I Have a Trillion Merits

: Meet Gu Zongqing again

Qin Yutian looked at the empty mountain top, and a sense of grief and anger rose in his heart.

The best things in the first mountain are gone, but some classics are left more or less to let them know the identity of the master here.

They went to the second mountain a step late, the treasure was taken here, and they could only admit it.

As a result, when I came to the Third Mountain, I didn't even see a treasure. That person was actually included in the bag along with the mountains and rivers. It was really not a son of man.

Behind him, the other saints also came to the top of the Third Mountain one after another. Looking at Qin Yutian, who looked aggrieved and sorrowful and angry, a faint sense of anxiety rose in his heart.

Someone couldn't believe it in a low voice: "Could it be that I am a step too late to wait?"

A group of people looked at the empty mountain top, unanimously feeling aggrieved in their hearts, and then jumped directly off the cliff to look for the fourth mountain.


At this moment, Hongyun has reached the top of the Fourth Mountain.

This fourth mountain is different from the other three mountains in that the coercion when climbing is extremely strong, and ordinary saints cannot climb under this coercion in the mid-term.

In other words, the group of saints behind Qin Yutian, or latecomers, will be screened out a lot.

Not only that, there are still earth evils on the way to climb the mountain, the wind and thunder refine, temper the soul, sharpen the flesh, it can be regarded as a special opportunity.

At the top of the mountain, Hong Yun stepped forward and hurried straight to the only palace on the top of the mountain.

But before he reached the distance of one hundred feet of the palace, a magical earth law instantly spread, and he rushed straight towards the red cloud.

This law of the earth is slightly different from the five-element law he had previously understood, but it did not pose any threat to him.

While his figure flickered, he directly sank into the palace, and found the place where the treasure was hidden here, and hundreds of artifacts were placed in it.

The lowest ones are all Lingbao ranks, which shows that Gu Zongqing's background is profound.

Hong Yun waved his big hand and put away these hundreds of treasures.

But the next moment, after he sensed Qin Yutian who was rushing through the mountain, he hesitated for a while, then shook his fingers, shaking out two poor quality spirit treasures, and then turned and rushed to the fifth mountain.


After Qin Yutian and others arrived at the Fourth Mountain, they saw that the palace gate had already been opened, and they suddenly felt bad.

Dang Even turned into a rainbow light and ran directly into the palace.

But after seeing the two low-quality spirit treasures left in the palace, he was so angry that he trembled, and murmured: "The thief is really deceiving people too much!"

With that, he summoned those two Lingbao and threw one to Yuqingzi.

Then he flew in the direction of the fifth mountain.

Among the nine mountains, starting from the fourth mountain, is the mountain of flashback laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In addition to the corresponding Taoist species on each mountain, there are some rare treasures left by Gu Zongqing, the mysterious medicine. .

Even the formations at the outermost periphery of the mountain are generally the same, but this gives Hongyun a lot of convenience.

It can be said that until the eighth mountain, the red clouds were unimpeded, and after taking the Tao seeds and treasures, they rushed to the next mountain.

However, he would also leave some treasures to Qin Yutian later, and then stepped forward listening to the incompetent roar from behind.

After exploring the Eighth Mountain, a beam of light fell from the sky and directly hit Hong Yun's body, bringing it into a mysterious space.

This space is somewhat similar to the mysterious space full of Dao Ze's blades that he first entered the secret realm.

It's just that there is light, wind, mountains and water here, and you can even see spiritual creatures wandering here, birds and beasts walking and playing in it.

A look of horror appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and he felt like the Promise Palace.

Although he had known that Gu Zongqing was a powerhouse at the half-step world master level, he did not expect that the place where Gu Zongqing sat and transformed was actually a small world he created.

This really surprised him.

In the very center of this small world, a high mountain rises, like a mountain in the wild when it was not broken by Gonggong.

Hongyun turned into a rainbow and went straight to this mountain.

What surprised him was that his road was unimpeded, and he soon came to the foot of the Ninth Mountain.

Hong Yun looked at the mist in front of him, her eyes flickered, and then he stepped directly into the mist and headed towards the Ninth Mountain.

For the creatures here, the fog here serves as an isolation, yes, the creatures here cannot enter the range of the Ninth Mountain.

But it is only for the creatures under the saint.

Hongyun previously covered the positive space with divine consciousness. It is not so much a small world here, as it is a relatively vast land.

The eight mountains he had walked over, including the ninth mountain in front of him, were the connecting points of this continent to prevent the continent from collapsing.

It has to be said that this Gu Zongqing is indeed a talent of heaven. He used a mortal to ascend the half-step world master, and attempted to create a world by himself with such means, and even had a great chance of success.

It's just a pity that there is no destiny race here, and this continent has not been able to give birth to heaven after all, only simple rules survive.

Soon, Hongyun came to the foot of the mountain, and a voice of vicissitudes of life came from the top of the mountain: "Little friend, please come up and tell!"

It is Gu Zongqing's voice!

I saw Hong Yun in front of him, all the formations were opened when the voice fell, and he made a way for him to directly climb to the top.

At the top of the Ninth Mountain, there is still the familiar thatched house, the chessboard, and Gu Zongqing who is tasting tea.

Gu Zongqing smiled and pointed to the stone bench in front of him.

Hong Yun unceremoniously did it directly.

Gu Zongqing smiled and said: "Family Daoists come here, but I understand a truth..."

Hong Yun was surprised: "What is the reason?"

Gu Zongqing smiled and said, "Goose has plucked hair!"

When Hongyun heard this, his old face blushed, and he immediately defended: "I have left them a lot of treasures, and I can't call them a goose plucking."

Gu Zongqing raised his finger in front of him, and a light curtain appeared in an instant, reflecting on it were Qin Yutian and others who stood on the top of the Seventh Mountain and doubted their life.

That expression was a bit aggrieved.

Hong Yun said sternly: "In this way, these people's minds have yet to be cultivated. If we are all hesitating, how can I see the realm above the realm master?"

After Gu Zongqing heard Hongyun's words, she was a little surprised for a while, and shook her head with a random smile.

"The little guy in the third mountain is a little bit off-tempered, and I will have to trouble the little friends in the future."

Hong Yun knew who Gu Zongqing was talking about, it was the old man-like mountain spirit from Third Mountain, but after being reprimanded by his own good students, the other party had already converged a lot.

With his generous temperament, he would naturally not settle accounts afterwards.

Hong Yun nodded immediately.

Gu Zongqing smiled, raised his hand to disperse the fog outside the Ninth Mountain, and asked: "What do you think of my world?"


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