I Have a Trillion Merits

: Zihendao is dead

In the high altitude, Lei Zhenzi inflamed his wings behind his back, holding a steel rod, and fought directly with Tu Xingsun.

Tu Xingsun didn't directly use the immortal rope, but used a fine iron rod to fight with Lei Zhenzi. The two sides had equal cultivation bases and were evenly matched.

But the high altitude is the home of Lei Zhenzi in general, and it does not have an advantage over Tu Xing's grandson.

On the battlefield below, mortals fought like a huge meat grinder, with countless lives filled in, and all souls entered the underworld.

After a mortal died, the strong blood and murderous aura condensed into an incomparable **** evil aura.

They floated towards the sky and were sucked into the abdomen by the mosquito person above.

The two people who secretly observed the lead and Zhunti both frowned. They looked at the mosquito man floating in the sky and didn't know what they were thinking.

After these blood evil spirits were inhaled by him, the energy that turned into terror circulated in his body.

However, the Western Two Saints did not find any suffocating condensation on the mosquito man. I think there is a special way to merge.

The two looked at each other, and both shook their heads slightly.

Immediately, they looked at the high-altitude battlefield, Nezha and the others fighting in the high-altitude, erupting endless power, and the battle with the mortals on the ground was conclusive.

With deaths and injuries on the ground and thousands of people, the mortal braveness is showing heartily at this moment.

In the high altitude, several immortals fought against each other, and their magical power collided with bright light.

Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheels, holding a fire-tip spear, and stood with the Zihen Taoist.

Around his body, Hun Tian Ling came up, bound directly towards the Taoist Zihen, wanting to completely restrain him.

Although the teacher of Taoist Zihen didn't pass on too many magic weapons to him to defend himself, it was impossible for him to give him the slightest magic weapon.

Just when Hun Tian Ling was about to wrap around Zihen Daoist, he saw that Zihen Daoist raised his hand and waved his sword, directly opening Hun Tian Ling.

But the moment Hun Tian Ling was opened, Ne Zha stabbed him with a fire-tip spear.

A sharp air instantly tore through the sky, cutting open the surrounding air, as if to pierce it homeopathy.

Taoist Zihen's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly used his supernatural powers to block the stabbing fire-tip spear.

In front of him, an invisible barrier spread directly, blocking Taoist Zihen's body, and completely protecting him behind him.

The flint gun directly hit the invisible barrier, and by the way a huge wave of fluctuations spread out.

boom! ! !

The huge energy fluctuations spread and even spread to the battlefield below.

Countless soldiers flew off.

Although these immortals are fighting at high altitude, the aftermath of mana is transmitted far away.

Fortunately, the distance was far enough, otherwise none of the soldiers who were affected might survive.

The sky is torn apart, and the endless edge is exposed.

The invisible barrier broke apart and the aftermath spread away.

The musket pierced the body of the Taoist Zihen.

Taoist Zihen looked down at the flaming spear on his chest, his expression a little sordid.

He never thought that he would be broken by Nezha's magic spell, and even tore his fairy body directly.

A sharp shot directly tore his fairy body, continuously spreading to his limbs, and spreading to all parts of his body.

The endless sharp air tore through his soul, trying to make his soul annihilate.

At this moment, in Chaoge, the four of them, who were watching through the water mirror spell, saw the Zihen Taoist being pierced by Nezha's spear, their complexion changed greatly.

They never thought that this Xiqi immortal would be so difficult.

Especially when Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun saw his disciple being pierced by Nezha with a fire-tip spear, his expression instantly became sullen.

Although he was originally a disciple who had been accepted by the robbery, but at this moment, he died directly under Nezha's gun just at the beginning of the war.

This made him somewhat disconcerting, and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun said angrily: "This seat will definitely kill that kid and avenge my disciple."

The three great Luo Jinxians including Real Man Fu Xian glanced at Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and a funny feeling rose in their hearts.

Although they are both senior brothers and their relationship is good, perhaps because of this, they have to fight for some face.

And they all knew in their hearts that the disciples sent to the battlefield by them were afraid that they wouldn't be able to survive the calamity.

So they also have corresponding preparations in their hearts.

But whose disciple died first was a one-sided reflection of their respective ability to teach students.

A group of people all smiled without saying much.

In the battlefield.

The soul of the Taoist Zihen was directly torn into pieces by the flaming spear, completely dead.

However, after the death of Taoist Zihen, a trace of true spirit flew out from where he died and directly entered where Xiqi's army was.

On Jiang Ziya, the Conferred God List instantly spread a suction force, and the true spirit was directly absorbed into the Conferred God List.

At this moment today, the Fengshen Bang is to add another interpreter.

Jiang Ziya looked at the Conferred God List that floated out on her own, with a smile on her face. In this way, perhaps after the war, the gods on the Conferred God List could be filled.

However, Hong Yun had told him before that, whether it was a stranger or a trace of true spirit, he could be added to this list.

Speaking of this battle, it's better to say that Heavenly Court is the arena for choosing immortal officials.

Nezha's fire-tip spear shook slightly, and then, the body of the Taoist Zihen completely shattered, and completely dissipated into the sky.

It turns into a sky full of spiritual light, directly into the surrounding nothingness.

At this moment, in the battle not far away, a cloud of smoke spread, and the endless light of mana was instantly revealed.

I saw Tuxingsun raised his hand and called out a rope that revealed aura, which was the immortal rope that was given to him by the one who feared to stay with his grandson.

Tuxing Sun Qing said, "Tie the fairy rope, here!"

When the voice fell, I saw the bundle of fairy ropes rushing towards the Lei Zhenzi like a snake swimming in the water.

Upon seeing this, Lei Zhenzi's complexion changed, and he quickly inflamed the wings behind him, wanting to fly towards the high altitude, avoiding this bundle of immortal ropes.

But the strange thing is that even though he dodges, he is always chased by the bundle of fairy ropes.

When Tuxingsun saw this, a smile appeared on his face. This bundle of immortal ropes is a peculiar congenital spiritual treasure, and the appearance of the magic weapon must be successful.

Moreover, both Tuxing Sun and Lei Zhenzi are in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the power of this magic weapon can be fully displayed.

Sure enough, Tu Xingsun said something in his mouth, pinching his hand and raising his hand to that Lei Zhenzi.

The immortal tied rope turned into a spiritual light, and it directly caught up with the Lei Zhenzi, and its spiritual power was wrapped around, and it directly tied the Lei Zhenzi completely.

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