After seeing Hongyun stand up, everyone in the field looked at Hongyun with surprises.

When Hongjun clearly stated that some of them had been to Hongmeng, Lao Tzu and the others felt surprised. At this moment, they were even more shocked when they saw Hongyun walk out.

Yuan Yuan's eyes looking towards Hong Yun narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart: "No wonder his cultivation base advances so quickly."

Primitive thought that Hong Yun must have had an adventure in Hongmeng, so that he could have such a fast advancement, otherwise how could he be suppressed so easily.

Lao Tzu and the others also looked surprised, and then settled down and stood quietly in the hall, waiting for Hongyun to answer.

Only Nu Wa knew everything in the field.

Secretly said: It turns out that the senior brother was the Hongmeng who went to, no wonder the ancient gods and demons such as the mosquitoes were found.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Hongyun's reply.

After a while.

I heard Hong Yun speak: "As the teacher said, I have indeed been to Hongmeng, and I have been in it for a while."

Lao Tzu took the lead and said: "Is Hongmeng the world beyond the prehistoric?"

Hong Yun nodded slightly: "There is only a space barrier from the prehistoric world."

Lao Tzu and the others lit up.

Since Hongyun can go to the wilderness, why can't they?

Cautious thoughts arose in my heart one by one.

Should I try to enter the predicament after enshrining the gods?

It seems to be aware of the thoughts of all the saints.

Hong Yun smiled lightly: "Junior brothers, before you break through the late stage, don't think about going to the world outside the prehistoric world."

Zhun raised his eyes and rolled his eyes, and said, "What do you mean by this brother? Could it be that you look down on me and wait!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the saints seemed to have a thorn in their hearts.

Among them, with the exception of Que Houtu, Tongtian and Nuwa, the rest were beaten by Hongyun.

And it's four to one, which doesn't hold any advantage.

At this moment, Hongyun's words were quasi-proposed for such an analysis, and the faces of all the saints were a bit ugly for an instant.

The guide was also helping to line up and said: "Is the brother underestimating me? No matter how I wait, I am also this great saint. Why is there a risk of death in your mouth when you go to Hongmeng?"

Watching the two singing and one harmony, Hong Yun chuckled lightly, and then said: "As far as I know, there are many quasi-saints in the great monstrous world like dogs. The saints don't talk about walking all over the ground, but there are still a hundred and eighty...

What's more, there are many gods and demons who have escaped from the ancient primordial land to the great monstrous. Their strength is basically the late stage, or even the peak of the late stage. If you wait to go, it is indeed possible to die in another world. "

The voice of Hongyun fell, and an inhalation sound suddenly sounded in the hall.

All the saints looked at each other at this moment, as if they did not believe Hongyun's statement.

But at this moment, in the Zixiao Palace, Hongyun had no reason to deceive them, let alone what it said in front of the teacher, and it didn't look like a fake.

If it is as Hongyun said, they really can't go.

Otherwise, there is a real danger of death.

Hong Yun arched his hands upwards and said, "Teacher, when I went to Hongmeng on this trip, my disciple encountered a strange thing!"

Hongjun slowed down and said with interest, "What a weird thing?"

Hong Yun said: "It is said that there are 108 big cities in Hongmeng, and the names of the cities are different, but the disciple encountered an environment that is enough to shield the disciple's perception!"

Upon hearing this, Hongjun showed a slightly surprised expression on his face.

As the spokesperson of Heaven, he naturally knew the strength of Hongyun today.

With Hongyun's current strength, he could still be deceived to speak, it means that the illusion has exceeded the level of the saint.

Hong Yun continued: "It is not so much the environment, it is the legacy of the ancient Hongmeng.

The predecessors of that city once said that Hongmeng has suffered a shocking change, so it has become what it is now! "

In the hall.

Everyone was horrified.

Originally, they thought that Hongmeng had such a large number of saints, it was already something that shocked them.

But at this moment, Hongyun's words seem to be only a legacy after their loneliness.

So how strong is Hongmeng, who has never experienced changes?

Everyone dared not continue to speculate in their hearts.

On stage.

Hongjun thought carefully for a moment, and then said: "Perhaps, something has changed in Hongmeng."

When he killed Ten Thousand Poisons before, he read a lot of information from it, and it was not only about the destruction of the world behind Ten Thousand Dusty.

It also includes the division of the world.

However, from the memory of Real Man Wan Du, the world of destruction he was in seemed to be on the same level as the prehistoric.

Both are Zhongqian World.

Hongjun frowned slightly, and said: "When this seat was not sanctified, there were abnormal movements in the prehistoric times, the discoloration of the world, and the proliferation of endless calamity, which eventually led to the occurrence of the three tribe wars.

Perhaps, Hongmeng changed at that time. "

Hong Yun nodded slightly, so it made sense. At that time, he had just been transformed, and Sanqing and others were all low-powered.

In addition, the place where they are located is extremely secretive, which can conceal the secrets of heaven, so it is impossible to be affected by the war of three clans.

Perhaps it was the change that took place in the Great Meng, which affected the great famine.

Hong Yun continued: "Based on what the Taoist said before and the Hongmeng predecessor, the disciples have come to the division of the world, which is the division of the big, medium and small.

The original Hongmeng was the Great Thousand World, and the primordial world where we lived was also its subsidiary world.

However, after experiencing that change, he fell to the middle-thousand-world level, and I don't know if what the disciple guessed is true. "

In the hall, everyone was horrified.

What they heard today almost peaked their previous cognition.

Even if they are worthy of saints, they all have a moment of loss of consciousness.

Hongjun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, everything is as you guessed it. The prehistoric place I'm waiting in is nothing more than a thousand worlds.

And it was indeed a subsidiary world of Hongmeng before, but because of Hongmeng's changes, it left.

And the cultivation of this world, the saint is not the peak. "

As soon as he said this, all the saints in the audience raised their heads and looked at Hongjun above.

Although they are already saints, they have not yet reached the summit of saints, so they have many speculations about the future.

But the rest of the ideas have been meaningless.

Hearing what Hongjun said today, it seemed that he wanted to inform them of the realm after the journey of the saint.

All the saints were expecting in their hearts.

Just listen to Hongjun speaking again: "But at this moment, you can only be qualified to know if you have cultivated to the later stage of the saint.

As for Hongyun... I think you already have the answer in your heart! "

Hong Yun frowned and said: "In the heart of the disciple, there is speculation, but I am not sure!"

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