I Have a Trillion Merits

: The mosquito man arrives

Soon, Jioyin and Zhunti moved their eyes away from the mortal battlefield, and turned to look in the direction of Chao Ge.

Both of them saw the light in each other's eyes.

In Chaoge City, the two seem to see the golden light belonging to Buddhism, which is the light that comes with people with Buddha's predestined relationship.

The two went towards the direction of the song to explore the spiritual sense, and found the four people who were afraid of Liusun.

Zhun said: "So, these four people are also connected to my Buddhism."

Leading the way: "Great goodness."


Zhunti thought about it in his heart, hoping to find an idea that would bring these four people into Buddhism.

After all, these four are no better than the Taoist of Burning Lantern, although the Taoist of Burning Lantern is the vice-master of the teaching.

But its status is still inferior to the twelve golden immortals.

These twelve golden immortals are the mainstay of elucidation and teaching, and their status is completely different from that of the Taoist.

If you bring these four people to Western Buddhism.

I am afraid that the original will be furious.

But now the two can only take one step at a time. After all, if Western Buddhism wants to flourish.

It is completely impossible to rely solely on barren land like the West.

Only to attract top practitioners from outside.

Then he said: "I can only do this now. I figured out a way to count these four people on the list of conferred gods, and I can completely pass a trace of their true spirit into Buddhism."

"At that time, even if these four people enter the heavenly court, it will be my opportunity for Buddhism, not for elaboration."

Zhunti thought about it for a moment, then nodded.

Now they can only do so.

After a long time.

The siege war below is also coming to an end, the big business side suffered heavy losses, 200,000 vanguards.

Now nearly half of the casualties.

In the evening, Wen Taishi had just retired, and all the remnants were returned to the camp.

After Chen Qiusheng and others saw Taishi Mingjin retreating, they also turned back to the handsome account.

After returning to the handsome account.

Daoist Zihen said: "It is said that the Wen Taishi uses soldiers like gods, but now it seems that this is not the case."

Tu Xingsun also nodded, and the battle and battle he was watching today was indeed disappointing.

Originally, he thought Wen Zhong had at least some way to deal with it.

Now it seemed that it was just taking advantage of the numbers to attack the city directly, and there was no way to speak of it.

On the head of the city.

Liu'er and the others have already returned to the city. Now that the other fairy is not out, they naturally don't have to do it.

The mortal war is naturally resolved by the mortal.

Only Jiang Ziya stayed on top of the city and frowned slightly as he watched the retreating people on the big business side.

Subsequently, Jiang Ziya summoned Nezha, Huang Tianhua and others.

A group of people gathered in the hall.

Nezha took the lead and said: "I don't know what the prime minister called me to wait."

Jiang Ziya opened the mouth and said, "Attack the camp tonight."

Huang Tianhua and others said in shock: "The prime minister wants me to wait tonight to go to the big business to attack camp?"

Jiang Ziya nodded and said: "That's the case. Now Wen Zhong's vanguard has suffered heavy casualties, and he must be repaired this time."

"And my army in Xiqi is waiting for work, letting those sergeants who have never participated in the siege to attack."

"A surprise attack on the Chaoge pioneer army."

When the generals heard the words, they all shined. Today, Dashang's performance is a bit strange, and it looks more like it was intentional.

Now, after hearing what Jiang Ziya said, his heart moved.

Among them are many generals who are fighting. They have rich combat experience and naturally understand the truth at the moment.

Immediately, a group of people returned to the city to gather sergeants.

Taking advantage of the night, directly and quietly galloping in the direction of the vanguard of the big business.

But for a moment.

Everyone rushed to the guard place of the Great Merchant Vanguard and immediately killed the guarding sergeant.

But before dying.

These sergeants still sounded the alarm, and in an instant, the entire camp lit up with fire.

The big merchant sergeant left the camp embarrassedly.

Start to meet the enemy.

After Wen Zhong heard the sound, he saw all the people in Xiqi who rushed in at a glance, and immediately shouted: "All soldiers, meet the enemy!"

The big business generals put on their armor one after another, began to rectify their subordinates, and then began to meet the enemy.

Before the camp, Nezha abandoned his horse's foot and stepped on the hot wheel, holding a fire-tip gun to kill.

Sergeants and soldiers along the way were beheaded one after another.

Upon seeing this, Master Wen hurriedly got on Mo Qilin, holding a whip in his hand to meet the enemy.

All the invading sergeants Xiqi were beheaded.

On the other side, Huang Tianhua relied on his bravery, holding two silver hammers in his hands, urging Yu Qilin under his hips.

Directly meet Taishi Wen who is riding Mo Qilin.

The two fought together instantly.

It's just that Wen Zhong has the cultivation base of Taiyi Jinxian, and Huang Tianhua has just reached the realm of Tianxian.

And it was also a heavenly immortal who broke through in Chongcheng.

The realm is still unstable at this moment.

If it weren't for Wen Zhong's intention to release the water, I'm afraid Huang Tianhua at this moment would have already whipped his dead soul.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit had told Wen Zhong before.

Let him help Xiqi in secret, or even go directly to Xiqi if possible.

But Wen Zhong and Dashang are deeply entangled in luck. How can they just let them go.

In the battlefield.

Jin Zha and Mu Zha similarly rode and waved their long swords and directly greeted them.

Big business side.

Han Dulong and Xue Ehu each attacked with swords.

All of a sudden, murderous auras flashed in the entire camp.

The sound of hissing, the sound of the intersecting weapons is endless.

Chen Qiusheng and others in the camp at the rear also heard the sound of fighting in the Pioneer Camp at this moment.

One by one hovered in the air and looked into the distance.

Everyone only heard the clamor for killing, fires light up from time to time, and horses neighed.

In the dark, the sergeants of Xiqi and Dashang couldn't distinguish you from me.

All kinds of swords and guns stabbed indiscriminately, and the **** air gradually became stronger.

In the void.

Perceiving the red cloud here, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, especially after seeing the strong blood.

An idea suddenly came into my mind.

He secretly transmitted a sound to the mosquito person who was located on Penglai Xiandao, and asked him to rush here.

The mosquito man's body is the most fierce thing in the world, and now it is no longer suitable for absorbing the blood in this battlefield.

And it can also divert the eyes of those two people.

It's better to correspond to your own calculations.

At this point, Hong Yundang even transmitted the mosquito channel man, let him rush here.

The mosquito man who was cultivating in Penglai Fairy Island, after hearing the voice of Hongyun at this moment.

He informed Kong Xuan and left Penglai Xiandao directly.

Came towards the battlefield here.

However, within a short time, the mosquito person rushed here, and the Western Second Saint also found the trace of the mosquito person.

Looking at each other, they were a little puzzled.

They are all saints, and they are naturally surprised to see the cultivation of the mosquitoes.

I wonder when there will be another saint in this predicament.

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