After those Buddha lights appeared, everyone's complexion changed.

Including Guang Chengzi and others, their expressions changed drastically. They never knew when the Buddha light appeared in their souls.

Could it be that the second sage of the West failed to make a secret move.

Including the previous events, plus which brothers and sisters he has already died, were all secretly done by the Second Sage of the West.

This discovery made a few of them shudder...

Tongtian said in surprise: "It turned out that the second sage of the West made a secret move? But why did they make a move."

You know, even though the tribulation of the gods is a great calamity, it can sweep the entire prehistoric calamity.

But compared to the poorer West, this calamity is more effective than nothing.

The two of them shot, in the eyes of Tongtian, it is meaningless!

Nu Wa also looked at the Buddha light in front of her with a little surprise, and then looked at Hongyun again, slightly surprised in her heart.

She didn't expect that Hong Yun's previously seemingly unreliable move would actually succeed.

The appearance of this ray of Buddha light, and even the unique aura of the Western Second Sage, really surprised him.

The original complexion turned a little blue. Looking at the ray of Buddha's light in front of me, I thought of the Taoist Taoist who was turned into Lingshan by the Second Sage of the West, and the Taoist Taoist who had already stepped into the quasi-sage.

This made the anger in the original heart even more exuberant, and he couldn't wait to seek justice in front of the gate of Lingshan.

First, I turned the Taoist priest into the Lingshan Mountain, and then secretly calculated that I taught my disciples.

It is so deceiving! ! !

Laozi looked at the light of Buddha in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what to say.


As if he had noticed something, Lao Tzu looked towards the human battlefield below, raising his hand and holding it empty.

I saw a ray of Buddha light rising from the ground battlefield...

Especially in the places where people fear to leave their grandsons dead, the Buddha's light is the most dazzling, and all of them are captured by Lao Tzu at this moment.

Lao Tzu looked at the Buddha's light in his hand and sighed slightly: "If there is no accident, I am afraid it is the second sage of the West who secretly made calculations and teachings."

When Lao Tzu said this sentence, the original was almost furious.

Nu Wa suppressed her smile, and didn't know what to do for a while, so she just stood there.

Tongtian's face showed a suddenly realized look.

He is quite confident in his elder brother, since Lao Tzu said that it was the second sage of the West secretly calculating, then he must not be wrong.

Hong Yun also nodded without a doubt: "Junior Brother is really amazing."

The original complexion became extremely ugly, and looking at the Buddha light in Lao Tzu's hand, his expression began to become distorted.

Gritting his teeth and saying: "Quick lift, lead..."

Although they had a tendency to cooperate before they were enshrined, they had even contacted several times in private.

But since that time the Taoist priest was abducted by Western Second Saints.

The relationship between the two has completely changed.

Not to mention the complete tearing of the skin, in fact it is not much different.

But at the moment when he originally knew that the other party had calculated his second-generation disciple, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

I looked at the expression of his second brother and sighed slightly in his heart.

Nowadays, nearly half of the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao have been lost in this calamity, and they are still calculated by the Western Two Saints.

This time the second brother is going crazy again.

as expected.

next moment.

Primitive sullen face and waved his hand, and Guang Chengzi and the others around him disappeared instantly.

Just when Guang Chengzi and others were wondering, they heard a primitive low voice in their ears: "You wait to return to the mountain by yourself."

Guang Chengzi and the others respectfully saluted towards the original direction, and then headed towards Kunlun Mountain.

Nuwa glanced at Hongyun.

Hong Yun cast a good look at the show, then stood still and looked at Yuan, with an expression of interest on his face.

The original cold voice: "These two Westerners are deceiving too much!"

Looking at Yuan's face today, Tong Tian suddenly showed a funny expression on his face.

He knew how Yuan Yuan had calculated him in the Conferred Gods Volume Tribulation, and he had a big fight over it when he was still in the Purple Cloud Palace.

Now the second-generation disciples who have seen more than half of the lower half of Chanjiaomen have been sent to the list of the gods.

Don't mention how happy he is.

With a light cough from the sky, he said in a low voice, "Why is my brother so upset? The teacher also said that this calamity involves a lot of things, even if I am a saint, there is a chance that it will be involved..."

It's okay for him not to speak, the anger in his primitive heart grows even more when he speaks.

Originally, when he found Shen Gongbao, he felt like he was holding the winning ticket. At that time, he was still thinking about whether to show some affection.

Let Jiejiao disciples appear on the list less, but now it seems how ridiculous my original idea was.

After measuring the robbery midway through the sky, his disciples began to return to Jin'ao Island.

At the beginning, he thought that Tongtian was afraid of himself, but he didn't expect that not only did he not calculate the disciples, he also sent his disciples to the list.

"Western thieves are bald, I swear not to give up with you!"

Yuan Yuan looked at Tongtian, and then snorted towards the West Lingshan.

Now that he knew that the second sage of the West was secretly engaging in ghosts, he must seek justice.

It would be fine if the disciple of the sect made the move, but the Buddha's light that Lao Tzu found out earlier was obviously the work of the second sage of the West.

And looking at it, the Western Second Sage was afraid that he personally killed several of his own disciples.

No wonder the twelve golden immortals under his own team didn't have the slightest resistance. The saint himself took action, even if it was sneaky shots to prevent the original discovery, it was not something Da Luo Jinxian could resist.

The original figure instantly turned into a rainbow light, and headed towards the Western Spirit Mountain.

Hong Yun stood in the void, looking at Yuan Yuan's distant back, he couldn't help but sighed: "How can Yuan Yuan Junior Brother be so impatient? You must know that the two Junior Brothers are now in the same spirit, and how he is the two opponents. ."

He does not mean that.

After all, there is the love of Sanqing, and Lao Tzu has always been biased toward primitiveness. At this moment, after hearing Hongyun's words, his face showed a pensive expression.

Then he slightly arched his hands at several people in the field: "Pan Dao has left first."

When the words fell, Lao Tzu directly chased in the direction of the original departure.

After he left, Tongtian sneered and said: "The eldest brother has always been biased towards the second brother. At this moment, he must be looking for the bad luck of the western two."

Tongtian was very dissatisfied with his all-time bias, but because of Lao Tzu's majesty, he did not suffer.

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun said righteously: "How can swords and soldiers face each other between the same family? As a big brother, I must not stand by."

As he said, he blinked quietly at Nuwa.

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