I Have a Trillion Merits

: Worries about burning lamps

After seeing Hongyun's little movements, Nuwa couldn't help but smile, and then blinked like Hongyun.

After hearing what Hong Yun said, Tong Tian on the side showed a strange look, and then looked at Hong Yun a little strangely.

Secretly said in his heart: Haven't you two just done one before?

How can I start to say these high-sounding words again at this moment.

Tongtian was very puzzled.

But since Hongyun spoke, he echoed: "It should be so!"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If this is the case, then I will follow the two juniors to take a look. If there is a dispute, I can wait to stop one or two."

Nu Wa glanced at Hongyun and didn't know what to say for a while.

The voice fell.

Hongyun flew directly in the direction of West Lingshan, and Tongtian and Nuwa followed closely behind.

In the precipice.

At this moment, many of the great abilities that have been observed in the dark are also looking at each other.

At the end of the previous battle, they wanted to withdraw their spiritual consciousness. After all, you can still make sense to watch the battle, but after the battle, it is a bit unreasonable to watch in secret.

But after the battle, they heard the unconcealed words of several saints.

Knowing this, there are also two Western sages calculating them, and all of them can't help but feel agitated.

In the chaos, many powerful gods are constantly talking, and each of them is very surprised.

"It was really a turnaround. I thought it was Hongyun saint deliberately, and wanted to use Kong Xuan's hand to slaughter the second generation of disciples. I didn't expect that there was a Buddhist saint's calculation behind it.

"No one really thought that the Western saints hide so deeply that even the Hongyun saints didn't notice the back hand. If it weren't for Sanqing Laozi's move, I'm afraid that the Western saints would not be able to detect them."

"But why did the two sages of the West want to take action? After all, this calamity is the main land of the East and has little relationship with the West. Can you know the reason?"

"Perhaps the opportunity for the rise of the West was in the midst of this calamity. After all, the former Buddhist priests were abducted into Buddhism and became a Buddha."

Speaking of this, a group of powerful people laughed in the chaos, this matter is a little bit of talk about them after their cultivation.

After all, those who have a higher cultivation base than them are those saints.

There was an accident under the sage, or he turned his back on the teacher and turned into the barren land of Buddhism where birds do not shit. It can be said that he slapped Lao Tzu.

Another incident happened here that the second sage of the West secretly calculated to teach the second generation of disciples.

Things are getting more and more interesting.

And looking at the original appearance before, this trip to the West will inevitably lead to a big disturbance, maybe the Second Holy War with the West.

Thinking of this, the hearts of many great powers faintly agitated.

In the previous battle between Yuanyuan and Hongyun, although they were observing in secret, they also benefited a lot.

At this moment, the original is going to the west, if they can fight the second holy again, they may have another gain.

Thinking of this, these great powers no longer talk in secret, each of them withdraws their spiritual consciousness, and instead explores the West/


At this moment, West Spirit Mountain.

In the hall.

Jiuyin and Zhunti have just transformed the four true spirits in his hands into Buddhist disciples.

However, because these four people now only have a trace of true spirits left, their strength is much weaker, at least not related to them during their lifetime.

And the two deliberately used Buddhist treasures to wash their true spirits.

The purpose is to make the transformation of a few people more pure, so that they have greater potential when they become Buddhas in the future.

Although they already have a quasi-jihad power in burning the ancient Buddha.

But it is far from enough, because the West is too barren, and more and more powerful Buddhists must be born to share some of the great luck.

Only in this way can we improve the barrenness of the West.

Inside the Daxiong Hall.

The ancient Buddha of Landeng looked a little weird and looked at the true spirit of Fear Liusun and others, not knowing what to say.

He was formerly the vice-master of the Interpretation Church, how could he not know these four people before him?

These are all the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao, and they are also the famous twelve golden immortals. When he explained the teachings, although he was nominally the deputy leader, few of these second-generation disciples could see him.

At this moment, four of them were brought over by the lead and Zhunti.

It really made him wonder what to say.

After all, the identities of these four people are different from their own, although they are nominally the vice-master of the teaching.

But after all, he and the original peers, although the cultivation level is not as good as him, but if he wants to switch to his teaching, although the original is annoyed, he will not be able to turn his face with the West.

However, these two people in front of them are the second-generation disciples most valued by Primordial. They were also abducted by Buddhism. Primordial is afraid that they are going to explode, and maybe they will hit the door soon.

Lan Deng Gu Buddha felt that he still had to remind these two people.

Immediately he said: "Two saints, these four are the most important disciples of the primitive saints. When you bring them into Buddhism, I am afraid that the primitive saints will be furious..."

He said very tactfully, and didn't directly say that the primitive saint might hit the door and come to such words.

But he knew these two people could understand.

But who knows, after hearing the words of Burning Ancient Buddha, Xianyin and Zhunti not only didn't have the slightest worry, they even showed a smile on their faces.

He opened his mouth and said: "Do not worry, Fellow Dao Lanlan, the two of me managed to save these four people secretly, no one can find me in the West."

"Furthermore, if I wait, if I don't make a move, these four people will be on the list of the gods. I'm afraid it is also a scene that the original brother does not want to see. He also has to thank me for waiting to make a move."

After speaking, Zhunti and Jiuying turned around and concentrated on washing the true spirits for the four of them.

For a time, the Buddha's glory in the hall was prosperous.

After the ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern heard what the two said, he sighed slightly. Although he knew that they were unreasonable, he almost laughed at the shameless tone.

If it were not for the possibility of his own practice in Buddhism, how could he have come to the West and became an ancient Buddha.

What a pity...

Just when the two focused on washing the true spirits of the fear of Liu Sun and others.

Lao Tzu also crossed tens of millions of li, caught up with the primitive, and walked side by side with it, and said: "Second brother, we need to be cautious in everything. Although this includes Western calculations, we still need to fully understand before making a decision. "

The original complexion is no longer red. At this moment, after hearing what Lao Tzu said, he sneered and said: "Big brother, don't worry, I will try it out first. If it is really the two who don’t want to deal with the junior, I will not Let it go..."

When the voice fell, the two of them hid their breath and went to the outside of Lingshan.

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