I Have a Trillion Merits

: Nezha was tied up

"Holy Sovereign Heaven..."

In the high altitude, Chen Qiusheng roared, his face suddenly became ugly.

I saw the snarling dog and the headless corpse that had crossed the Heavenly Sage Sage, biting its head to smash, and flesh and blood fell in midair.

Even his soul couldn't escape the suction from the Sky Dog's mouth and was directly sucked into the belly of the Sky Dog.

At this moment, the holy monarch of Tiancang completely died.

I saw a peculiar aura suddenly flying out of his body, heading straight to the direction of the Xiqi army.

Jiang Ziya raised his hand, and the Conferred God List volleyed, directly absorbed this peculiar aura and turned it into a place above.

Chaoge City.

Through the water mirror spell, the faces of several people who were watching the battlefield changed.

They never thought that their disciples would be so embarrassed when facing these people.

The only advantage is probably the grandson of the native land.

Relying on the mystery of binding immortal ropes, Tuxingsun captured Lei Zhenzi from Xiqi.

And it was still leading Nezha to leave the battlefield quickly.

Fearful of staying with the grandson watching the Tuxing grandson who used the method of earth escape to keep Nezha away from the battlefield, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "My disciple is too soft-hearted. There are just some mortals in this battlefield. Scruples, alas!"

After hearing the words of fear of leaving their grandchildren, the others looked a little ugly.

I was afraid of leaving my grandson’s words, and I was proud of my disciples, but they couldn’t refute it.

The only person left in the field at the moment was Chen Qiusheng, the disciple of Real Man Fu Xian.

However, Chen Qiusheng's situation was not good at the moment. After the death of Tianchou Shengjun, he faced the attacks of both Yang Jian and Xiaotianqun.

Nowadays, he can only focus on defense and escape.

And the other side.

Tu Xingsun and Nezha walked away from the battlefield and came to a huge open space.

Before this, Tu Xing Sun can be said to have fully used his good at Tu Escape, even with Lei Zhenzi, he is also wandering in the soil at high speed.

Even faster than when flying.

Ne Zha pierced the ground with a spear from time to time, trying to force Tu Xingsun out.

However, because he was worried about the existence of Lei Zhenzi, it was inevitable that he felt a little tied when he used his magical powers, and he was even remote from the target.

At this moment, Tuxing Sun, who was constantly walking through the soil, immediately jumped out of the ground after sensing that he was far away from the battlefield.

Holding the immortal rope and shaking it, Lei Zhenzi flew directly towards Nezha, like a weapon similar to a meteor hammer in the world.

Upon seeing this, Nezha became shackled again, and he couldn't help but retreat towards the back.

Lei Zhenzi yelled: "Thief, An dare to insult me."

Tuxing Sun turned a deaf ear to this, and this way he dealt with Nezha who was chasing after him.

He saw Nezha's many magic weapons, at least if he didn't have Lei Zhenzi in his hands, he would basically not be Nezha's opponent.

So he can only make this bad move.

When Nezha saw Tu Xingsun behaving like this, he cursed secretly in his heart.

Later, when Ne Zha took advantage of Tu Xing Sun to shake the immortal rope again, he directly released Hun Tian Ling, hoping to take Lei Zhenzi back.

But the movement of tying the fairy rope was too fast and too flexible, and Hun Tian Ling couldn't get close at all.

Tu Xingsun smiled and said: "You little broken boy, don't waste your energy anymore. My bundle of fairy ropes is a treasure given by the teacher, how can you handle it."

With that, Tu Xingsun waved the immortal rope in his hand again, and threw Lei Zhenzi towards Nezha.

Hearing the words, Nezha became a little ugly on the face, and directly threw the universe circle, which rose up against the wind, turned into a huge diamond circle, and smashed it against the earth travel grandson.

The Universe Circle carried a great wind, and smashed with infinite power.

Tu Xingsun's complexion changed slightly when he saw the circle of heaven and earth smashed in. Now he has only one stick-like magic weapon besides the immortal rope.

But that magic weapon is not enough to resist the universe controlled by Nezha's rights.

As soon as Tuxing Sun gritted his teeth, he drove the immortal rope, shook it hard, and shook it in the direction of the universe circle.

He was betting that Nezha didn't dare to use Lei Zhenzi's life as a joke.

Even if Nezha dared to do it, after smashing Lei Zhenzi to death, he could continue to block this universe with the immortal rope.

Lei Zhenzi couldn't help but his complexion changed when he looked at the cosmic circle that was coming.

Just when he was desperate, he saw Ne Zha directly acted, retracting the universe with all his strength, for fear of accidentally hurting Lei Zhenzi.

Nezha stood in the distance, looking at the Tuxing grandson who held the immortal rope in his hand, he couldn't help but become anxious.

This native grandson now controls Lei Zhenzi in his hands, like a hedgehog, he can't touch him at all, let alone kill him.

Whenever he meant to make a shot with all his strength, the other party would be able to get Lei Zhenzi out, making him unable to do so.

Nezha said loudly: "If you have the ability, don't use Lei Zhenzi as a shield, and fight me head-on."

Tuxing Sun heard this and shook his head.

He is not stupid, Nezha magic weapon has many strengths, and if he doesn't have Lei Zhenzi in his hand, it would be difficult to resist.

Now, he must find a way to break the deadlock.

After all, Chen Qiusheng in the battlefield was about to be unable to support it. If he dragged on for a while, I am afraid Chen Qiusheng would be killed by that Yang Jian.

At this point, Tuxingsun's thoughts suddenly turned down, and he wondered how to use the immortal rope to capture Nezha.

After all, now that the immortal rope is tied and a Lei Zhenzi is tied, if it is used to make a move, I am afraid its power will at least 40% of it.

As long as the opponent is defensive, it is basically impossible to capture it.

So he must find a suitable time.

After a while, Nezha saw that Tu Xingsun didn't reply, he was secretly angry, and rushed directly towards the other party.

If he wants to fight with Tuxing Sun at close range, so that the advantage of Lei Zhenzi in his hand is exhausted, maybe he still has a chance to solve this person.

Just when Nezha rushed towards Tuxingsun, Tuxingsun seemed to have a care in his heart.

He directly greeted him with the iron rod in his hand, and started a head-on confrontation with Ne Zha.

At first, Nezha still felt a little worried, and was afraid that the other party would continue to use Lei Zhenzi as his hands and feet, so he didn't let go for a while.

As the two fought for dozens of rounds, numerous potholes have appeared on the ground here.

Nezha became bolder when he started.

The fire-tip spear in his hand was stabbed frequently, and he was assisted by Hun Tian Ling from time to time, and the battalion and Sun were defeated.

See Nezha's offensive more and more violent.

Tu Xingsun was overjoyed in his heart. Knowing the time was right, he revealed a flaw, pretending to be invincible and wanted to escape here.

Nezha was overjoyed when he saw this, and directly chased after him.

Tuxing Sun turned his back to Nezha, strangled with one hand, and said, "Tie the fairy rope, here!"

At the same time, the empty bundle of immortal ropes directly crossed Tu Xingsun's body and shot towards Nezha.

Taking advantage of the situation, he tied it up to a strong one.

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