I Have a Trillion Merits

: Mountain Spirit

Came to the third mountain, which is very different from the previous two mountains.

This third mountain is not so much a mountain as it is an island, but it is not surrounded by the vast ocean.

It's an endless river with a ferry crossing and a small boat at the ferry crossing.

An old man wearing a fur coat and a hat is sitting on the edge of the ship and fishing at the moment.

The river is clear and the bottom is visible to the naked eye, but there seems to be no fish in the river.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and there was a divine light in his eyes, trying to explore the real body of the old man with a unique way of looking at the air.

But when he first came into contact with the old man, he noticed a tyrannical power of divine consciousness that blocked his exploration and even alarmed the old man in front of him.

The old man turned his head, looked at Hongyun not far away, and said with a smile: "Does the guest officer want to take a boat?"

Hong Yun frowned and said, "Exactly, but I don't have any shipping costs."

The old man laughed loudly and said: "The old ship does not need to use the ship's money. The guest officer can rest assured that he will take you to the third mountain."

Hong Yun frowned tightly after hearing this.

There shouldn't be anyone in this secret realm. Gu Zongqing's remnant soul is already weird enough, why there is a boatman here that he can't see.

And he looked at the long river in front of him, and there seemed to be a special law on it.

Even he didn't dare to try to fly over the river volley, for fear of capsize in this gutter, that would be really fun.

Hong Yun put away the Gunslinger, and then carefully stepped onto the boat in front of him.

The old man looked at Hong Yun's cautious appearance, suddenly a weird smile appeared on his face, and then he supported the long pick in his hand and left the shore directly.

Slowly rushing towards the third mountain on the river.

Hong Yun was sitting on the boat, looking curiously at the river below, and then tentatively took a handful of river water with his hands.

Even if possessed by the power of law, his hand was corroded yellowish.

Hong Yun frowned and shook slightly, then shook off the burnt yellow marks on his hands, and then looked at the river below with a look of uncertainty.

The old man smiled when he saw it, "Guardian, the water in this river is not ordinary water. It is rumored that it was left by the immortals who created the nine mountains. Ordinary people will fall. I am afraid that there will be no scum left.

Upon hearing this, Hongyun became more and more suspicious of the identity of the old man.

The moment he turned his head, he saw that the smile on the old man's face became more and more weird, and the bottom of the boat where the two were on began to gradually become transparent and even disappear...

It's just that Hongyun didn't notice it.

This third mountain exudes a special law that can shield people's consciousness and perception, making him look like an ordinary human in this respect.

The old man still held the boat on his own.

It's just that the distance between the ship and the third mountain seems to be getting farther and farther, not as close as expected.

Even a fog rose between the two, blocking the line of sight.

At this moment, Hong Yun also noticed something wrong, and quickly turned around to look at the old man beside him, raising his hand and holding it lightly in the void. The endless pressure of time and space was around the old man.

However, this powerful space-time force dissipated within an inch of the old man's body, as if it had never appeared before.

But the smile on the old man's face became more and more weird.

He stretched out his hand and pointed his finger downward, motioning Hong Yun to look down the ship.

I saw the transparent bottom of the boat, under the transparent river water, a body that was the same as a red cloud lying quietly at the bottom of the river.

The red cloud eyebrows are full of fierce air.

He always felt that this scene was a bit familiar, and suddenly thought of the last difficulty of Journey to the West, he sneered in his heart.

He said in a cold voice, "I dare to show some tricks."

As he said, the laws around the body were surging, a torrent of terrifying mana swept all around, and the endless river exploded and slammed.

It seems that the boat under them will be submerged and destroyed.

But when the river water came three feet away from the boat, it was directly in the air, condensing into a huge dragon of hundreds of feet, and attacked towards the red cloud.

Hong Yun raised his brows lightly, and then his long sleeves flew up, and Xiao Bai jumped out of it.

The body rose in the air, directly rising to a thousand feet.

The Baizhang water dragon was in front of him, but it was only a little thicker than Xiaobai's beard, which looked very strange.

Upon seeing this, the old man couldn't help but change his expression, and exclaimed, "Swallow a clan?"

Before the voice fell, I saw Xiao Bai's mouth opened directly, and he bit down at the water dragon, swallowing it completely into his abdomen.

The water dragon enters the body and exudes a terrifying chick burning sound.

But Xiao Bai's face didn't show the slightest pain, and some just enjoyed it.

Hongyun looked at the old man with a smile, his eyes full of joking.

The old man looked terrified, and when he was about to turn over and jump off the boat, he entered the river.

However, Hong Yun was one step ahead of him, came directly to the front, reached out and directly held the old man's neck, making it impossible to move.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "What is the third mountain, you should tell me now!"

The old man showed a touch of pain on his face, and then said with difficulty: "I am the guardian spirit of the third mountain. As long as this third mountain survives, I will never die.

Fool, the master allows you to enter the secret realm. You should be grateful and let go of the old quickly..."

Hongyun sneered in a low voice, "Guardian spirit of the Third Mountain?"

As he said, he directly took the old man and dived into the bottom of the river, came to the body like him, and took a closer look.

This body is not only indistinguishable from him, but also possesses the same cultivation base at the level of a saint, just like his copy, which is shocking.

Hong Yun held the old man's neck with one hand, and the body with the other, and returned directly to the boat.

After arriving on the boat, Hong Yun's body was shocked, dispelling all the corrosive power, and then looked at the old man and said, "What is this?"

The old man laughed and said: "He is you, you are him, haha..."

Hong Yun frowned slightly, twisted the old man's neck directly, and then used the law to directly destroy it.

The boatman's body completely disappeared.

Only in the next moment, I saw the boatman rushing out of the river and onto the boat. He looked at Hongyun and smiled disdainfully: "I said, if the third mountain is not destroyed, I will never die, kid... "

Before he could finish his words, he was destroyed by Hongyun again and completely disappeared.

But no matter how Hongyun did it, the old man would jump from the river below and onto the boat.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and then tied it directly to the bow of the ship, using the power of the ancestor of the demon puppet to bet and fight enslavement to push it toward the third mountain.

It's like a horse running with a carriage.


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