I Have a Trillion Merits

: Are you waiting for me as a fool?

Just in case, the two of them had already hidden their respective breaths at this moment, and the province had been noticed by the Western Saints in advance.

After all, as saints, their ability to perceive is extremely powerful. If they don't hide their aura, they might have been discovered by the Western Second Saints.

The two were suspended in the void beyond Lingshan.

The primordial eyes burst out two divine lights, and directly saw through the mountain guard formation of Lingshan, looking into the hall.

With the help of Lao Tzu, the whole process went smoothly.

At a glance, he walked through the mountain guard and looked into the hall, and instantly saw the four true spirits in the hall.

In the same way, I have also seen that the lead and quasi-ti are constantly washing the true spirit with the light of Buddha.

The original complexion became extremely ugly, and he whispered: "Sure enough, it is them..."

Hearing this, Laozi also used magical powers and looked into the Lingshan.

After seeing the scene, his complexion suddenly changed.

He has no time to speak.

I saw that there was an extra spirit treasure in the primitive hand beside him, which was the Pangu banner given by Hongjun.

Laozi hurriedly said: "Second brother, don't worry..."

It was just that as soon as his voice fell, he saw the original suddenly waving the Pangu flags, and suddenly there was endless Chaos Sword Qi surging out.

Head towards Lingshan not far ahead.

The power contained in the Chaos Sword Qi spread directly.

In the main hall, using the Buddha's light to wash away the four true spirits' lead and quasi-lifting two, their complexions instantly changed.

Even the ancient Buddha, who was sitting in meditation and chanting Buddhist scriptures, changed his expression greatly.

All three of them felt the turbulent Chaos Sword Qi coming from outside the mountain and headed straight towards Lingshan.

The Hongyun trio who came from behind stood in the distance, looking at the primitive angrily and shot.

The facial expressions are different.

Amidst the chaos, the many powers of the divine sense observation were revealed. After seeing the primitive anger and shooting, all his faces showed excitement.

Originally, they thought they would be lucky enough to see Hongyun and the original fighting today.

Unexpectedly, we can still see primitive and Western saints now.

Really extremely lucky.

One by one, they communicated with each other, and they were very excited.

"This primitive saint is so decisive. It seems that it is indeed a Western saint who secretly calculated and taught."

"Now I wait for a good show."

Everyone only saw the endless Chaos Sword Qi heading towards Lingshan, slamming into Lingshan's formation.

At the moment when the Chaos Sword Qi hit the Lingshan, where the Buddha's light was faint, the Buddha's light was extremely bright.

In the void, a big hand faintly appeared, directly dispelling the Chaos Sword Qi that struck.

It made it completely quiet outside Lingshan.

Divine light flashed.

Jiuyin and Zhunti appeared outside Lingshan in an instant, followed by the ancient Buddha of Landeng.

Burning the lantern ancient Buddha looked at his face still pristine with anger and didn't say much.

Just standing quietly behind the two saints.

Sui Yin looked a little ugly and said, "I don't know what the intention is for this brother?"

Zhunti also spoke on the sidelines: "I'm waiting to ask myself if there is nothing to offend my brother, why is my brother so Buddhist to me today."

"There is no offense?"

Hearing this, the original sneered, and raised his hand a lot of Buddha light condensed in his hand, "Let's see what this is?"

Jiuyin and Zhunti looked at the Buddha's light in the original hand with a confused expression.

You know, they only realized the true meaning of Buddhism when they founded Buddhism.

Except for the two of them, it can be said that no one can have such a pure Buddha light.

But it is now in front of them.

It was the pure Buddha light in the hands of the primitive, which made them a little puzzled.

The lead opened his mouth and said: "Why does my brother have such a pure Buddha light?"

Yuan Yuan looked at the puzzled expressions of the people on the opposite side, and sneered: "You waited to be pretending to look good. This Buddha light was left on the battlefield by you, and it was taken from my hard-for-life disciples. from."

The lead was a little hesitant, all their actions before were very neat, and it was impossible to leave such obvious marks.

But if it weren't for them, who could have such a pure Buddha light.

Burning ancient Buddha?

This shouldn't be! And during the time I went to him, I had always stayed in the spirit mountain and had no chance to start.

Besides, even if he had the opportunity to start, he would not do it.

After all, this matter is totally unnecessary for him to harm others and disadvantage himself.

Not only him, but even Zhunti had some doubts whether they had left such conspicuous clues at the time.

The ancient Buddha sighed in his heart.

It's almost time to scold the two people in front of them as pigs, and besides him, they can have such dazzling Buddha light.

He doesn't doubt who the two of them suspect?

Only Hong Yun and Nu Wa knew the mystery in the field, but they would not publicize it.

At this moment, I was watching everything in front of me with a look of good looks.

After hearing the original answer, Suyin and Zhunti suddenly changed their faces, knowing in their hearts that they must have been calculated.

They have never laid a back hand on the second generation disciples of Chanjiao.

If it is really said that they secretly made a move, it was only when Kong Xuan made a secret move, that's it.

Quietly killed the disciples of extremely clarification.

But it is absolutely impossible to leave such obvious evidence to show that he was the one who shot Buddhism.

One after another, he hurriedly said: "Primitive brother, this matter must be misunderstood. I should sit down and discuss it slowly."

Zhunti also replied: "Yes! Why is this the original brother? I will sit down and discuss it. There must be a thief in the secret to calculate my Buddhism and interpretation."

As soon as his voice fell, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

It was before they saw the mosquito man on the battlefield.

So he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Brother Primordial, I was on the battlefield before and saw a very strange saint. Maybe he was shooting in the dark to calculate our wait."

At this time, the two of them didn't know at all, Yuan Yuan had already seen the true spirit of the disciple of Chanjiao in the hall.

So he was still trying his best to explain, trying to find a way to dispel the suspicion of the two.

When this remark came out, not only was it primitive, even Lao Tzu and Tong Tian couldn't help but twitch their eyes.

Now in the predicament, no one knows the position of the saint.

He simply refused to have another saint.

Even if there is another person who is sanctified, why bother to calculate and teach?

You know, although the original can't defeat the red cloud, its combat power is still in the upper middle range among the saints.

How dare a newly sanctified person provoke him?

Primitive gritted his teeth and said: "Are you waiting for me to be a fool?"

The two quoted are about to explain.

Seeing the original raising his hand, the power of a law spread out instantly, pulling the four true spirits deep in the hall away.

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