Upon hearing this, Hong Yun said straightforwardly: "In my opinion, this is not a world, at best it can only be regarded as a continent."

Gu Zongqing was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said, "That's true."

As Hongyun said, this place is indeed more like a larger piece of land than the world.

And it's still relying on the land in the Hongmeng.

He didn't even have his own coordinates.

But this is already the limit he can achieve. After all, he is just a practitioner in the middle and thousands of worlds, far less profound than those in the great worlds.

In this starry sky, a great world could be born.

And that Great Thousand World had indeed been born, it was Hongmeng, but when they were seized by their group of people, they fell to the realm.

So in this starry sky, there is no big world so far.

If it were possible to go out, Gu Zongqing would not choose to come here to seize the opportunity. As a result, his current small world is only close to a continent.

Gu Zongqing looked at Hongyun and said with a smile: "I saw you take away all the Taoism, have you come to that point?"

"Half-step world master?"

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, now he is just the peak state of the saint's late stage, and he is still a long way from the half-step world master.

At least until the Promise Palace is completely formed, he will not be able to become a half-step world master.

However, the time to form the Promise Palace is also fast.

When the two were talking and laughing, they saw that Qin Yutian and others had arrived at the Eighth Mountain and saw the empty Eighth Mountain.

At this moment, each face was angry, trying to find the location of the Ninth Mountain.

Gu Zongqing's eyes lit up and said, "Since you have got the treasure from the previous eight mountains, how about leaving now!"

Hong Yun watched Gu Zongqing change his previous attitude, a look of doubt rose in his heart.

Then he cautiously said: "Since the seniors have been sitting down, leaving those things outside of the body is useless. How about giving them all to the juniors?"

Gu Zongqing was stunned for a while. He couldn't think of how Hong Yun would say such words.

After hesitating for a moment, he raised his hand and summoned a golden armor suit, saying: "This is my personal treasure. I have taken the core of the Shifang Xiaoqian World and found the master level refined by the artifact master. The treasure, the Qinglan shirt, has the strongest defense, including the defense of the soul, far surpassing all the treasures in your hand."

With that said, Gu Zongqing sent the Qinglan shirt in his hand directly in front of Hong Yun, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that this Hongyun could say such remarks so shamelessly.

The things here, according to his previous calculations, will be enough for him to reappear in the world after he has absorbed the cultivation base and spirit of the latecomers.

And those things taken by latecomers will all return to their original owners when they reach the Ninth Mountain.

Even the previous ancestors of the Wang family accidentally fell into Qingluan Valley, it was his calculation.

It's just that he didn't expect that such a guy would come in this time, he didn't know what he was doing, and he didn't even have the slightest confidence.

Just in case, he still needs to send it away first.

Hong Yun took the Qinglan shirt and found that it was indeed as Gu Zongqing had said, possessing the strongest defensive power, even surpassing the twelfth-grade golden lotus.

And the most important thing is to be on the body at all times, which will produce an unexpected effect.

After Hong Yun took the Qing Lan shirt, he erased all the marks left by Gu Zongqing on it, and then directly refined it in front of the latter.

I saw that the people before me had begun to explore the Eighth Mountain.

Gu Zongqing took a deep breath and said, "I have already given you the things, fellow Taoists should leave now!"

Hong Yun put the Qinglan shirt on himself, changing into the red robe before, and said with a light smile: "Could it be that fellow Taoist only has this treasure."

Gu Zongqing endured his anger and said: "My weapon was damaged as early as that year, and I don't know where it fell. As for the collection over the years, isn't it just being acquired by fellow daoists?"

Hong Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "That's the same thing."

When Gu Zongqing saw that Hongyun believed her words, she immediately smiled and said, "Since there is no need for fellow Daoist here, please let fellow Daoist take the little guy and leave!"

After Hong Yun took the Third Mountain and left, the secret realm here would last for at most three days, leaving him with little time.

He must finish his back hand quickly, or he will die.

This 10,000-year plan will be completely frustrated.

Looking at the opponent's increasingly unkind face, Hong Yun also had a curious look in his heart, but just in case.

He still nodded and said: "If this is the case, then thank the senior for the gift, and the junior will leave now."

As he said, he arched his hands at Gu Zongqing, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Gu Zongqing didn't doubt that he was there, and immediately smiled and waved his hand, opening a void passage here, leading to thousands of miles beyond Qingluan Valley.

Seeing this, Hongyun summoned the third mountain and river. After putting it away, he raised his foot and walked in.

In an instant he came to Qingluan Valley thousands of miles away.

After Hong Yun was gone, Gu Zongqing showed an ugly look on his face, and the laws around his body were boiling.

The things in the eight mountains in front are all lures that attract latecomers to the ninth mountain, and it is also the foundation for him to quickly practice after regaining his life.

After all, after he swallowed the cultivation base of those people, he would probably have to practice again.

After all, the laws of this world are different from those of the Dagan world, and it is impossible for him to continue to practice using the laws of the Dagan world.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongqing became more and more angry.

Then with a wave of his hand, the appearance here changed drastically, and the thatched house on the ninth mountain disappeared in an instant, and a towering palace appeared.

Among them, there are many formations, and the inner u has a fatal attraction for the saint.

Just like the opportunity to become a world master, no saint can resist it.

It's just that in addition to that unnecessary opportunity, there are only endless murderous opportunities.

After preparing everything, Gu Zongqing turned around and walked into the palace, opening the passage from the Eighth Mountain to the Ninth Mountain.


At this moment, Hong Yun, dressed in a green haze shirt, was still curious about the secret realm in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he summoned the small tower, let it quietly bring himself back into the secret realm, and used special methods to completely hide himself.

He always felt that Gu Zongqing was a little weird, as if he had other plans.

When he returned to the boundary of the Ninth Mountain, he happened to see Qin Yutian and others climbing up the mountain.

At this moment, the Ninth Mountain had already changed its appearance.


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