I Have a Trillion Merits

: Follow the teacher's decree!

Everyone entered the Zixiao Palace, and the mysterious Dao in the palace filled the surroundings.

On the high platform, Hongjun's figure appeared quietly, seated on the high platform, watching the people below slightly nodded.

Hong Yun and the others said in unison: "I've seen the teacher!"

Hongjun nodded slightly, then a smile appeared on his face when he looked at Hongyun.

When Hong Yun brought the mosquito path man to this world before, although he was faintly aware of it, after all, he was not too clear.

Until the mosquito person showed his vitality, he noticed his old friend.

Mosquito Road Man is one of the ancient gods and demons, and He Hongjun is a man of the same era, but when Pangu opened the sky, he did not attack Pangu like other gods and demons.

Instead, he waited for Pangu to open the sky, and he felt vaguely at that time. In addition to going further, Pangu opened the sky, and there was also the manifestation of the rules of heaven.

Thinking of this, Hongjun had a smile on his face. The facts proved how correct his decision was at that time, and he didn't siege Pangu with the other gods and demons.

Just as Hongjun recalled in his heart, the original resentment was the first to speak: Teacher, these two Westerners secretly calculated me to explain and teach, and even killed my four children, and asked the teacher to call the shots for me! "

As soon as the original words came out, I don't know if it was Hongyun and others, even the Second Sage of the West was shocked.

This divine amount of calamity originally covered all the creatures in the prehistoric times.

Why is it your turn to explain and teach?

In the hall.

Hong Yun suppressed his smile, and stood there quietly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Nu Wa coughed slightly, her face was a bit wrong.

Laozi and Tongtian sighed slightly in their hearts. They knew that this calamity was originally caused by the twelve golden immortals under the school.

They were supposed to be on the list of conferred gods, but the original heart was unwilling, so he wanted to make some small actions to save his disciples.

As a result, the disciple was rescued a lot, but at the same time he fell into the pit of the two Westerners and was calculated by others.

They had also thought in their hearts that after the two sides left, they might fight again, but they never thought that Yuanyuan would actually file a lawsuit in Zixiao Palace.

The Western Second Sage hurriedly said: "Teacher Qi, it is the disciple who saw that the disciple of the senior brother was about to be on the list of the gods, and he felt a little unbearable, so he intercepted a trace of true spirit from it and took it to Lingshan to wash him away from sin.

"I have waited, but I have never calculated the original brother, I have never had it!"

"That's right! Teacher, I waited to help the seniors to avoid the robbery of the rankings. I never thought that not only did the seniors not have a half gratitude in their hearts, they even gave them a gratitude!"

"Really hateful!"

The two sages of the West sang and reconcile in the hall, almost vomiting blood from the original breath.

He thought it was unacceptable enough to slap his own skin and complaint, but he didn't expect that the two Westerners would still be as shameless as they always did.

He was actually above the hall, raking down, describing himself as a white-eyed wolf.

Primitively trembling all over.

Hongjun looked at the crowd, and sighed slightly in his heart when looking at Yuan Yuan.

Originally, he wanted to use this calamity to awaken the obsession of his own disciple, but he never thought that he would fall into such a situation.

He was inevitably disappointed with the original in his heart.

But when he looked at the Second Sage of the West, a trace of disgust flashed away in his eyes.

Before he preached for the third time, he had vaguely noticed in his heart that these two people would definitely betray the Taoist line in the future, but he didn't expect it to be true.

These two Westerners created Buddhism and practiced doctrines completely different from Taoism.

This made Hongjun a little angry.

But after a while.

Hongjun sighed slightly, and said, "This is their own calamity, you should not talk about it in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the two westerners suddenly felt a sense of joy.

How could they not understand the meaning of this.

This time the opportunity for the West to flourish has finally come.

Although Yuan Yuan was a bit angry, he still didn't dare to refute his teacher's words, so he nodded and responded.

Hongjun continued to speak: "Today I call you to wait to talk about things outside the prehistoric realm."

In the hall.

Several people's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they had noticed the existence of space barriers since they were sanctified.

That is a barrier separating the prehistoric and the outside world.

Even with their current cultivation level, they can't break it, maybe they can only go further and reach the level of Hongyun.

Of course, they can use all the means to break their cards.

But for a place of nothingness, it is really worthless.

At this moment, after hearing Hongjun take the initiative to speak about the outside world, curiosity arose in the hearts of several people.

Looking at the curious eyes of the disciples below.

Hongjun smiled and said: "When I was born as a teacher, it was just that the prehistoric still existed in a corner of Hongmeng. At that time, it was like a huge chaos, the world was undivided, and it was unclear.

But even so, there are still countless innate gods and demons living in it. These innate gods and demons originally control the Taoism, and then they continue to fight and plunder...

Has been constantly getting stronger.

It wasn't until the birth of Pangu that changed. "

When Laozi and others heard this, their breathing began to swift. They claimed to be authentic Pangu. At this moment, after hearing about their ancestors, it was naturally difficult to keep calm.

Looking at the eyes of the three of Laozi, Hongjun understood in his heart.

He continued: "Before Pangu was born, he was conceived in a huge eggshell in the center of Chaos.

When he was born, the gods and demons all over the sky only saw the light of the sharp blades flashing, the giant egg broke in an instant, and Pangu came out with a Pangu axe and a jade dish in one hand.

Then, he had cultivated to the extreme of this world, and could no longer stand the chaos.

He wanted to open up a world, just like the omnipotence attached to the wilderness. "

Speaking of this, not only the three of Lao Tzu, but even Hong Yun and the others are blinking.

Open up a world...

This is what a heavenly cultivation base, an act against the sky.

Hong Yun thought in his heart, if one day, he could achieve the cultivation level of Pangu Great God, whether he could turn the Promise Palace into a real world.

But at this time, I heard Hou Tu speak: "Dare to ask the teacher, what is Hongmeng?"

This was the first time Hou Tu spoke in Zixiao Palace, and brought up the part of Hongjun's previous words that she was puzzled by.

It's not just him, except for Hongyun, everyone in the field is a little curious about what Hongmeng is, and why the world like the prehistoric is attached to it.

Hongjun smiled and said: "What is Hongmeng? One person in the field has been to Hongmeng, so he will tell you about it."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and looked at each other.

They think they know each other well, but they don't know who has been to Hongmeng.

The only one who has guessed is Nu Wa, who is now turning her head and smiling at the red cloud beside her.

Hong Yun gave a wry smile and stepped forward: "Follow the teacher's decree!"

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