I Have a Trillion Merits

: Hongjun shot and killed it!

Real Man Wandu used the Poison Dao Law to riot and swept everyone around.

At the same time, the space was torn apart, and he wanted to enter it.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun's complexion changed, and he hurriedly used the strongest means to rush to the past, wanting to keep the real person Wandu here.

But at this moment, the real person Wandu has used the secret treasure to tear the space apart and wants to escape here.

At the same time, he turned his head and looked back, his eyes abnormally cold.

Everyone in this world was so insulted to him, and when he returned to destroy the world, he would definitely report to the Great Lord and send someone to step down this world.

Although he didn't know the cultivation level of the controller behind this world.

But at least he knew that, except for the top combat power in this world, except for the red cloud, everyone else was vulnerable.

Real Man Wan Du snorted coldly, and wanted to return to his own world of destruction.

Hong Yun still had a long distance behind him, and he didn't even have time to chase him down.

Everyone could only watch the other side tear the space apart.

Just when everyone thought that the real person Wandu was about to flee this world, they heard a huge sound of Fa sound in the void.

"Little Xiao Xiao, dare to come to this world presumptuously!"

After the voice fell.

I saw a huge palm in the void rolling towards the real person Wandu.

The texture on it is distinct, and the laws of mystery are all over it, exuding extremely terrifying energy.

Hong Yun's figure suddenly stagnated, and stopped in place, looking at the huge palm that was crushed in the sky, shaking in his heart.

This was the first time he saw Hongjun take a shot...

He hasn't seen Hongjun really make a move since he fits the way of heaven.

Now it seems that it is terrifying!

Is this strength the strength that Pangu Great God achieved that day?

Not only him, but even Lao Tzu and others were shocked. Looking at the huge palm in the sky, they didn't know what to say for a while.

These strengths, even if they add up, can't reach one percent of Hongjun's strength.

Real Man Wan Du sensed the Qi machine coming from behind, and was frightened. He looked to the rear and saw the huge palm behind him at a glance.

"The controller of this world actually made a move, why did he make it!"

He naturally heard the huge sound of the Fa before, and he was shocked at this moment.

Watching the huge palm behind him get closer and closer.

Real Man Wandu could no longer help the panic in his heart, and wailed: "No!!!"

In an instant.

The huge palm was completely crushed away.

Everyone saw the real person of Wandu burst open in an instant, the deity was destroyed, not even a trace of true spirit was left behind.

After the death of the real person Wandu, the rules of heaven were operating.

Under Hongjun's control, he deliberately stripped the Poison Dao Law from the Ten Thousand Poison True Human, and then cast it into the Heaven Dao to completely integrate.

In the beginning, the ancient gods and demons were under Pangu's hands, fleeing from death to death...

The law of this world has always been in a very small stage, far less than the number when it was still in chaos.

The arrival of the real person Wandu at this moment has provided Honghuang with a brand new principle.

After witnessing the death of Wandu Zhenren.

Hong Yun and others hurriedly respectfully moved in the direction of Zixiao Palace, saluting and shouting: "I'll see the teacher!"

at the same time.

The many powerful people on the Primordial Continent who felt Hongjun's move all shouted at this moment: "I have seen Dao Ancestor."

In the sky, Hongjun's face appeared, nodding slightly at the prehistoric continent.

Suddenly, the powerful people who had been spying on this place have all withdrawn their spiritual consciousness, and they began to calm down in their fears in their own dojo.

The strength that Hongjun showed in his previous shots was really shocking.

That level of strength, I am afraid that a slight breath can kill them in seconds.

The great powers in the prehistoric are a little scared...

After seeing Hongjun's face, Hong Yun and others saluted again and shouted, "I'll wait to see the teacher!"

Hongjun nodded slightly, and then said: "Later you will come to Zixiao Palace, I have something to tell you."

Hongyun and the others said in unison: "I must follow the teacher's decree!"

After that, the face of Hongjun that appeared in the sky disappeared.

After Hong Yun came back to his senses, his eyes moved slightly, and he immediately used the Five Elements Dao to fuse the laws of time and space that he had obtained before, raising his hand to a virtual grip!

Suddenly, the void under his hands gradually changed, and the space began to shatter.

A black light suddenly rushed out of it and was directly held by Hongyun in his hand.

It was the treasure Wandu Zhenren wanted to get before.

This baby had already escaped tens of thousands of miles after Wandu Zhenren broke the Poison Dao law.

Although there were quasi-saint powers who wanted to take a shot on the way, none of them could catch it.

At this moment, after Hongyun realized after the war and realized the application of the new law, he was easily caught back.

Before everyone could look at it, he saw Hong Yun raise his hand and directly took away the black light.

Then he folded his hands and smiled at a few people: "Since the teacher has issued the decree, then I won't delay any more, I'd better go to the Zixiao Palace soon!"

With that said, Hong Yun galloped towards Zixiao Palace with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Nuwa snorted softly, and then walked towards the Zixiao Palace.

Tong Tian arched his hands at the crowd, and then left.

Laozi said: "Second brother, I will leave when I wait!"

Yuan Yuan nodded slightly, but when he looked at the Second Sage of the West, he remained unswerving and left with a cold snort.

The Second Saint of the West is also full of fire at this moment.

They hadn't even figured it out. They were acting so secretively, how could they be found by this primitive and hit the door.

Especially when they recalled the masses of Buddha light that the original took out before Lingshan.

I was even more aggrieved!

This is a bit unreasonable!

He clearly handled everything cleanly, how could there be clues left.

Jiuyin and Zhunti are a little confused.

But at this moment things had happened, and it was useless to think, and the two immediately dared to head towards the Purple Cloud Palace.

After a long time.

Hong Yun was the first to come to the gate of the Zixiao Palace, but before he arrived at the Zixiao Palace, he unexpectedly found a figure standing in front of the closed palace gate.

It is the master of the underworld, the saint of Houtu.

Hong Yun fell down and came to Houtu, smiling: "Sister Houtu, long time no see!"

When Houtu heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "I can see clearly from the underworld just now, the brother is showing great power and fighting the foreign guests..."

Hongyun laughed loudly when he heard the words.

At this moment, Nuwa and others also arrived one after another. After seeing Houtu again, they were all shocked, and then they greeted them.

When everyone came, Zixiao Palace slowly opened.

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