I Have a Trillion Merits

: The panic of Wandu

In the battlefield.

Hong Yun held a sharp gun and fought with the real man of Wandu.

The law of body movement and the law of poison are constantly colliding, bursting out bright light.

Endless energy fluctuations erupted wantonly.

Swept this place thousands of miles away.

If it weren't in the underworld, the Saint Houtu personally took action to remove all the creatures in this range.

Otherwise these creatures will undoubtedly die.

After Wan Du Zhenren noticed that someone had rescued his soul from the Poison Dao law.

I felt a little bad in my heart.

At this moment, he realized that his Poison Dao Law was still restricted by an unknown force.

I was even more frightened.

In his opinion, it is impossible for him to be restricted by the laws that these people have realized.

Even the duration of the battle has been cleared out by him for a long time.

But at least this time is impossible.

The expression on Wan Duzhen's face became more and more ugly, and he somewhat doubted whether it was the controller of this world who was secretly making a move.

First secretly suppressed his strength, and then controlled its principles and spread.

This had to make him doubt.

But he didn't expect that it was not Hongjun's action at all that his own law was suppressed.

But Hou Tu forced the suppression with the help of the rules of the prefecture.

As one of the laws of destruction, this poisonous law contains infinite power.

But this kind of Taoism, in the midst of the wild, is easily restrained by the rules of the underworld, and even ruthlessly suppressed.

Even Hongyun and a few people, after perceiving the power and essence of the Poison Dao Law, gave them a hundred or hundreds of years to come up with a complete set of countermeasures.

Hong Yun watched the changes in the face of Real Man Wandu, his divine consciousness could already wander around in the Poison Dao law.

After perceiving the scope of this place, a smile appeared on his face.

Because he felt the aura of Hou Tu from that kind of suppressing force, he had obviously guessed that Hou Tu was secretly taking action.

Hong Yun laughed loudly and said, "Since fellow Taoist came to my prehistoric world, why bother to go back in such a hurry."

"It's better to stay here, so that I can wait to learn about the outside world."

"Especially the world of destruction you are in..."

Real Man Wan Du heard the words, his face gradually turned cold, he naturally heard Hong Yun want to keep him forcibly, and his heart was even more angry.

How could people in this mid-thousand world be so difficult.

Moreover, he looked at the treasures in the hands of Hong Yun and the others, and he was extremely jealous. Even the Poison Dao staff in his hand was made by him since his practice.

It took millions of years for the full-foot sacrifice to achieve the current rank.

But in his opinion, none of the treasures controlled by Hongyun's hands is worse than him, and he can still see that these treasures are the same as the magic staff in his hand.

There was no time to sacrifice for too long.

Real Man Wan Du said in a cold voice: "Your Excellency really wants to force a shot, and it will not be possible to leave Poor Dao here."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Why not?"

The magic staff in Wandu Zhenren's hand suddenly swung away, and an extremely strong Poison Dao law instantly invaded.

The sound of his words followed.

"That treasure is a treasure that the Great Venerable of my realm must have, so I sent the poor Tao to come and retrieve it. If you try to keep me here, it will definitely anger the Great Venerable."

"At that time, the Great Lord will definitely come personally under his anger, and no one in this world will stay."

Hongyun heard the words of the real person Wandu, and directly shot the poisonous road pike away, analyzing it thoroughly in his mind.

The great deity in Wanduzhen's population should be someone similar to his teacher Hongjun, who either controls the way of heaven or fits the way of heaven.

How could he come in person because of a treasure.

When the time comes, even if he comes in person, his teacher will not necessarily lose to the opponent with the blessings of the prehistoric world under the home battle.

So it is impossible for the other party to take risks.

On the contrary, from the true population of Ten Thousand Dukes, I can figure out some things about the future of cultivation.

Ever since he got the Promise Palace, Hong Yun felt in his heart that his future practice must have something to do with it.

Especially when he thought of the human races who were artificially cast into the Promise Palace.

The time experiment is definitely not that simple.

Hong Yun sprinted away with a sharp gun in his hand, and laughed loudly: "Your Excellency said nothing is useless now. It's better to stay in my predicament and stay as a guest."

Real Man Wandu quickly waved his staff to resist, and the confrontation between the two erupted with endless roar.

The endless energy fluctuations spread one after another.

Real Man Wan Du knows in his heart that Hong Yun is determined to keep it, so there is no need to keep his hands between shots.

Nowadays, I don’t care whether it will lead to the suppression of this world’s controllers.

I just want to get rid of Hongyun quickly, and then flee here.

Naturally, Hong Yun also noticed the change in the opponent's strength, even if he tried his best to make a move, there were faint signs that he could not suppress it.

"This person actually left a bit of strength before, which is incredible."

At this moment, the red cloud is already making a full shot, and the Five Elements Law behind it has turned into a huge grinding disc, spinning at high speed in the air.

It continuously absorbs the Poison Dao laws of this place and incorporates them into the grinding disc to be continuously crushed.

Then he was controlled by Hongyun bit by bit.

Hong Yun was at a disadvantage from the beginning, and as he continued to absorb the Poison Dao Law, and constantly controlled the Poison Dao Law, the battle situation also continued to change and began to become evenly matched.

Real Man Wandu naturally discovered this change and became more and more frightened.

After looking at the Five Elements Grinding Disc behind Hongyun, his heart became more horrified.

In his cognition, the Five Elements Law is a quasi-second-rate law at best, even slightly lower than his Poison Dao law.

But this simple rule of five elements was actually developed by Hongyun with such magical powers.

You can crush the opponent's law, and then absorb and control it little by little.

This is simply more domineering and terrifying than the mosquito man he has ever heard from.

At this moment, the Taoist Wandu had no intention of continuing to fight.

Thinking of escaping from this world.

Otherwise, as Hong Yun gradually controls the Poison Dao Law, he will inevitably be killed or even captured alive.

This mid-thousand world is really terrifying.

Real Man Wan Du's face turned pale, not sure if it was the cause of the panic in his heart.

He even felt a sense of suppression from Hong Yun.


The real person Wan Po roared, and the Poison Dao Law that controlled this place began to violent, and its Poison Dao Law broke through another level at this moment.

Directly break through the suppressing force of the back soil.

Real Man Wandu was overjoyed, and at this moment, he didn't care about his heartache. He led out half of the Poison Dao law in the staff in his hand and turned it into a long dragon to the red cloud.

And he took this opportunity to take out a secret treasure again, torn the space of this place, and flew away...

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