Hong Yun looked at Gu Zongqing, who was full of pity, not knowing what to say.

Even for Hongmeng, Gu Zongqing and others are foreign invaders and unforgivable people.

But for monks, the most important thing is the opportunity for breakthrough.

Even Hong Yun, if he had such an opportunity before his eyes, he would make the same choice as Gu Zongqing.

Now it can only be said that the king is defeated.

Hong Yun said: "I forgive the younger generation for taking the liberty! I wonder why the senior's sitting place chose here?"

Gu Zongqing smiled and said: "I was ordered to stop the leader of this world and attempt to bring down Hongmeng's powerful offensive, but I did not expect that the leader of this world is stronger than I thought.

But with a single sword, he nailed me here, and only then broke free after exhausting my life.

It's just that when I broke free, it was also a time of decay, but unfortunately I couldn't return to the world of great dryness.


When Hong Yun heard the words, a light burst in his eyes, and he asked quickly: "I don't know that the realm master is powerful, is he still alive?"

Gu Zongqing smiled bitterly: "Maybe, maybe not, I can't imagine that if thousands of great can set up a killing formation, that person can still survive."


He looked down at his gradually transparent body and said with a smile: "The soul of my stay at this level has already begun to dissipate. If you can walk to the Ninth Mountain, maybe I have a chance to see you again.

There is nothing else in this mountain, you can try to take away the weapon left by that person, success and failure are all with you..."

After the words fell, Gu Zongqing's body became transparent, and then turned into stars, completely dissipating in place.

Hong Yun looked at the chess board placed in front of him.

He raised his hand to pinch a black stone and landed on the chessboard where the dragon had broken its head.

The chess piece falls.

I saw the world change color, and a cliff slowly emerged from somewhere on the top of the mountain, exuding extremely terrifying power.

The tyrannical coercion spread instantly.

Bai Qiuxue and the ancestor of the magic puppet who were in the illusion were instantly suppressed to the ground, and then they were directly separated from the illusion.

A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted, and he fell on the ground unable to move.

The red cloud, who was directly opposed, also felt the tyranny of this coercion, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Then stepped forward and came to the cliff with coercion.

Before the cliff, the fog dissipated, and a spear was inserted directly on the cliff wall, and the holy blood was spilled around, making it extremely hideous.

Hong Yun looked at the spear exuding endless coercion, and said in his heart: "Maybe this is the weapon of the person in Gu Zongqing's mouth."

A spear.

Moreover, from Hongyun's investigation, this spear was much more powerful than the sharp-killing spear in his hand.

The most important thing is that this is not the person's personal treasure.

Just take it out and nail Gu Zongqing in place, just like the treasure that Hongyun gave to Xiao Daji.

The light flashed.

The Killing Spear appeared directly in Hongyun's hands, exuding a provocative light, and felt a little ready to move.

It seems that I want to step up and compare with it.

A hint of doubt appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then I saw the black light above the Gunslinger, and a swallowing law emerged spontaneously.

The gun body flew up in the air and rushed directly to the long spear on the cliff in front.

When the two met on the first day, a huge roar broke out.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and as soon as he wanted to step forward to bring the Gunkiller back, he saw an extreme suction exploding between the two.

As if to let the two merge.

Hong Yun couldn't help but his expression changed, and he quickly stepped forward, trying to forcibly bring the Gunslinger back.

After all, he is the best at the moment, and the highest grade is the Killing Spear. If something goes wrong with the Killing Spear, his power will drop by more than 30%.

But the next moment, he was forced by the suction between the two and flew back directly.

Can only stand not far away, watching the two merge.

A look of helplessness appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then sighed, only to stay in place and wait for the result.

And the two Bai Qiuxue below, as the two spears swallowed each other and merged, both stood up.

Looking at the top of the mountain with horror in his eyes.

They couldn't imagine what happened on the top of the mountain, which caused such terrible pressure to spread out.

It directly forced them out of the illusion.

The two looked at each other, and then headed toward the top of the mountain. At this moment, the formation on the mountain had no effect on them.

When they came to the top of the mountain, they saw the red clouds with their backs to them.

The ancestor of the devil puppet sighed lightly, and then said: "Master, I'm waiting for it."

Bai Qiuxue also took a step forward, staring blankly at the chaotic light on the cliff in front, and was a little stunned for a while.

Based on her cultivation level, it is not difficult to understand that the incomparable coercion before has spread from this.

But she didn't understand the situation in front of her.

Hong Yun opened his mouth and said, "Will you continue to go on?"

The devil puppet ancestor shook his head and said: "The old slave has injuries, and the rest will be done by the master, and the old slave will be put away..."

Hong Yun gave a chuckle as he was about to put it away.

He heard Bai Qiuxue on the side: "Senior, please put away your underneath. My cultivation level, even if it is placed among the sages, is also the lowest level existence. Now it is considered as giving up. Take it out."

Hong Yun smiled, and then with a big hand, he put the two in the Universe Promise Gourd again.

After continuing to watch the fusion of the two, his brows began to frown slightly.


Just when Hong Yunjing waited for the integration of the two to complete.

Qin Yutian and others also came to this second mountain from the first mountain, but just after they set foot on the mountain road, they were pulled in by the illusion.

After they were dragged into the illusion.

Above the mountain.

The fusion of the two spears also came to an end. When the chaotic light dissipated, one spear was seen floating in the air.

In the constant groaning sound, the gun barrel trembled.

Hong Yun could clearly feel the change in power from it, and today's "God Killing Spear" should be regarded as a treasure of the realm master level.

A touch of joy appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and when he held the Gunslinger in his hand.

However, as soon as he took the gun, he felt that there were two completely different spirit bodies in the gun body.

One is a spirit body that kills the gun, and the other is a strange spirit body.

If there is no accident, it should be from the previous spear.

Hong Yun never expected that these two treasures would fuse together in such a strange way, and even gave birth to two opposite spirit bodies.

Hong Yun was a little surprised for a while.

In the next moment, the fog in front of him cleared, and the shadow of the third mountain was looming.

He didn't think much anymore, put away the Gunslinger and hurried towards the Third Mountain.


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