I Have a Trillion Merits

: The road beyond the saint!

At the moment when the Killing Spear appeared, the human hair of Wandu burst into flames.

He didn't even care about grabbing the black light trapped in his own magical powers, and he turned around to dodge, and his figure moved thousands of miles away in time.

After his figure stabilized, he immediately cancelled the magical power he used to restrain the black light.

Wu Guang regained his freedom, evading Hongyun's methods dangerously and dangerously, scurling through the Poison Dao Law.

But the extension of the Poison Dao Law is too vast, no matter how the black light escapes, it will never escape from this world.

After losing his hand, Hong Yun turned and rushed towards the real Ten Thousand Poison in the distance.

The sharp-killing spear in his hand exudes extremely fierce evil spirits.

And unparalleled gun intent.

Upon seeing this, the real man Wan Du screamed, and the power of the law in his hand condensed, and a staff gradually appeared.

There is a huge green spar at the end of the staff.

It contains a strong poisonous law, which is pure and pure.

This is the treasure of Wandu Zhenren's life, but it is the treasure that he has begun to sacrifice since he began to practice the Poison Dao law.

Its rank is already comparable to Lao Tzu's Tai Chi diagram.

Moreover, it was condensed from the natural law of Wandu Zhenren, and its power should not be underestimated.

Real Man Poison raised his hand and waved his staff.

By the way, a long dark green river rushed towards the red clouds.

There are endless poisonous laws in this long river.

It is the essence.

Even if the saints are in contact with each other at the level, they are all dizzy.

If the cultivation base is not as good as Ten Thousand Poison Real People.

Even if he is not careful, it will let this long river of poison dissolve the law body and corrode the soul.

Hong Yun secretly said in his heart: "A vicious rule!"


He raised his hand with the sharp-killing spear in his hand as the tip, and his body was manifested by the law to protect himself.

Abruptly tore a long river of poison from the center.

Rushed towards the real person Wandu.

Real Man Wan Du's complexion changed slightly, although he had long known that among these people, this red-clothed Taoist was the strongest.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

Obviously it was the first to enter the late stage of Hunyuan Wuji, but it has exerted its strength near the peak of the latter stage.

Real Man Wan Du gritted his teeth, if he hadn't been suppressed by the great way of heaven, how could he be so embarrassed and embarrassed in front of these juniors.

Suddenly, the real person Wandu roared, and the laws of the surrounding Poison Dao began to become violent.

Its power has increased by more than 30%.

Even the long river of poison that Hongyun was about to tore completely, the pressure suddenly came at this moment, and the power was increasing by more than 30%.

With the low voice of Wan Du Zhenren, the Poison Dao laws around him spread out again.

Wherever it went, no matter what kind of cultivation it was, the creatures were turned into dry bones in this poisonous law, no grass grew on the ground, and the dark green spread for thousands of miles.

In the underworld, the Saint Houtu who was silently watching the battle above, suddenly frowned slightly.

Because she found that the creatures who were killed by the law of the Poison Dao of Ten Thousand Poisons were completely destroyed at this moment. If it were not for the protection of the heaven, I am afraid that there would be no trace left.

Hou Tu felt that this move was hurtful in his heart, and his heart suddenly rose with compassion.

As a result, the rules of the imperial palace were forced to suppress the spread of the Poison Dao Law, and even a decisive move, extracting many true spirits from the Poison Dao Law.

Then he flicked his finger and sent it directly into the six reincarnations.

Among them, the guarded Ten Temple Yama, naturally discovered the shot of the saint of Houtu.

But all of them pretended not to see them.

Continue to concentrate on the things at hand, and by the way try to explore the battle in the law of the drug road.

But the battlefield is wrapped in the law of poison.

Even those quasi-saint-level powers can't penetrate, how can they be penetrated in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

All of them became dejected.

And Hou Tu also stood in the void, his eyes penetrated the Poison Dao law, and looked into the battlefield.

In the law of poison.

After realizing that his supernatural powers could not spread again, even the souls and spirits that provided him with the power of the laws of life were reduced by a few percent.

Real Man Wan Du's complexion changed instantly.

He naturally knows that someone is secretly shooting, but it is not just who can block his poisonous laws.

Immediately, waving the staff in his hand again and again, countless supernatural powers were revealed, and he smashed towards the red cloud.

Hong Yun smiled in the direction of the underworld, and then the whole body was shaking, and the saint's strength was revealed to the fullest, and he waved the gun in his hand again and again.

Shattered those supernatural powers that rushed at him.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

The endless roar is endless, and the energy of the explosion fluctuates wanton.

There were waves of ripples.

Laozi and the others couldn't help but their eyes lit up when they saw it, and directly manipulated the Taiji diagram and Pangu flags to move everyone out.

He came directly into the void outside the Poison Dao Law.

Only then did Laozi and Yuan take back all the treasures floating in the air and let out a long sigh of relief.

They are on the scene and naturally know the horror of this Poison Dao law. Before there is an excellent way to deal with it, it is better for them to leave first.

Nu Wa looked towards it with some worry.

Although she knew that Hong Yun had been to the outside world, she also brought an ancient **** and demon.

But in the face of such a strong person, she still felt a touch of worry in her heart.

On the Penglai Fairy Island at this moment.

Mosquito Road Man's complexion changed, he sensed a familiar breath from this battle, which seemed to be the breath of ancient gods and demons.

But this breath is extremely weak, making him a little uncertain.

The moment he appeared, Hongjun also opened his eyes and looked towards Penglai Xiandao.

Prior to this, Hongyun used the power of merit to solve the repulsive power of the mosquito person, making this indirectly concealed by Hongjun.

Now after seeing the mosquito man.

Hongjun also showed a look of surprise on his face, and whispered in a low voice, "It turned out to be him!"

As the ancient gods and demons, how could he not recognize the mosquito person.

However, the appearance of the mosquito man was just an episode for Hongjun.

After all, he is already physically and heavenly now. At this moment, he is fully comprehending the surviving law of opening the sky in order to truly reach the level of Pangu.

It's just that this sudden outsider disturbed his liking.

Hongjun faintly recalled the information engraved in his mind when he was in the body and the way of heaven.

It's about things outside the world.

Big Thousand World...

China Thousand World...

And Little Thousand World...

These are deeply imprinted in his mind.

Hongjun looked a little serious, looked at the real person Wandu below, and laughed in a low voice: "It seems that I will inform them of this later...!"

"Whether it's the world information or... the road that belongs to outside the saint!"

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