After hearing Hongyun's words, Nuwa stopped talking.

And in her opinion, with Hongyun's current combat power, the strength of the prehistoric top saint.

Now that the mosquitoes can be included in the Universe Promise Gourd, there are naturally ways to solve the subsequent series of troubles.

Just as Nuwa thought in her mind.

Hong Yun does have a way to control the mosquito person, with the help of him to control all the laws now.

It is entirely possible to plant a time bomb in the spirit of the mosquito person, and directly annihilate his spirit.

Even at the level of saints, it is difficult to escape.

In his opinion, this is much more reliable than the realm of heaven. After all, this great world is not only the realm.


He sank into the Universe Promise Gourd, and said to the mosquito man trapped in the red sand prison: "Mosquito man, you can still think of it."

The mosquito man frowned and said, "You would be so kind, willing to let me out."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "If you want to come up with it, please let go and let me lay down the means."

The mosquito man said angrily: "Do you want to turn me into a slave?"

In the ancient times of chaos, such things happened.

Among the three thousand gods and demons, there is one that controls the puppet avenue, and his subordinates have controlled many gods and demons.

Those gods and demons were completely reduced to puppets and became servants of the gods and demons.

Mosquito Dao people thought that Hong Yun wanted to turn him into a puppet-like servant, and control his mind in his hands.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Not so, but the poor way needs to leave some back-hands on you."

The mosquito person frowned and said, "How are you doing?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Leave some means, if I have a chance in the future, how about I let you be free?"

The mosquito person frowned slightly.

It can be said that now he is under the control of Hongyun, if Hongyun wants to kill him easily.

It can even be completely trapped in the Universe Promise Gourd.

He has no choice.

After careful consideration, the mosquito person said: "But what you said is true?"

Hongyun smiled, and said, "What I said, how is it fake?"

As a saint, every word and deed is in harmony with the way of heaven. It can be said that the existence of the law follows the law. Surviving in this realm is easily contaminated with cause and effect, so the price of lies is very high.

Especially when the other side is also a saint.

The mosquito person sighed deeply, then nodded and said: "If this is the case, then it is as you wish."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "You can be happy."


The mosquito person sat cross-legged underground, completely let go of his mind.

Seeing this, the red cloud used the Five Elements Principles, fused with the air of destruction and part of the law of time, and condensed into a diamond-shaped crystal.

Directly sent to Qiankun Promise Gourd.

Upon sensing the arrival of the diamond-shaped crystal, the mosquito-path man secretly felt his mind.

After discovering that Dao Ze in the rhombus crystal is no different from what Hong Yun said.

He let go of his mind and greeted it into his mind.

After the diamond-shaped crystal entered his mind, the mosquito-path man suddenly felt a sense of **** from the soul.

If he had any thoughts of betraying Hongyun in his heart, this diamond-shaped crystal would burst out directly, destroying his soul, making him completely dead, and he would not even be eligible for reincarnation.

After everything was over, Mosquito Daoist sighed and said: "So, fellow Daoist can let me out!"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "This is natural."

With that, he directly urged Qiankun Promise Gourd to release the mosquito man.

But at the moment when the mosquito person appeared, he was taken by this powerful repulsive force. If he wanted to directly expel the prehistoric, he could only resist with his own saint cultivation base at this moment.

The mosquito person said with painstakingly: "Friends of Taoism have not taken action yet, do you really let me be expelled by him?"

With a move of Hong Yun's mind, he directly mobilized the power of a million merits, turned into a dragon of merits, and appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the appearance of the dragon of merit, Nuwa on the side was also a little speechless.

She no longer wanted to guess how much merit Hong Yun had, at least the merit she saw Hong Yun used was no less than the amount that Hongmeng bestowed her sanctification.

Even far more than many.

The mosquito road man looked at the dragon of merit that appeared in front of him, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

Hong Yun shouted in a low voice: "Friends of Taoism are not quick to make a refining."

Hearing the words, the mosquito person directly exposed the body, and directly pierced the head of the meritorious dragon with his mouthparts to completely absorb and refine it.

After the mosquito person took the initiative to refine the power of merit.

A layer of golden brilliance was shrouded in his body, which was the special aura he possessed after refining the power of merit.

After the appearance of this breath, the power of repulsion from the prestige disappeared.

It seems to be regarded as a prehistoric creature.

It has to be said that it is indeed too difficult for the creatures outside of the prehistoric to offset the repulsive force of the prehistoric.

After all, this power of merit can only be bestowed by people who have made great contributions to the prehistoric.

But it is not the creatures of this world, it is easy to be rejected by the predators as before, and it is impossible to stay in the prehistoric, let alone make any major contributions.

So without the help of outsiders, this is simply impossible.

After the mosquito man reluctantly stood in the void, he looked at Hongyun with a smile, and said: "Sure enough, you, a belligerent boy, have a way to enter the wilderness."

Hong Yun smiled and shook his head, and then said, "Pan Dao, congratulations to fellow Taoists for their successful foothold in the land."

The mosquito road man smiled and shook his head, then looked at Nu Wa on the side, and said, "Is this a saint too?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Yes, this is the junior sister, Nu Wa."

Nu Wa smiled and said, "I have seen fellow Taoists below."

The mosquito person also saluted: "I have seen fellow Taoists."


As if he had discovered something, the mosquito road man looked at Skyrim's more and more suffocating air, and sneered: "This world... is still so interesting."

He has existed since the Chaos Period, and he has personally experienced the Tribulation of Heaven.

And when the sky was opened, a similar amount of calamity aura appeared in the precipice, but it was much stronger than it is now.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "This time we are in the midst of famine and famine, fellow Taoists can go to my Penglai Fairy Island to cultivate."

Now that the mosquito person has experienced the baptism of the red sand prisoner, he has not fully recovered, and his existence is currently not known to the rest of the saints.

This can also be regarded as one of Hongyun's backhands for Penglai Xiandao.

After hearing what Hong Yun said, the mosquito person said indifferently, "So, it's okay."

After Hong Yun listened to it, he sent a voice message to let Kong Xuan come here to take the mosquito person back to Penglai Xiandao.

And he traveled through the prehistoric times with Nuwa.

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