They didn't expect that it would end with this ending in the end.

When they saw that the cultivation base of Nezha and others was not as good as Wen Zhong, they thought that Wen Zhong would kill the immortal here.

Then to restore the defeat of Dashang, the criminals will be killed in the future.

But they never expected that it would actually end in such circumstances.

Wen Zhong led the remaining big merchants and soldiers and descended to Xiqi.

Including Hong Yun hidden in the void was also a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that the cause and effect between Wen Zhong and Da Shang was deeply entangled, and he was far from expecting such a situation.

The commander of this big merchant unexpectedly rescued the vanguard in the future.

In this way, the entanglement between Wen Zhong and Da Shang's luck was completely cut off.

In this way, Wen Zhong and other good generals were directly given to Xiqi.

A strange smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then he glanced in the direction of Song.

Sure enough, has Dashang's luck in such a decline?

In his eyes, Da Shang's original vigorous humane luck had begun to decline completely.

At least it has declined by about 80%.

It seems that Dashang's energy is exhausted.

Over the battlefield.

The mosquito man swallowed the newly created blood evil spirit again, and then looked at the battlefield below strangely.

In his opinion, the big businessmen still have tens of thousands of horses, and they surrendered anyway.

Moreover, the man who led the army before, actually got along so harmoniously with the man who attacked the camp later.

It really shouldn't be!


When Jiang Ziya came to the front, he had seen something wrong earlier, and Wen Zhong didn't even try to attack the city.

Now it seems that what he had in mind before was completely normal.

Wen Zhong probably had the idea of ​​breaking off the entanglement with Dashang for a long time, and it was just taking advantage of the trend at this moment.

What Dashang had done before had completely chilled Wen Zhong.

In the battlefield.

After Xiqi took over the Dashang army, he began to march towards Chongcheng, and Xiqi won the battle.

Wen Zhong also met Liu'er and others under Jiang Ziya's arrangement.

There was another round of greetings between each other.

By the early morning of the second day, everyone except Que Wenzhong went to Jiang Ziya Mansion to report their merits.

This Xiqi victory was also a huge victory for them against the violent merchants.

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed after seeing the generals coming to the mansion, and said:

"Yesterday's victory is due to everyone. Ziya has already recorded it in the book of merits against the violent merchants."

"This is also the blessing of Jiangshan Sheji, the blessing of the people of the world."

"When the tyrants are destroyed, I will be rewarded later."

When the generals heard this, they were all happy, especially Huang Feihu and other later generals.

They were the rebel generals of Dashang, and after they came to Xiqi, they always felt a different feeling in their hearts.

I always feel that I have not completely integrated into Xiqi.

The big victory last night brought them closer to integrating into Xiqi.

The generals all opened their mouths and said: "Towu Wang Hongfu, the prime minister is ethical, we have only been able to defeat the big business tyrant.

Jiang Ziya smiled upon hearing this.

Afterwards, everyone discussed merits and rewards on Jiang Ziya's mansion, but this reward will not be realized until after the demise of the Dashang.

And at the moment.

In the back camp of Dashang, Chen Qiusheng and others also directly gathered many generals and began to gather sergeants.

Do your best in the direction of Chongcheng.

After Xiqi's scout got the news, he reported it directly.

After Jiang Ziya and others heard that the great merchant sergeant was about to attack, they directly summoned the generals in the field.

Then began to gather sergeants to prepare to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

It has been a night of rest, although these soldiers have not fully rested yet.

But now that the enemy is coming, they have no choice but to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

Instant time.

The generals returned directly to their respective leader areas, and then led their sergeants out of the city to meet the enemy.

Wen Zhong also heard the sound of cannons in Chengtangying, so he hurried out to check.

However, they saw all the soldiers raising their troops and then heading outside the city, seeming to be going out of the city to meet the enemy.

Upon seeing this, Wen Zhong couldn't help but sigh.

His teacher once told him that the great business spirit was exhausted, but now he is just lingering.

At the moment, it looks like this is indeed the case.

And as far as he knew, those Chen Qiusheng and the others were nothing more than the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, how could they compete with Nezha and others.

The two soldiers and horses are evenly matched, and the two sides of the formation are facing each other.

Chen Qiusheng and others ascended directly into the sky, looking at the opposite Xiqi camp, with a hint of arrogance on their faces.

As the disciples of the Twelve Golden Immortals, they faced only some fledgling juniors.

Naturally, they can see clearly in their hearts.

Chen Qiusheng immediately shouted: "You and other rebellious officials dare to disobey the king of the world. What crime should you do."

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya stepped forward and said: "Shang Zhou Wang has no way, I just waited to comply with the destiny of God, and Li Mingjun.

Chen Qiusheng smiled and said, "Just by waiting, you can be regarded as Mingjun's subordinate?"

Tianchou Shengjun smiled and said: "It's just a gang of mobs. It's just overwhelming to win a stubborn sect and want to resist me."

After the army formation, Wen Zhong couldn't help but change his complexion after hearing what the Can Saint King said that day.

He knew in his heart that the two teachings were not harmonious.

But he didn't expect that this so-called Heavenly Remains Saint Monarch would actually talk about being inferior in such occasions.

Wen Zhong was extremely angry.

Among the Xiqi army, the sectarians were also very annoyed, and they shouted one by one:

"Who are you? To dare to slander me like this, I really don't know whether to live or die."

"You thief, dare to insult my great teacher, I will kill you."

"Shut up the thief..."

Sage Tianchou heard this, his face changed, and he raised his hand and struck him with a magical power.

In his eyes, he had no choice but to dare to scold him like this, he really didn't know how to live or die.

Everyone only saw a beam of divine light blasted out of the demon eyes of the devil.

Go straight to the army that rants the most.

Located at the forefront, Yang Jian couldn't help but smile when he saw the divine light shooting out from the demon eyes of Can Sage Monarch that day.

He immediately displayed his magical powers, and his third eye on his forehead slowly opened.

A divine light burst out in an instant, directly smashing the divine power of Heavenly Candid Sage Monarch.

However, Shenguang cast his momentum unabated, and went straight to Tiancang Shengjun.

Divine light cut through the sky.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he instantly arrived in front of the Can Shengjun that day, and there was an extinguishing light in it.

People can't help but feel a panic.

The Heavenly Sage Sovereign saw that the opponent was just a young general and could crush his supernatural powers, and wanted to defeat him with a single blow.

Immediately furious shot.

Directly at the beam of divine light used by Yang Jian...

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