At this moment, Yuan had some doubts in his heart, whether his third brother was secretly calculating himself.

Seems to see the original face.

Tongtian snorted coldly: "If I want to calculate you, you won't even be able to keep the remaining five people."


After hearing Tongtian's words, Yuan's expression turned blue.

He didn't expect that Tongtian would not give him face so much.

But having said that, the original suspicion that Tongtian meant was so obvious that Tongtian would naturally not give him a good look.

Laozi coughed lightly: "Original, don't doubt that your brother is."

As he said, he glanced at Hongyun and said: "I wonder if I can ask the seniors to personally investigate and see if there are any traces of other saints on them."

Now Hong Yun is the existence with the highest cultivation level among the few people, so he naturally chose to let Hong Yun explore it first.

Nuwa glanced at Hongyun when she heard the words. These people in the court didn't know, but she didn't know that Hongyun was the black hand behind her.

Now I let Hongyun take a look, isn't this asking the thief to call and catch the thief?

Thinking of this, Nu Wa suppressed a smile and wanted to see how Hong Yun would respond next.

After hearing what Lao Tzu said, Hong Yun reacted immediately.

Although there is a strange feeling in my heart, but the face is still serious, and he said: "Since several juniors trust the poor Dao so much, then the poor Dao will take a look."

Hearing the words, Tongtian sneered and said: "Just now, he just made a big fight, so he lowered his face to let Senior Brother Hongyun take the initiative to investigate. It is really thick."

Primitive angrily said: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Laozi sighed slightly, fearing that the contradiction between his two younger brothers could no longer be reconciled.

Immediately he said: "The first battle was just for the underlings. Remember not to be confused."

When Tongtian heard the words, he couldn't help but snorted, and then stopped talking.

Stand quietly and wait for the result.

After all, he was also very curious about who secretly made the move, and even calculated most of the twelve golden immortals under the school.

Soon, Hong Yun burst into two divine lights in his eyes, scanning Guang Chengzi constantly.

The captured Guangchengzi and several people stood in place with a worried expression.

Now they all felt like standing naked in front of Hongyun.

Although they didn't understand what these saints were talking about, they knew they were related.

And just now his master hasn't found it out yet.

It is only feasible if the saint is able to hide it in his own body and make it impossible for his teacher to detect it.

But why did the saint shot at a few of them for no reason.

Suddenly, several people's minds flashed through what they said when the original secret method was given.

My heart suddenly realized something.

At the same time, after realizing that the secret method on himself and others did not work, a sense of fear arose in his heart.

When Primordial gave the secret method that day, he said that this secret method could prevent them from escaping into the list of consecrated gods after death.

In turn, the original shot himself, crossing a few people into reincarnation.

But now that this series of things happened, how could they not guess it, it must have been calculated by others.

Therefore, the secret method on the body has lost its original function, and the previous brothers have all been on the list of conferred gods.

Suddenly a feeling of sadness arose in the hearts of several people.

After a while, the divine light in Hong Yun's eyes disappeared, and then turned to look at the primitive people, and shook his head slightly: "This person is extremely secretive, even I can't detect it."

Hong Yun sighed slightly, what he had shown in the eyes of everyone before was an unparalleled performance.

At this moment, after saying that there was no problem with the probe, Lao Tzu was relieved.

After all, Hong Yun's previous performance has been so against the sky, if this person's methods become more mysterious, then they will really feel frustrated.

When the original heard that Hongyun could not detect it, his heart was so angry.

He didn't know who was behind him, if he knew, he would definitely hit the door.

He explained that the losses in this dispute of calamity were the greatest.

However, Hongyun's Penglai line, if it were to follow the next development, would be the one who made the most profit.

The second is to cut off the teachings, you can also share some of the luck of the new dynasty.

This really makes him unwilling...

After seeing the expression on Yuan's face, I also sighed in his heart.

But after all, there is still friendship between the three Qings, no matter how the three of them fight, but outsiders calculate a bit annoyed him.

Lao Tzu said softly: "Second brother, don't worry, let me check it out."

After speaking, he took a step forward, and the actual combat secret method once again looked at Guang Chengzi and others, trying to find a trace from his soul.

Nuwa couldn't help but feel a little worried when she saw Laozi behaving like this.

After all, if the original Lao Tzu used one Qi to transform the Three Cleans, he would be a ruthless person who could make a tie with Hongyun.

If there are some secrets that are unknown, it is normal.

If it really sees something, will it be in trouble.

Nu Wa looked at Hong Yun with some concern, she really didn't want to let Hong Yun and Sanqing fight again.

Seeing Nu Wa's expression, Hong Yun cast a comforting look.

Others don't know, but he knows that this disguise he has made is impossible for Lao Tzu to detect.

So not only did he not have the slightest worry in his heart, he even had some schadenfreude.

He wanted to see if this original discovery was the hands and feet of the Western Two Saints, would he hit the door angrily.

Moreover, according to his previous observations, his original strength now surpassed any of the two sages in the West, but if he wanted to fight one against two, it was still somewhat reluctant.

However, this primitive even dared to fight on himself, and it was not impossible to hit Lingshan in a hurry.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud involuntarily.

It's just that the eyes of those people were on Guang Chengzi, so they didn't find the extra smile on the red cloud.

Laozi used the secret method to constantly explore in the spirits of Guangchengzi and others.

Finally, when he explored the depths of the souls of several people, he found traces of the secret techniques given by Guang Chengzi and others to practice the original.

The traces of the secret law are still there, but the secret law seems to have been forcibly erased by some force.

Laozi frowned slightly.

Originally seeing the expression on Lao Tzu's face, he thought that even he could not find out the truth, and suddenly felt a little lost in his heart.

But gradually, he felt something was wrong.

Because with the emergence of the laws of Laozi, in Guangchengzi and others, something seems to be forced out.

Looking at its appearance, it seems to be a ray of Buddha light...

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