I Have a Trillion Merits

: The four big Luo Jinxians panicked

Nezha and Lei Zhenzi swayed in the wind at the end of the rope tied to the immortal rope, looking very funny.

Lei Zhenzi turned his head and glanced at Nezha beside him.

An awkward smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Nezha's forehead blue veins rioted, looking at Lei Zhenzi who was pinching the immortal rope, his face flushed with anger.

Angrily shouted: "You fellow, let me go, mine will fight again."

Tuxingsun pinched the bundle of immortal ropes and shook slightly.

Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, who were **** by the immortal ropes, began to waver slightly, looking funny.

Nezha and Lei Zhenzi were so embarrassed by this shock.

If Lei Zhenzi didn't pay attention to the magic of this magic weapon at first, then Nezha's so many spirit treasures were still trapped.

It really shouldn't be.

Tu Xingsun looked at the battlefield in the distance, and Chen Qiusheng was almost unable to withstand Yang Jian's offensive.

Began to retreat continuously.

He must return to the battlefield quickly to help Chen Qiusheng.

Chaoge City.

Before the water mirror.

Fearing to leave his grandson looking in the water mirror, after Tuxing Sun General Nezha also captured, a touch of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

Immediately smiled and said: "My disciple is really brave. The successive capture of the two generals of Xiqi has also added a lot of brilliance to the teacher."

Beside him, Fu Xian and others listened to the words of fear of leaving their grandchildren, and they looked a little ugly.

Especially the disciples of Cihangdao and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, whose faces were as black as the bottom of a pot, were torn to pieces by Nezha with a flint-point spear.

The other piece is the Sky Dog who was directly bitten by Yang Jian's snarling dog, shattered, and a trace of true spirit escaped into the list of conferred gods.

Although they didn't teach the two people how to teach them, after the death of these two people, they left them dull.

The faces of the two were extremely ugly and they did not speak.

Real Man Fuxian looked at the battlefield in the water mirror, and when he saw that Chen Qiusheng was just barely resisting the attack of Yang Jian and the Roaring Sky Dog, his expression was worried.

Different from the other two, this Chen Qiusheng was originally his proud disciple.

Now it has reached the peak state of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it is very likely to break through to become the Great Luo Golden Immortal within a thousand years.

However, because of the original language, every second-generation disciple of the interpretation and teaching has to choose a disciple, enter the calamity, and respect the calamity for his own master.

In desperation, the real person Fuxian sent his disciple into the calamity.

Originally, he thought that with Chen Qiusheng's cultivation base, he should be able to save his life, but he knew that Huang Long died tragically not long ago.

His mentality also slowly changed, and he became a little worried.

At this moment, after seeing Chen Qiusheng in danger, Fu Xian's complexion changed, and he immediately made up his mind, if Chen Qiusheng really encountered the danger of death.

He immediately took action and beheaded all the immortals on the side of Xiqi, so that the chief of the Dashang army could drive in and directly put down the rebellion here, so that the calamity ended early.

It's just that he doesn't know, is there a countermeasure in Penglai's line?

After all, this Jiang Ziya was originally from the Penglai line. If there is really nothing happening in the Penglai line, it would be a bit abnormal.

That's what Mr. Fu Xian thought in his heart.

And if Chen Qiusheng encounters a danger that cannot be solved, they will directly take action and rush to the battlefield with their cultivation base, but in a moment, they can completely save Chen Qiusheng and others.

At this moment, in the battlefield.

When Yang Jian saw Nezha and Lei Zhenzi **** on the immortal rope of Tuxing Sun who was coming here, his complexion changed slightly.

Immediately, his men's offensive became more fierce, and Chen Qiusheng was forced to retreat steadily.

It seemed that he had discovered the change in Yang Jian's offensive, and Chen Qiusheng quickly looked away from the battlefield.

I went to see Tu Xingsun holding the immortal rope in his hand, rushing toward the battlefield, and on the immortal rope, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi were bound.

Chen Qiusheng was immediately overjoyed, and tried his best to resist Yang Jian's offensive, and wanted to drag him to Tuxing Sun.

When the time comes, the two can join hands to deal with Yang Jian.

Yang Jian seemed to have discovered this problem too. With a move in his heart, he directly ordered the Roaring Sky Dog to attack from the side, while he was holding a three-pointed two-edged sword and attacked Chen Qiusheng frontally.

Suddenly, Chen Qiusheng was confronted by the enemy, and when he was far away in Chaoge, when he saw the real person Fuxian, he said badly in his heart, got up and left the Star Picking Tower, and rushed towards this battlefield.

The fearful sun and others on the side, after seeing the actions of the real person Fu Xian, hurriedly rushed towards the battlefield.

Over the battlefield, the hidden Hongyun and Nuwa first discovered the four figures.

There was a smile on Hong Yun's face, and he shook his head slightly. The arrival of these four people was not bad, just as he thought.

He had originally thought about how to drag these people into the water, but now they send them to the door by themselves, so he doesn't have to worry about them.

After a while, the mosquito man and the Western Second Sage also discovered that these people had arrived, and the mosquito man secretly transmitted a voice to Hongyun and asked him if he wanted to solve it.

Mosquito Dao Ren looked at the eyes of the four human beings Fuxian, and a trace of greed flashed through his eyes. With his cultivation, he could instantly wipe out the spirits of these four people.

And he is also very curious, what is the way of the great Luo Jinxian in this prehistoric state?

Hong Yun waved his hand slightly, indicating that the mosquito person should not act rashly. After these people arrived here, someone solved it.

On the other side of the battlefield, after seeing the arrival of these four people, the Second Saint of the West showed a touch of joy.

Because they can sense that there are also several Da Luo Jinxians hidden in Chongcheng.

And even though those people were not as good as them, they wanted to come from Penglai Immortal Island. If they were in danger, Hong Yun wouldn't make a move.

But that Kong Xuan will definitely take action, beheading these four people here.

At that time, they would be able to intercept a trace of the true spirits of the four people, and after they entered the Buddhist sect, they could add a few bodhisattvas to the Buddhist sect.

Thinking of this, Jioyin and Zhunti smiled at each other.

Over the battlefield.

Yang Jian saw that Tuxing Sun was about to rush here, and the immortal rope in his hand made him a little jealous.

So he must not allow the two to join forces.

The plan for the present is to kill the talent in front of him in advance.

Yang Jian's heart moved, and when the Roaring Sky Dog attacked Chen Qiusheng from his side, he directly used his magical powers to directly kill Chen Qiusheng.

When Chen Qiusheng saw Yang Jian killing again, there was a touch of mockery on his face.

The person who wants to come here should be anxious, and wants to solve himself as soon as possible, so as to prevent the two of them from joining forces, but does he think too much.

Chen Qiusheng calmly avoided the attack of the roaring dog, and then waved his hand to disperse Yang Jian's magical powers.

But the next moment, his expression changed drastically, and when his magical powers were just shot, he saw Yang Jian's third eye opened, and he shot out a magical light that could destroy the world.

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