I Have a Trillion Merits

: Large business leader

The mosquito man used some small tricks to hide in the void.

Although it is possible to conceal those who have not yet reached the quasi-sage, it is still somewhat unrealistic to try to hide the two sages from the West by such small means.

What's more, mosquito people have never concealed their thoughts.

And before he came, Hong Yun also told him, let him come to **** the blood evil spirit above the battlefield.

For the mosquitoes, this blood evil spirit can be said to be a great tonic.

not to mention.

He was born in chaos, and there was never a large-scale battle at that time.

It's a struggle between the great gods and demons.

At that time, if there was a third **** or demon present, the first two would have no interest in fighting.

Will directly stare at the third **** and demon.

Therefore, in the Chaos Period, he would not be able to absorb such a huge amount of blood evil spirit as he is now.

And in the midst of Hongmeng.

There are very few wars in the world, and if someone provokes a fight, Hongmeng will come forward to mediate.

He also had no chance to absorb the blood evil spirit.

Standing above the battlefield, the mosquito man looked at the battlefield below, grinning and said: "The world is really wonderful."

Stop talking.

The mosquito man opened his mouth and inhaled, and the **** evil spirit in the sky swept toward the mosquito man's mouth.

In the high altitude, it directly condenses into a huge vortex.

It even faintly evoked the existence of the aura of calamity.

The Second Sage of the West looked at the mosquito man who was presumptuously absorbing the blood evil spirit over the battlefield.

The hearts of each other were horrified.

They didn't expect that this newly-appearing saint would actually absorb such a strong blood evil spirit.

It seems far from the saint's.

The mosquito man sucked up the **** evil spirit over the battlefield in one gulp, and licked his lips still.

Strictly speaking, this **** spirit is not enough for a mosquito person to stuff his teeth.

However, Hong Yun planted a second hand in his soul, which extremely restricted what the mosquito man could do.

So he could not deliberately set off a mortal battle.

It made him unable to absorb the blood evil spirit to his heart's content, and could only absorb the blood evil spirit a little bit as the mortals below died in battle.

The Second Sage of the West looked at the mosquito man waiting in the standing void. Each other is dignified.

They all used great supernatural powers to cover their breath.

But the mosquitoes are the gods and demons surviving in the chaos, how can they not have other magical powers.

He had already sensed the existence of the two sages in the West, but he didn't show up, just standing in the enclosure waiting for the blood evil spirit to condense.

In the battlefield below at this moment.

The sky that has long been killed is dim.

The constant confrontation between the sergeants, relying on flesh and blood to fight each other.

The soldiers of the two armies greeted each other and fought each other.

However, Xiqi's side finally occupied the advantage of waiting for work, and the sergeant was like a tiger.

Continuously beheading the sergeant of Dashang.

But for a moment.

Dashang's sergeant was killed by about 50%, and the corpse was low in the camp, and blood was flowing into a river.

Nezha and the others also pulled out and besieged Master Wen Tai.

At this moment, Wen Zhong played the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal and fought fiercely with Nezha and others.

Even hanging high in the air, cast magic spells.

Chen Qiusheng and others, who were far away in Hoouying, saw that Wen Zhong was surrounded by Xiqi immortals, and a fierce color flashed on their faces.

They have long thought about it.

The primitive saints and the heavenly saints are not in harmony with each other, they naturally know.

So the people below them are not in harmony.

There are conflicts between the second-generation disciples and the second-generation disciples, and there are constant struggles between the third-generation disciples and the third-generation disciples.

The disciples of Chanjiao even look down on the disciples of Jijiao.

So they don't treat Wen Zhong as a colleague.

Even without hesitating to abandon the 200,000 vanguard army, Wen Zhongqi must be completely killed in Xiqi.

Tuxing grandson said unbearably: "Can't I wait to make a move?"

Tiancun Shengjun sneered: "It's just the first-rate birds and beasts, why should I wait for it?"

Taoist Zihen also smiled and said, "As it should be, why do I want to save this disciple."

Stop talking.

The two immediately lowered their figures and returned to the camp after arrival.

In their minds, these two hundred thousand vanguards have been a pile of vegetation since they followed Wen Zhong.

Mortals, they will not have mercy, let alone vegetation?

Seeing this, Tu Xingsun couldn't help but set his eyes on Chen Qiusheng who was aside, after all, he was the biggest commander here.

Chen Qiusheng also smiled and said, "I think what the two juniors said is reasonable."

With that, he returned directly to his commander-in-chief camp.


Chen Qiusheng is even the son of a native speaker: "Junior brother should come down to rest for a while, after a while, it will be the battlefield for me."

Tuxing Sun Wenyan glanced at Wen Zhong who had fallen into the "hard battle" in the distance.

Then he sighed and returned directly to the camp.

In the battlefield.

Huang Feihu and his son rushed to Zuoying Dashang, and fought with Deng Zhong and Zhang Jie, killing them in darkness.

Because the four of them have the same level of cultivation, they are now evenly matched.

The fight is also back and forth.

Xiqi Nangongshi, Xin Jia and other generals rushed to the right camp and fought with Xin Huan and Tao Rong of Dashang.

Between each other, fought together.

And the Nezha father and son, Huang Tianhua and others, besieged Wen Zhong, and they had contact with each other under Wen Zhong's intentional release of water.

at the same time.

Yang Jian also smashed in from the rear camp of the Wen Taishi, and rushed to the front of the vanguard army's haystack.

See the haystack in front of me.

Yang Jian let out a big laugh, and directly raised his hand to call out a flame, completely igniting the grain pile in this room.

According to this world.

When Taishi Wen was battling the crowd, he suddenly saw a fire start, and he thought for a while.

Feeling that the time has come, he just gave up fighting.

Yelled: "The two armies have a truce."


Jiang Ziya also came here, and shouted: "Sergeant of the Great Merchant, put down your weapons, and those who descend will not kill."

But for a moment.

After hearing what Taishi Wen had said, the sergeant gave up the weapon in his hand and squatted on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Sergeant Xiqi also stopped fighting instantly and detained Dashang's soldiers.

Yang Jian and others also surrounded Taishi Wen, watching Wen Zhong in the field vigilantly.

They thought in their hearts that Master Wen Tai would fight with them to the last moment.

But Yang Jian, Nezha and others, who are also Taiyi Golden Immortals, realized that Taishi Wen was not doing his best.

Otherwise, it would be easier for Wen Zhong to escape.

There is no need to surrender at all, to insult the Taishi.

Jiang Ziya rushed to here slowly, looking at Wen Zhong in the field, and arched his hands far away: "I've seen fellow Taoists."

Wen Zhong smiled and said, "Friends of Tao are polite."

The two western sages who were watching from the sky all looked weird after seeing this situation.

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