Palace.

Hong Yun sat cross-legged, comprehending the law of the Promise Palace above with the power of his mind.

The rules of the Promise Palace are extremely mysterious.

Even after he had killed the palace guard before, he had won 30% of the law insight from his hands.

But after so long, he realized that about 50%.

The previous battle with Shichen's magical powers gave him a deep understanding of the power of the Promise Palace's laws.

Now that he realized the rules here again with his heart and soul, the speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

But time is tight now, if he realizes the law of the Promise Palace at this speed, it will take at least half a year.

He didn't know in his heart whether the time flow of this world was consistent with that of the predecessor.

He must quickly control the Promise Palace, and then escape from Shi Chen, and find a way to return to the wilderness.

Otherwise, when the time comes to confine the gods, he will be completely unsure of acquiring more things.

With a move in Hong Yun's heart, he directly mobilized millions of merit power blessings from the long river of merit to enhance his understanding and deepen his comprehension of the law of the Promise Palace.

The original gap between him and Law disappeared a lot in an instant.

Hong Yun crossed his knees in the hall, and his mind was completely plunged into the law of the Wuji Palace at this moment, and he could clearly perceive the law of the Wuji Palace shrouded around him.

His primordial spirit wanders in the law of the Wuji Palace like a fish in the water, which makes his understanding of the law of the Wuji Palace more profound.




After a long time, the power of merit mobilized by Hongyun has been completely consumed by it, but he felt that his understanding of the law of the Promise Palace had become a little deeper.

Now it has reached 80%.

It's just that the law in the Promise Palace is nothing more than an uncompleted world law.

But seriously, this Promise Palace has become a model of the world.

At this moment, Hong Yun was comprehending and even mastering the laws of a world, and the further he went, the more difficult it was for him to comprehend the laws.

At this time, he is gradually struggling to understand the law.

Hong Yun sighed in his heart. Around his body, several long dragons of merit were drawn out by him in an instant for the purpose of enhancing his own understanding.

The power of these merits added up to tens of millions, making his whole person sink into the understanding and control of the law of the Promise Palace.

A mysterious and profound aura began to emerge from Hong Yun's body, and the whole body became extremely magical.

The law of the Promise Palace circulates around his body and is thoroughly mastered by him.

The world of Promise Palace at this moment.

The celestial phenomena began to change, the rules were operating more orderly than before, and everything in the world seemed to be a real world.

A fairy and wonderful voice appeared, purging all the memories of this world about time.

Eight and a half.


Ninety percent.

Ninety percent.

Hong Yun sat cross-legged in the Wuji Palace, and at this moment he had already controlled ninety-three of the Wuji Palace rules.

Now he can feel that he has become the master of the world of Promise Palace.

Everything is born with one thought.

This is an extremely mysterious realm, which has completely transcended the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is the law of opening the sky that can only be mastered by Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.

At this moment, Hong Yun actually realized it in the small world of the Promise Palace, and had to say that the former owner of the Promise Palace was indeed a genius.

His idea of ​​opening up the world with the Promise Palace is completely feasible.

It's just a pity that he hadn't completely cultivated the Promise Palace into a real world, and died in the pursuit of his enemies.

But now it's a cheap red cloud.

With the movement of Hongyun's divine mind, the last trace of the Promise Palace law completely fell apart and was mastered.

Ten percent.

At this moment, the Promise Palace was completely controlled by Hongyun.

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