I Have a Trillion Merits

: Conferred God (1)

Everyone in the field was shocked.

They never thought that a generation of heroes like King Shang Zhou would choose to end their own words by such means.

Ji Fa let out a long sigh, and then said: "Thick burial of King Zhou...and the princess."

He could see that the woman in the arms of King Shang Zhou was not the princess of Dashang, but just an ordinary concubine.

But in the current situation, he can still snuggle up to King Shang Zhou.

The seat of the princess can be.

The war ended...

A trace of real spirit on the corpse of King Shang Zhou escaped into the list of the gods.

Instant time.

The boundless calamity in the sky began to dissipate.

The entire prehistoric Danone naturally discovered the changes in front of him and walked out of his dojo one after another.

Look towards the sky.

There was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

The cloud of evil spirit before finally disappeared.

At this moment, the primordial luck has changed again, and it has risen to a new level, which is more rich than before.

Humane luck is more prosperous.

The Master Tongtian, who was far away on Jin'ao Island, naturally discovered the disappearance of the disaster in the sky above the wilderness.

Can't help but raise the corner of his mouth lightly.

In this matter of conferring a god, he also won a lot of humanity and luck in his interception.

Under the suppression of the secret treasure, it was far beyond the previous time.

On the other hand, explain the teaching there.

The golden lotus that was originally prosperous fortune has all withered, and half of it has been lost.

The primitive at this moment was furious in the hall, and the few second-generation disciples left below were also silent.

I didn't dare to respond at all, for fear that the fire of my teacher would burn myself.

Among Penglai Fairy Island.

Hong Yun had seen what happened in Dashang through the water mirror in front of him, and he was also a little bit embarrassed.

In his opinion.

When King Shang Zhou first ascended the throne, he was still a conscientious Mingjun.

However, with the later changes in mentality, coupled with the secret calculation of the saint, it was out of control since then.

Not only caused countless atrocities, but also massacred many loyal ministers.

As a result, the fortune of the Dashang Dynasty continued to drain, so that later Xiqi began to rebels to establish a country.

Hong Yun sighed long, and the next step was the matter of conferring the gods.

Now that the Fengshen Ban is in Jiang Ziya's hands, it seems that he wants to inform this and let Xiqi build the Fengshentai as soon as possible.

One thought ends here.

Hongyun's divine consciousness spread out and directly found Jiang Ziya who was arranging everything in the Xiqi Army.

Now the great king of the Shang Dynasty has died tragically.

He began to gradually control Chaoge City, and he wanted to bury the king of Shang Zhou and some loyal merchants.

In the camp.

Jiang Ziya sat at the desk, looking at the memorial in front of him, and couldn't help thinking.

In his arms, Fengshen Bang trembled.

Since absorbing the true spirit of King Shang Zhou that day, the Fengshen Bang began to tremble constantly.

But he couldn't see what was wrong.

And even though he wanted to go to Penglai Xiandao to ask his teacher.

But now everything is uncertain, how can he leave.

So this matter had to be put on hold.

Just as Jiang Ziya was working at the desk, a blue smoke slowly emerged above his head.

Finally, in the midair in front of him, a red cloud appeared.

Jiang Ziya looked up, was directly startled by the sight in front of him, and then quickly stood up.

He knelt forward and said respectfully: "Jiang Ziya pays respects to the teacher."

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and said: "This is the matter. After you have been enshrined, you can return to Penglai Xiandao to continue practicing."


Jiang Ziya didn't understand what Hong Yun meant for a while.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "The Conferred God List that I gave you before will record the merits of this calamity, divide the gods according to the merits, and enter the heavenly court."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed when he heard this.

Heavenly Court.

Jiang Ziya was a casual cultivator before, so his awe of Heaven is far beyond ordinary people.

Although he had visited the gate of Penglai Fairy Island, he still had nowhere for many of his friends to go, and now he heard that he could go to Heaven.

This gave him an idea.

Jiang Ziya said respectfully: "I must follow the teacher's decree."

Hong Yun nodded slightly, then flexed his finger to the center of Jiang Ziya's brow, and directly instilled some information.

Jiang Zi's teeth showed a suddenly realized look.

He quickly knelt down on the ground again and shouted: "Thank you for your pity, teacher."


Hong Yun's figure once again turned into a wisp of green smoke, completely dissipating.

After Hong Yun's figure dissipated, Jiang Ziya slowly got up, thinking about the matter of conferring the gods in his heart.

He opened up the list of gods.

I saw not only the many generals who died in this battle, but also some generals who are still alive.

And it's not just Xiqi's side, there are some generals in the big business.

Even King Shang Zhou is in this list.

This made Jiang Ziya suddenly understand a lot.

After a while.

Jiang Ziya came to Ji Fa's camp and told him all the things he was thinking about in his heart.

Ji Fa was overjoyed when he heard this. You must know that his brother and father died here.

If the two of them can also enter the heavenly court, this will make his heart calm a lot.


The two decided to build the Conferred God Platform in Xiqi, just above Qishan.

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya ordered Nezha and the others to take the first step and return to Xiqi to build the Conferred God Platform on Qishan.

Then after he and Ji Fa dealt with the matter here, they returned with the army.

The wind screamed and the earth was devastated.

One month later.

Jiang Ziya and others led the generals back to Xiqi territory and came to Qishan.

Unrelated sergeants are waiting below.

The remaining people who are still alive and have big contributors, accompany Jiang Ziya into Qishan.

Jiang Ziya leaped up to the Conferred God Stage, opened the Conferred God List, and hung high in the air. Suddenly, real spirits shot away from it.

Falling on the surrounding cliffs, there are many generals who died in the Conferred God battle.

At this moment, it was the real spirit that appeared, and under the protection of the Conferred God List, he could only fight on the surrounding cliffs.

Each one looked at Jiang Ziya on the Conferred God Stage with doubts.

Then he looked at the Conferred God List floating in the air.

They knew in their hearts that they were already dead, but they didn't know why they appeared here.

According to reason.

At this moment, they have entered the underworld, and under the review of the Ten Temple Yama, they have entered the six reincarnations.

But they are here.

Sheltered by a beam of divine light from the top of the Conferred God List, fighting here steadily.

Doesn't this surprise them.

Conferred on the stage.

Jiang Ziya looked around and found that the contributors or those in important positions were all on the surrounding cliffs.

Suddenly it became clear, and then a satisfied smile appeared.

Said: "Today, my Jiang Ziya, by the order of the saint of humanity and saint of Hongyun, I will conduct the canonization in Qishan."

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