After the Promise Palace was completely controlled by Hong Yun.

Hong Yun only felt that the entire world of the Promise Palace was under his control, including how the rules of this world should work.

He can even draft rules forcibly and create rules.

Hong Yun whispered: "This is different from Pangu's creation of the world, but it is equivalent to completely creating a world by himself."

After Pangu opened up the heavens and the earth, he only mastered the way to open the heavens, and finally set foot on the peak of proving the Dao with strength.

But the world he opened up exists in itself.

And it was still in the dark, under what rules were in operation, that Pan Gu successfully opened the sky.

So although Pangu opened up the world, it was unable to interfere with its operation.

But Hongyun was different. After he successfully refined the Promise Palace, he found that he was the creator of this world.

All creatures and environments in this world are under his control.

He can change the rules of this world at will, but this is also the reason why the rules of the world are not yet perfect, and the world of Promise Palace has not yet become a real little thousand world.

If the Wuji Palace truly becomes the Little Thousand World, then as his creator Hong Yun, his cultivation will directly step into the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian and become a sage.

Comprehend and even control the real law of open heaven.

Hong Yun looked down at the entire world of the Promise Palace, and there was inevitably a ripple in his heart. Then, he condensed his mind and began to think about how to deal with the next disaster.

Although Shichen was defeated in his hands, according to the other party's temperament, he would never give up.

The opponent at this time must be waiting for him to leave outside the Promise Palace.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, as he was actually unwilling to confront Shi Chen.

After all, even Shi Chen's ordinary magical powers have caused him to fight for such a long time, let alone a real time god?

Its combat power is naturally not to be underestimated, and it can even be said that Hongyun may not be its opponent at all.

But now that the Conferred God is imminent, how can he waste time here? He must find a way to return to the prehistoric land.

As soon as he thought of this, Hong Yun pushed his divine sense out of the Promise Palace, seeming to be exploring the surrounding environment.

At this moment, the Promise Palace is still in its original position, and the means deployed by the time are extremely secretive. If the red cloud does not emerge from the Promise Palace, it will definitely not be sensed.

After some exploration, Hong Yun didn't find Shi Chen, even a trace of breath.

This made Hong Yun couldn't help but be puzzled.

Didn't the other party find the real Promise Palace, so he didn't keep outside.

With a movement in Hong Yun's heart, he directly left the Promise Palace and stood in the void.

Put away the Promise Palace directly.

Immediately, he looked around vigilantly, and his divine consciousness spread out, trying to find Shi Chen's figure.

But the hour at this moment was hidden in the big formation, he had already noticed it when Hong Yun had just left the Promise Palace and appeared in the big formation.

It's just that he held his temper for the time being and didn't show up directly.

Looking at the red cloud in the big formation, Shichen sneered and said: "Finally, you have come out. You must have completely controlled the Promise Palace, then give him to this seat!"

In the big array.

After Hong Yun probed out his divine sense, he didn't find Shi Chen's figure, but he felt that there was something strange in this place that could not be said.

It seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, completely different from before he came in.

Just when Hong Yun just wanted to do something.

Behind him, Shi Chen's figure appeared instantaneously, directly raised his hand with a magical power and hit Hong Yun.

Hong Yun's complexion changed, and he had noticed it the moment the hour appeared.

When the opponent's magical powers shot, Hong Yun dodged directly, slapped the Universe Promise Gourd on his waist, and in an instant, endless red sand spewed out.

The endless red sand instantly filled the entire space, rushing towards the time like a dreadful red river.

The interior of Qiankun Promise Gourd.

After sensing the abnormality here, the mosquito person sighed deeply: "Fighting with people again."

During this period of time, he even felt that Hong Yun was the Chaos God and Demon, so aggressive, and he still fought with people of not much difference in level.

Had it not been for Hong Yun's body to have more treasures, I'm afraid he would have suffered a long time ago.

At this moment, the mosquito man was just lying lazily in the red sand prison, and now the red sand in the gourd was poured out by red clouds.

On the contrary, there is no means to consume his mana and soul.

He also took advantage of this time to take a good rest and recover.

outside world.

The endless red sand turned into a long river and rushed towards Shi Chen.

When Shi Chen saw this, he sneered: "I will show you what is the real long river of time."

The voice fell.

A long river with dazzling light emerged from its back, directly facing the long river of red sand.

The two have just touched.

Hong Yun felt that his divine consciousness that controlled the red sand was rapidly diminishing, and the mana in his body was constantly diminishing.

When he came to the realm of a saint, the mana in his body was almost infinite.

But now Hong Yun has a feeling that his mana is rapidly diminishing. It seems that if this continues, the mana in his body will be exhausted.

Hong Yun's expression changed, and he knew in his heart that this was the law of time controlled by the other party.

Really overbearing.

It was really terrifying that he could be affected by magic weapons.

With a move in Hong Yun's heart, he directly took back the endless red sand, returning them all to the Universe Promise Gourd.

The mosquito person who had been prepared to rest, could not help but sigh when he saw the red sand swept in again.

However, after he felt the terrifying time law carried on the red sand, he immediately yelled: "You **** kid, who is not good to provoke, but to provoke the monster of Time."

Hong Yun turned a deaf ear to his ears, and the five-element grinding disc condensed in midair while raising his hand.

Around his body, the rich five-element law came out directly, and began to gather and surround in midair.

In the end, a huge five-element grinding disc was formed in the air.

When Shi Chen saw this, he laughed wildly and said: "The little trick of carving insects is simply vulnerable. The long time has passed him."

In an instant, the two directly collided together.

Rumble! ! !

Terrifying energy fluctuations erupted in the void.

At this time, he didn't leave the slightest back hand, and directly used his strongest means, in order to kill Hongyun with one blow.

In the void, the five elements are crushed to pieces.

Time Changhe directly crushed the Five Elements Grinding Disc, and then continued to squeeze towards the Red Cloud.

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