I Have a Trillion Merits

: The robbery is about to end

The sage level is just a starting point?

All the saints were shocked.

In the predicament, although there is a saying that they are not saints, they are all ants.

But the higher the cultivation level, the clearer in his heart that the sage level is already the top existence among the prehistoric.

After all, except for Hongjun.

No one can surpass all the saints anymore, the saint level can be said to have the same life as the sky.

Moreover, if the saints weren't for a true life-and-death struggle, then there could be no holy meteorite.

This is the saint.

But in Hongjun's mouth, in the great world, the existence of saints is just a starting point.

This really shocked them.

Zhun raised his throat slightly, regretting why he had to ask such a question.

The answer to this question is really unacceptable.

Even if it was Hongyun, his eyes were slightly opened at this moment, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

After a while.

Hongjun waved his hand slightly and said, "I only tell you these simple things here. What you want in the future depends on your own wishes. Let it go!"

Upon seeing this, Hongyun and others saluted Hongjun above him respectfully: "Send the teacher respectfully!"

next moment.

Hongjun's figure disappeared directly into the main hall, leaving Hongyun and others in the field.

Several people stood in the field, carefully savoring what Hongjun said before.


It seemed that they understood something, and looked at each other, each of whom saw the look in each other's eyes.

This kind of look was only seen in their own eyes when Hongjun gave the purple qi to help everyone break through.

Yuan Yuan looked at Jiying and Zhunti, and suddenly snorted coldly.

Go straight away.

Lao Tzu also pointed at a few people in the field, arched his hands, and then left the Zixiao Palace.

Su Ying smiled and said: "Brothers, since this is the case, then I will go back to the West first."

Hongyun nodded slightly.

The others also nodded, indicating that the other party can leave.

After taking them back to the West.

Tongtian suddenly transmitted his voice: "Brother, I heard that the Xiqi party is about to invade Chaoge, and this tribulation of the gods and the weighing of the gods, I am afraid it will end in a day."

Hearing this, Hong Yun was taken aback for a moment, since he returned from Hongmeng.

He didn't pay too much attention to the Conferred God's Volume Tribulation. After all, there are several people from Kong Xuan who are in charge.

Now that he heard what Tongtian had said, the Conferred God and Volume Tribulation had come to an end, which did not surprise him.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If this is the case, then I will wait until the time of the Conferred God, and then I can come forward."

This time, the vitality of the teaching is greatly injured, and the Penglai line dominates the whole conquest of the gods, and the benefits obtained are immeasurable.

Even during the cut-off, some disciples entered Xiqi.

You can have some soup afterwards.

If Hong Yun hadn't informed him in advance, I am afraid that Tongtian would still place all his chess pieces on Dashang's side.

At that time, it will not only be the loss of interpretation and education.

Even under the Tongtian Gate, at least nearly 40% of the losses would be lost, and the scene of Wanxian coming under the gate would not reappear.

Hearing this, Tongtian nodded with a smile.

Then he said: "If that's the case, then I will return to Jin'ao Island first, and wait until the end of the Conferred God and Quantum Tribulation before I make plans."

Hongyun smiled and nodded: "Good!"

The voice fell.

Tongtian laughed, directly used the technique of transforming the rainbow, left the Zixiao Palace, and went straight to Jinao Island.

Only Hongyun, Houtu and Nuwa were left in the field.

Houtu stepped forward and smiled and said, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. I've been okay in recent days."

Looking at the expression on the surface of the earth, Hong Yun was more or less embarrassed.

After all, he also calculated the matter of the underworld that day.

Even the Ten Temple Yamas today are his people.

This is also the reason why Houtu handed over the underworld to Hongyun after the first battle.

Hong Yun touched his nose and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay."

Houtu's eyes lit up and said, "Brother, I am going to Hongmeng on this trip. I wonder if I can elaborate."

Hearing this, Hongyun naturally knows everything without saying anything.

They told them everything they had encountered in Hongmeng.

When the two heard that there was a **** and demon who could crush the red cloud in the midst of Hongmeng, they suddenly showed a look of surprise.

You know, Hongyun is in their eyes, but the horrible existence of fighting the Four Saints alone.

Except for characters like his own teacher.

Who else can crush him.

The two looked at each other, then shook their heads slightly.


Nu Wa opened the mouth and said: "The hour that the brother said, but the time **** and demon among the ancient chaos **** and demon?"

Hong Yun nodded slightly and said, "If there is no accident, it should be him."

At the beginning, Hong Yun got the Promise Palace that he had planned for thousands of years.

It can be said that Shi Chen has been offended to death, and he also peeped the message above the saint from it.

He naturally knew what this Promise Palace meant for time.

If it wasn't for Honghuang to not allow gods and demons to approach, I am afraid he is now worrying about how to deal with the chase of the time.

Nu Wa frowned slightly, and said: "As the saying goes: Time does not come out, space is respected. This shows the position and strength of time among the ancient chaos gods and demons.

If the brother offended him, I am afraid that would be a little difficult.

If you go to Hongkong again in the future, you must avoid encountering this person, otherwise you may not come back. "

Hongyun smiled and said: "Junior sister, if you don't reach the sage stage, don't think about entering the prehistoric state."

When the two Nuwa heard the words, a red glow flashed across their faces.

Since the two entered the stage of saints, they have ceased to concentrate on practice, but rather care about personal feelings.

But at any rate, their talents were still there, and they barely reached the peak of the saint's initial stage.

After hundreds of years, we can successfully break through to the mid-term stage.

The early saints mentioned in the Zixiao Palace were the two of them.

Even the lead and Zhunti have broken through to the mid-term, which is why they can play against Tongtian.

Hou Tu groaned: "Senior brother, but look down on me and wait?"

Hong Yun hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, it's really too dangerous in Hongmeng, the two juniors shouldn't go there."

Those ambassadors in the cosmos are okay, if they run into those ancient chaos gods and demons.

They are afraid of death or death.

Nuwa and Houtu looked at each other, and then said: "If this is the case, then I will go back to practice first."


The two exhibited their own methods and galloped directly toward their dojo.

Hong Yun looked at the back of the two of them going away, not knowing what to say for a while, so he had to head towards Penglai Xiandao.

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