Above Xiqi Chaotang, Ji Chang was energetic, looking at Da Shang's direction, there was a gleam in his eyes.

In the hall, San Yisheng is also like a heavy burden.

This time the prime minister allowed himself to control the political situation, maintaining the political situation unchanged, and Xiqi court was stable.

I must live up to the expectations and the trust of the king.

After dispersing the dynasty, Jiang Ziya summoned an army of hundreds of thousands of Xiqi, ready to start.

During this dispute over a big business, Jiang Ziya took Su Quanzhong, Huang Feihu, and Li Jing's family together.

Although Jinzha and Muzha are three generations of disciples of Chanjiao.

But since Nezha was accepted by Hongyun as registered disciples, the two were secretly recalled to the world.

The excuse in explaining education is to go home to visit his parents.

As for Huang Feihu and other generals, they are pioneers in the fight for big business, including the other generals he brought.

And Yang Jian is now guarding in Chongcheng to prevent Dashang from sending people to attack.

Now Fengshen has entered the white-hot stage.

Even Xiqi and Dashang have had small-scale frictions, killing and wounding countless soldiers between each other.

Now both sides realize that this is the last battle.

A battle will determine the universe.

Over the wild.

Hong Yun and Nu Wa both knew the last moment in their hearts as they watched the more and more intense aura of calamity.

This amount of calamity was really just like what my teacher Hongjun said, no matter what cultivation level the great creatures were, they were all swept away.

If it's true, there is someone who is not involved.

I am afraid that only the Houtu saints in the underworld did not participate.

After all, the underworld controls the reincarnation of sentient beings, and those who have no hope of entering the list of conferred gods will eventually reincarnate.

The rest of the saints in the predicament either lay out secretly, or sent people to help openly.

All get involved.

According to the General Nuwa, during the time Hongyun entered Hongmeng, even Lao Tzu secretly sent someone to enter the big business.

I heard that the true conferred **** is Jiang Ziya.

Yuan Yuan even rose up to find Hongyun to ask for the Fengshen Bang, but when he found that the Fengshen Bang was in Jiang Ziya's hands.

Angry, almost ready to grab.

But when he found that Jiang Ziya also had the appearance of a flying bear, he stopped his thoughts immediately.

But he still believes in Shen Gongbao.

Leave a message and see how personal methods are.

Apart from this, Jie Jiao complied with Hongyun's request and tried his best to recall his disciples just in case.

Even secretly sent people to Xiqi.

It's just that the Taishi Wenzhong rooted too deeply and it is not easy to evacuate.

Its cause and effect have long been entangled with Dashang, how could it be possible to withdraw to Jinao Island like others.

But this can be a hidden game buried in the big business, only to be activated later in the situation.

And Jiang Ziya, the man of the gods, is now Xiqi's prime minister, with power in his hands.

Hongyun gave the Conferred God List early in order to let him know his position in the calamity.

Since then, he has given a lot of treasures secretly.

Including his magic whip made of gourd vines, and a mutant fairy beast from Penglai Fairy Island to protect his safety.

This will allow Jiang Ziya to be in the Conferred God and have enough power to protect himself.

Moreover, this Shen Gongbao was even Hongyun's dark game in Chanjiao. After all, apart from him, no one could beat Chanjiao.

Nowadays, Huang Long, who is an educator, has been on the list of gods under Shen Gongbao's weird ability.

In the future, this twelve golden immortals who had their body protection secret technique broken by themselves.

No one can escape.

A smile appeared on Hong Yun's face, and this time he entered the predicament and gained a lot.

Not only makes the secret treasures of Killing the Gunslinger, but also to a higher level.

And also harvested the top treasures of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the fairy crown of good fortune and the mysterious little tower.

He also brought back an ancient Chaos God and Demon from Hongmeng.

It can be said to have benefited a lot.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun sank his mind into the Universe Promise Gourd, wanting to see how the mosquito man is now.

But after his mind entered it.

It was discovered that from the prehistoric times, a mysterious force came and fell directly on the mosquito man.

It completely overwhelmed the red sand prisoners.

The mosquito person exclaimed: "This familiar breath, you brought me into...the predicament?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "You chaotic gods and demons, don't you always want to return to the prehistoric times?"

A touch of surprise appeared in the depths of Mosquito Man's eyes, and he really wanted to enter the wilderness.

Moreover, only in the midst of a prehistoric state could he complete his cultivation completely.

However, this powerful repulsive force made him feel faintly uneasy.

This is the rejection from the prehistoric heaven.

He couldn't resist at all, if he hadn't been in the Promise Gourd, I'm afraid he would have been repelled from the prehistoric.

The red cloud frowned slightly when he saw it.

Seeing the expression on the face of the red cloud, Nuwa couldn't help asking loudly, "Brother, what's wrong? But something is difficult?"

Hong Yun frowned and said, "There are indeed some difficult things. Junior sister knows how to solve the repulsive force from the prehistoric heaven?"

Although his soul is also an outsider, he doesn't seem to have any induction in the prehistoric heaven.

Let alone repel him.

Therefore, he did not think of any way to solve this repulsive force from the prehistoric.

Nu Wa frowned and said, "Could it be that the brother brought something from Hongmeng?"

Honghuang does have a strong repulsive force against species from the outside world, especially after Hongjun fits the way of heaven.

This rejection became more and more obvious.

This is also a special protection for the prehistoric.

Hongyun chuckled softly when he heard the words: "It did bring something, and I also brought a chaos **** and demon."

If this mosquito person can stay in the wilderness, sooner or later it will be made public.

So for Nuwa, he doesn't need to hide.

Nu Wa was shocked and said: "Mosquito person? The mosquito person mentioned by my brother is transformed by the blood-winged black mosquito of the beast."

Hong Yun said: "Exactly."

Nu Wa frowned slightly, as the Mother of Human Race, he naturally didn't like such destruction creatures.

But after thinking for a while.

She still said, "Maybe the brother can try it with merit."


Nu Wa said: "Yes, this merit is originally the product of the land and the earth, it is a special existence, and may be able to offset the repulsive force from the heaven and the earth."

Hongyun heard this, his eyes lit up, and said: "Maybe we can really try it."

From his current background, things that can be solved with the power of merit are not called things.

Nu Wa said: "Even if the senior brother can solve this prevalent repulsive power, how can we ensure that the mosquito person is obedient?"

Hongyun believes: "Sister sister, don't worry, brother, I have my own way."

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