And at this moment, Lu Li was also facing an illusion that was generally similar to the previous two.

But in the illusion, he returned to his original place, on a planet called Blue Star.

In the city, the steel jungle is full of traffic.

How familiar it seemed to Hong Yun, this kind of distant memory, when it was turned out of his mind again, really surprised him.

Of course, what surprised him most was the illusion here, which could bring back the scene of his previous life.

Hong Yun stepped into the busy traffic, wearing a red robe, he seemed a little out of place here.

The edge of the road not far away.

A group of female students looked at Hongyun curiously, pointed at him privately, their eyes were full of sparkling stars.

Even though they felt that they couldn't be discovered, they were still heard by Hongyun.

"Is that called roleplaying? That handsome guy is so handsome in such a suit."

"Yeah! Would you like to go over and ask for a phone call..."

"Will it be too abrupt? It seems that we are a little bit unreserved."


Hong Yun, who was not far away, showed a wry smile after hearing the words of the female students.

This illusion.

The truth made him a little bit unbelievable.

The breath of Hong Yun's body turned slightly, and he disappeared directly in place, rushing to a certain direction in the city.

Those female students who had just been distracted, when they turned their heads, found that Hong Yun had disappeared, and they regretted one by one.

And the red cloud traveled high in the sky and came to the place where the memory was buried for thousands of years.

It was a slightly dilapidated community, and the old people in the park were teasing the children, and they seemed unusually harmonious.

Hong Yun hid his figure and walked in it, and hurried towards one of the buildings.

When he came to the door of a somewhat old room, his breathing was involuntarily rushed, and there was a touch of tension on his face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Immediately, his breath flowed, directly transformed into modern clothing, and then cautiously knocked on the door of the room.


The door opened from the inside, and with a squeak, a small head poked out from inside.

She was a little girl, with doubts in her big eyes.

Looking at Hongyun, he said, "Uncle, who are you looking for!"

Hong Yun looked at the little girl in front of her, her lips pursed slightly: "Is this Ms. Qin Xianglan 2's home?"

Upon hearing this, the little girl turned her head and shouted at the door: "Grandma, someone is looking for you."

Immediately, there was a rush of footsteps inside the door, followed by a slightly old voice/

"Yuanyuan, it's not that you are not allowed to open the door to strangers, why are you disobedient?"

After Hong Yun heard this familiar voice, an expression of excitement flashed across her face, and then looked at the little girl named Yuanyuan in front of her with some surprise.

Not long after, that familiar face poked out from the door and glanced at Hongyun.

Suspiciously: "This young man, are you looking for me?"

Hong Yun looked at his mother who had no impression of him, her throat moved slightly, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Then he reluctantly shook his head, and said, "Sorry! I admitted the wrong person."

Qin Xianglan drew Yuanyuan into the house, then closed the door directly, and began to make trouble in the room about her good granddaughter not to open the door to strangers casually.

Hongyun's expression was a little lonely, but when he turned and left, he saw the two of them come down from the elevator.

One of them is his girlfriend who hasn't entered the prey.

The other one, surprisingly his original appearance, was walking down the elevator talking and laughing with his girlfriend.

It's just that when they saw Lu Li, they were a little strange.

The Red Cloud's soul shook, and then the picture in front of him completely disappeared, and he broke free from the illusion.

Hong Yun looked at not far away, with struggling Bai Qiuxue and the hideous demon ancestor, sighed softly.

This was the first time he regretted that his cultivation base was too high.

If he is only the initial cultivation base of the saint now, maybe he will stay in the illusion for a longer time!


Hong Yun waved his hand slightly and stepped directly into the top of the mountain.

Since this illusion can awaken people's deepest memories, and there is no worry of life, then he will stop disturbing the other two.

After Hong Yun stepped onto the top of the mountain, he discovered that there was only a small thatched cottage on the top of the mountain.

In front of the thatched cottage, there was a person sitting at the stone table, raising his glass to Hong Yun.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and then the spirit aura spread out, and he probed towards the person toasting.

However, after exploring with the power of his soul, he found that it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without half a gain.

I saw the person toasting with a chuckle and said, "Young man, don't panic, come over!"

Hongyun heard the words and walked over directly.

Sitting directly opposite the middle-aged man without being polite.

The middle-aged man glanced at Hongyun, then smiled and said, "Yes, you are the first time to break into this second mountain."

Hong Yun looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said, "Senior is Gu Zongqing!"

In the previous classics, he also learned that the owner here is Gu Zongqing, the ancestor of the Gu family of Dagan's world-class family.

Gu Zongqing said in a nostalgic manner: "No one has called an old name for tens of thousands of years."

Immediately, he looked at the red cloud in front of him and said with a smile: "You can break into this second mountain, and you can be considered a little capable. Amidst this greatness, you should be the most outstanding person."

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, he was not yet so confident that he was called the ultimate among Hongmeng.

You know, although the current Hongmeng has fallen from the Great Thousand World to the Middle Thousand World, there are still many half-step world masters.

He has not yet reached that level.

Gu Zongqing showed a touch of regret, and said: "It seems that this Hongmeng world is stronger than I imagined. Could it be that as the old saying goes, a thin camel is bigger than a horse..."

Hong Yun looked a little strange and said, "Senior, how did you know that Hongmeng was promoted to the Great Thousand World?"

Gu Zongqing heard the words with a look of nostalgia, and said: "Each world has its own unique trajectory and rules. Soon after Hongmeng became the Great Thousand World, it was the first to be noticed by a group of wanderers. It was only after the wanderers changed that they discovered this new world."

Hongyun was a little surprised when he heard this, and he did not expect Hongmeng's promotion to be the first to notice the group of wanderers.

After Gu Zongqing said these words, he said to himself: "I originally thought that I could plunder the origin of this world and successfully break through the level of the world master, but I didn't expect that I would end up here. Sad! What a sigh!


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