I Have a Trillion Merits

: Cut one more person

When the Xianxian rope completely tied Lei Zhenzi, a strange celestial force floated directly from the Xianxian rope and merged into Lei Zhenzi's body.

Directly banning the immortal power and spirit in his body, Lei Zhenzi was like a mortal, pinched by Tu Xing's grandson.

Lei Zhenzi exclaimed: "You thief, let me go, I will wait another 300 rounds."

Tu Xingsun looked at Lei Zhenzi who was roaring in his hand, and there was no change on his face. Instead, he asked: "You are the Xiqi rebels, and I am the orthodox Dashang. What qualifications do you have to call me a thief?"

Lei Zhenzi sneered when he heard the words: "No one knows this big business tyranny. King Shang Zhou is tyrannical and innocent. He is not the Ming Lord. Under the destiny of the Ming Lord, the Ming Lord is only my brother. You, the thief, let me go. For a hundred rounds, the winner is still unknown."

Tu Xingsun smiled and said: "You are funny, you are obviously in my hands, so what qualifications do you have to say you want to fight me for 300 rounds."

Lei Zhenzi was anxious and didn't know what to say for a while.

But it was really as Tu Xingsun said, he did not notice the abnormality of this bundle of immortal ropes, and was directly **** by it.

It really made him feel a little unconvinced.

On the other side, Nezha, who had just settled the Taoist Zihen, saw Lei Zhenzi **** with a rope by Tuxing Sun Yi.

His complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted, "Lei Zhenzi, I will help you."

As he said, a burst of flames burst out from the Hot Wheels under his feet, and Tuxing Sun went straight to kill him.

The flint-point spear stabbed directly at Tuxingsun.

The sharp aura cuts the nothingness, wanting to tear it to pieces completely, just like he had torn apart the purple mark Taoist before.

Tu Xingsun's complexion changed slightly. Compared to Lei Zhenzi, who had a single magic weapon and supernatural power, Nezha's threat to him was not small.

Immediately, he directly took Lei Zhenzi and fell into the battlefield below, using the technique of earth escape and Nezha began to circle around.

Speaking of it, the Taiyi Golden Immortal level of combat power is obviously more advantageous to their big business side, but they did not expect that the Zihen Taoist and the person would be directly cut off after only three hundred moves.

The original great advantage was completely ruined to Xiqi.

As for Chen Qiusheng and Tiancan Shengjun, they are now struggling under Yang Jian's men.

Yang Jian's strength is the strongest among the three.

And compared to the stocked Nezha, although he did not receive more treasures from Hongyun, he was trained more systematically by all the saints on Penglai Immortal Island.

Knowing more about the mystery of his body, he has already mastered the supernatural powers and techniques. At this moment, the huge black dog spirit that he received with him has completely defeated the two people in front of him.

This Chen Qiusheng is the proud disciple of the real person Samantabhadra, and he has received many magic weapons from his teacher.

At this moment, I can only barely resist it.

As for the cruel saint king that day, it was the headache of being harassed by the **** dog in front of him. He didn't expect that this **** dog, who had just entered the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy, would be so fierce when fighting together.

The three-pointed two-edged sword in Yang Jian's hand was swung repeatedly, revealing the endless mystery, and Chen Qiusheng in front of him could only resist desperately.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Nezha looked at the Tuxing Sun who had fallen into the mortal battlefield below 9, couldn't help but cursed secretly, and then hurriedly chased him.

This was obviously a battle between them, but he didn't expect that this Tu Xing Sun was so unkind, he fell directly into the mortal battlefield, and used his best soil escape technique.

Even if he used his magical powers to discover, he could only see Tuxing Sun constantly swimming in the depths of the land below like a fish.

And in his hand, he was holding the immortal rope, and moving forward with Lei Zhenzi in the land.

Nezha shuttled through the battlefield below, closely chasing the Tuxing grandson who wandered through the soil, and killed a lot of great merchant monks along the way.

Tu Xing-sun looked at Nezha who was slaughtering at the top, his face changed involuntarily.

After that, he directly displayed his body skills and fled outside the battlefield.

Want to lead Nezha out of the battlefield.

Nezha naturally discovered Tuxingsun's attempt, but at this moment Lei Zhenzi was in his hands, and Nezha could only rush out of the battlefield with Tuxingsun.

the other side.

Yang Jian found that Nezha was led by Tu Xingsun to go outside the battlefield, fearing that a change would occur in his heart, and the offensive in his hand became even more rapid.

First, he beat Chen Qiusheng back in front of him, and then the three-pointed and two-edged blade in his hand turned and went straight to the Heavenly Candid Sage on the right.

At this moment, the sage of Tianchou was entangled by the snarling dog, and his mind was upset.

The speed of this snarling dog is too fast, every day when the disabled sage wants to use his magical powers to kill him.

Yang Jian would secretly force him to withdraw his magical powers.

But if he didn't kill the Roaring Skyhound, the Roaring Skyhound would cling to himself like a piece of dog skin plaster.

The feeling of aggrievedness in the heart of Tiancang Shengjun became stronger.

When Yang Jian made this move, Holy Sovereign Tianchou just knocked back the snarling dog that was wrapped around him.

I saw a sharp blade attack, directly piercing the fairy body of Tiancang Shengjun.

Heavenly Candid Sage Monarch only felt that between his chest and abdomen, there was an extremely sharp breath that was preventing the wound from healing, and it was still tearing his soul, when he spewed a bit of blood.

After being forced to withdraw, Chen Qiusheng's expression suddenly changed when he saw that the Heavenly Candid Sage in front of him was injured by Yang Jian.

The two of them resisted Yang Jian alone, and it was a bit difficult. If the Heavenly Destructive Sage also died, then he is the only one left to face Yang Jian and this filial dog. I am afraid that his situation will be even more difficult. .

Seeing this, Chen Qiusheng quickly rushed up again, using all his best to stop Yang Jian.

I have to say that this Chen Qiusheng is worthy of being a disciple of three generations of Chanjiao. Although the real person Fuxian is among the twelve golden immortals and his reputation is not that big, his teaching methods are good.

All of a sudden, Chen Qiusheng and Yang Jian actually fought a five or five draw. Although the follow-up state continued to decline, it stabilized.

Chen Qiusheng immediately yelled: "I stop Yang Jian, you will cut this **** black dog soon."

When Yang Jian heard the words, a sneer appeared on his face.

With that move just now, it is a miracle that the Heavenly Cannibal Sage is immortal, if he wants to kill his snarling dog.

This will make people laugh out loud.

next moment.

Heavenly Candid Saint Monarch wanted to gather all the mana in his body, and while Yang Jian was fighting with Chen Qiusheng, he would completely kill the Roaring Heaven Dog.

But when he first used his force, he felt a tearing sensation between his chest and abdomen, which made his magical powers be released for a while.

Immediately, he saw a black light flashing away, and he lost consciousness.

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