I Have a Trillion Merits

: Good-looking primitive

After Kong Xuan came to pick up the mosquitoes and returned to Penglai Xiandao.

Hong Yun and Nu Wa traveled around the world to observe the progress of this calamity.

Just before the two arrived in Xiqi.

From the direction of Kunlun Mountain, there are a few streams of light going down the mountain, and the cultivation base should be 12 golden immortals.

Hong Yun reached out to observe the people, and found that these people were the Cihangdao people among the twelve golden immortals, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Samantabhadra, and fearful grandson.

Now they all descended to Kunlun Mountain and headed straight for Dashang.

Nu Wa smiled lightly: "Now it seems that Yuan has discovered something wrong, and wants to send these four people to save the situation."

Watching Qi Qi rush to Honghuang, the four people couldn't help but look weird.

Others didn't know what was going on, how he didn't know, he didn't expect Yuan Yuan to send these four people together.

I have to say that the original vision... is really good.

A moment.

Hongyun and Nuwa came to the place where the Xiqi army is now, and it was Chongcheng, the first city where they entered the business.

In the void, Hong Yun couldn't help but nodded secretly looking at the combat power possessed in Chongcheng.

Except for Yang Jian, the three Nezha brothers and others, including the later Meishan Seven Monsters, also entered the Xiqi army and commanded a party.

It's just that, now that Yuanyuan sent four of the twelve golden immortals under his sect to the Human Race to lead troops to help the Shang Dynasty, as a result, Xiqi's combat power was somewhat insufficient.

It is necessary to integrate some great Luo Jinxian level combat power, otherwise it will be difficult to win against.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun spread the voice to Kong Xuan and asked him to send Liu Er, Xiao Daji and others on the island to enter the predicament and come to this Xiqi Great Formation.

Now these people are also the top cultivation bases among the prehistoric, and they are considered to be enough to deal with the twelve golden immortals.

In this way, it would be necessary to set up some rounds by himself so that the original willing to send all the twelve golden immortals under his seat.

Otherwise, after the death of these four people, it would be troublesome if the original heart became suspicious.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help but show a smile.


In the void, Fear Liusun and the four others were flying high in the sky, rushing to the place of the Great Merchant.

Fear of leaving his grandson with a chuckle: "Teacher is worrying too much. Dashang has my disciples and grandsons, and he has my famous magic weapon to bind the fairy rope. Why do I need to wait for my action."

Cihangdao laughed and said: "The teacher is very true, the teacher is indeed a little worried. I explained that most of the disciples are in the big business. Before that, I even sent a disciple into the big business to wait for me. Should be robbed."

"Dare to ask, in this predicament, apart from the Da Luo level of Penglai Xiandao, who can stop me from explaining and teaching."

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun said with a smile: "It should be the case. Although there is a red cloud saint stationed in the Penglai fairy island line, he will not pull the skin and blend in with the fight between the people below."

Real person Samantabhadra nodded afterwards.

If there is no saint's level of action in this matter, it seems that they are better at explaining and teaching.

Soon, the four of them directly entered the big business.

After Shen Gongbao and others learned about it, they reported it directly to King Shang Zhou, who was overjoyed immediately.

He quickly ordered his servants to tidy up in the Star Picking Building to welcome the arrival of the Immortal Chanjiao.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, and the four great Luo Jinxians such as the fear of leaving their grandsons directly entered the big business.

Landed on the upstairs to pick the stars.

Shen Gongbao hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "The brother has seen four brothers."

The four of them smiled and nodded.

Although they don't really value their junior brother very much in their hearts, they are now at the time of the deity, and this Shen Gongbao is a person with the appearance of a flying bear.

Conferring gods plays a vital role here.

Therefore, it is also very important that the attitude of the four is slightly better.

Seeing his teacher's arrival, Tu Xing-sun hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and even took out the immortal rope, saying: "Since the teacher's law has come, then it will be useless to give this thing to the disciple, the teacher will take it back. !"

Fear of leaving the grandson smiled and said, "Fool, I'm just garrisoning as a teacher. You can hold this bundle of immortal ropes first."

A touch of joy suddenly appeared on Tuxingsun's face.

King Shang Zhou smiled and said: "Four immortals are coming, Xiao Wang has missed a long way to welcome him, but I hope the immortals will forgive me!

The four of them who were afraid of leaving their grandson shook their heads slightly, and said with a smile: "The king of Shang does not need to be polite."

After a group of people exchanged greetings, they took a seat directly at the Star Picking Building.


The news that the twelve golden immortals under the primitive dispatched the tribulation was instantly known by the great power in the entire prehistoric.

Most of these great abilities are people who have no court. At this moment, the so-called interpretation and teaching are also shocked.

Most of these are powers at the level of saints, and they have some understanding of the calamity.

So for the primitive behavior that almost shakes the foundation, I am full of admiration.

A saint is a saint, really bold.

Four of the mainstays in the interpretation and teaching were sent into the predicament.

If they were in a different place, they would definitely not have such courage.

Just after the four great Luo Jinxians entered Dashang.

Liu'er and others from the Penglai Xiandao line also entered Xiqi's army.

At this moment, only a large plain in front of Chongcheng remained between Dashang and Xiqi.

Both of them are on the verge of battle.

And the aura of calamity that permeated the entire prehistoric land began to surge again in the high altitude, even stronger than the previous riot.

In the predicament, the aura of calamity in all the creatures is stronger, and it is higher than before.

Outside Chongcheng, in a camp that was thousands of miles away, Chen Qiusheng was sitting in the camp, Tu Xingsun was right next to him, and the two of them sat in the camp and looked at the topographic map in front of him.

At this moment, the two men were appointed by Shen Gongbao as the vanguard generals, and were now stationed at the place closest to Chongcheng, facing the two armies of Xiqi.

This Chen Qiusheng is a disciple of the real person Samantabhadra, and now his cultivation has reached the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and he is regarded as the best among the three generations of disciples.

Originally, the real person Samantabhadra did not want to let him enter the calamity, he was too good and might even become a great Luo Jinxian.

Chen Qiusheng is also among the three generations of disciples, and is most likely to be one of the candidates of the Da Luo Jinxian.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun had previously issued a decree to send his best disciples into the big business to help Shen Gongbao establish the victory of the gods, so he was sent out.

Not only the two of them, but also the younger brothers of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and Fuxian Zhenren were also in the big business. This is also one of the important reasons why Yuanshi Tianzun sent the four of them.

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