I Have a Trillion Merits

: Time planning, the end of the emperor!

In the Harmony.

Just when Hong Yun and others were about to return to their dojo.

On the edge of Hongmeng, endless purple aura permeated, and then began to converge and spin.

A huge vortex was formed in the air.

In the whirlpool, there was a burly figure sitting at the time when it came from where the Promise Palace was originally located.

Since the last time Hong Yun got the Promise Palace and escaped from him.

Shi Chen crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles, tracking the breath of the red cloud all the way to the border of Hongmeng.

Hongyun came to Hongmeng from this place before his eyes.

Shi Chen used the secret method to trace the tiny clue in front of him.

Shichen gave a cold snort.

The purple vortex around him instantly disappeared.

In the positive area, the purple air is serene, spreading in all directions and extremely rich.

Shi Chen slowly stood up, looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab a crack in front of him.

The space was turbulent and violent, tearing Shichen's fingers.

The blood of gods and demons spread out.

In the purple qi, there was a manic monster that was attracted by the blood of the gods and demons, and roared at the time.

The burly figure in front of him gave the monster beast an urge to swallow it.

This monster beast is a terrifying monster that lives on the edge of the Harmony, and possesses the cultivation of a saint.

It's just that this one in front of you has just grown up, and is considered a new quasi holy.

At this moment, he was attracted by the blood of the gods and demons at the time rift, and wanted to completely swallow the person in front of him.

Use this to increase your cultivation.

The monster beast paced forward, and gradually came to Shi Chen's side, and suddenly opened its huge mouth.

Suddenly, a huge suction force came from the front mouth, and Shi Chen was completely sucked into his mouth.

Shi Chen suddenly turned around and roared at the monster beast: "The evil barrier, destroy!"

The voice fell.

Suddenly, there was a powerful force of law, which directly spread out and pressed towards the monster beast.

In a trance.

I saw the time occasions spread out in the void, and the water of time was surging surging.

Laws of the law are constantly condensed before his eyes.

An extremely terrifying pressure instantly pressed on that terrifying behemoth.

The behemoth roared in panic.

It seemed that he hadn't expected the situation before him, struggling in horror, trying to escape the shackles of the long river of time.

But the next moment.

Those time occasions were directly condensed, completely crushing them into fragments.

The blood was wanton in the air.

In the blood that spread out, there was a terrifying energy fluctuation overflow, making the void faintly touched.

Shichen looked ugly at the crack in his hand.

Although it has an extremely powerful self-healing ability, it is difficult to heal under the effect of spatial turbulence.

Shi Chen knew in his heart that he had found the wrong place.

Although he can forcibly tear the space barriers, but even so, he cannot go in his true body.

This spatial turbulence poses an extremely terrifying threat to the ancient Chaos God and Demon.

Unless the weak point of the space barrier is found, the turbulence is more stable, and he will go as an incarnation.


Shichen didn't know what he thought of, a joking flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the space barrier not far away.

Then slowly raised his hand, a powerful force of time spread out.

In the place where the giant beast died before, it began to condense the original look of the giant beast.

From the beginning, the blood overflowed, and then began to gather together slowly, gathering the terrifying body of the behemoth.

The panic look of the giant beast reappeared before Shi Chen's eyes.

It seems to be aware of something.

The giant beast began to flee away, trying to escape from this extremely terrifying **** and demon in front of him.

But under the confinement of time, there is really no way.

A smile appeared at the corner of Shichen's mouth, and the law of time around his body was condensed, slowly pouring into the body of the giant beast in front of him.

At the same time, it splits a trace of soul.

The original spirit of the giant beast was obliterated, the dove occupied the magpie's nest, and slowly controlled the body of the giant beast.

After a long time.

The appearance of the behemoth has also changed, beginning to slowly draw out the human nature, and finally become the appearance of Shi Chen.

A sneer appeared on Shi Chenzhen's face, and then raised his hand to tear the space barrier in front of him.

The hour turned into by the behemoth jumped directly into it.



In Chaoge City, pick the stars downstairs.

The Xiqi army fought neatly in the open space downstairs, and before the army, it was Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya.

Zhu Jun looked up at the top of the Zhanxing Building.

King Shang Zhou was standing upstairs at the moment, with a trembling beauty in his arms, but with a proud face.

Shang Zhou Wang whispered: "Are you afraid of beauty?"

The beauty said softly: "With the great king, the concubines are not afraid."

King Shang Zhou laughed when he heard this.

This is the only woman he truly loves since he reigned for many years.

Now, only the woman in his arms was with him when the rebel soldiers approached the city.

At this moment, they were forced by the Xiqi army to the top of the Star Picking Tower, and only the two of them were left.

In the ten-odd years of war, the army of the Shang Dynasty retreated all the way and suffered heavy casualties.

Not long ago, the last army of the Shang Dynasty was defeated by Xiqi outside Chaoge City and surrendered the remaining soldiers.

The guards in the city were beheaded by Xiqi.

The ministers of Korea and China fled Chaoge with their families one after another, and they had no nostalgia when they left.

The Prime Minister scolded King Shang Zhou at home, and after the scolding, let his family members leave Chaoge with some entanglements.

But he chose to hang himself at home.

As the last strength of Dashang, he chose to coexist and die with Dashang.

The body was untied by the Xiqi army and placed on the spiritual platform at home, waiting to be buried afterwards.

Ji Fa raised his head and looked at the two kings of Shang and Zhou above the Star Picking Tower.

There was a sneer on his face.

It was this person back then, forcing his father to take the meat soup made from the flesh and blood of his brother, which caused serious physical and mental injury to his father.

And his big brother who had the potential of being a wise man died tragically.

Nowadays, under the cycle of cause and effect, great business luck is exhausted, and tyrannical politics will become a fleeting phenomenon.

Ji Fa roared: "No righteous businessmen, I Xiqi, at the wishes of the people, acted as a teacher of justice and conquered you, etc. Now that the overall situation is set, do you have anything to say?"

I heard Ji Fa's roar below.

A smile appeared on King Shang Zhou's face, and he shook his head slightly.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "My situation today will become the situation you wait for in the future, without regrets in your life.

The only regret now is Fang Jichang's return to Xiqi.

With such a rebellious heart, the widow really regretted not beheading him completely. "

Ji Fa's heart rose with anger.

When even to order Nezha and others to capture him.

Jiang Ziya waved his hand slightly, motioning not to act rashly.

Just listen to the upper part of Shang Zhou Wang whispered: "Beauty, how about walking along Huangquan Road with the widow."

The beauty in his arms showed a smile of relief.

"Well, concubine and go with the king."

When the king of Shang Zhou heard the words, he laughed, and then jumped down to the Star Picking Tower with the beauty in his arms.

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